AIAA St Louis Section Council Meeting

Thursday, 2 February 2017


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Chairman / Bob Dowgwillo / P
Vice Chair / David Peters / P
Secretary / Thomas Rehmeier / E
Treasurer / Chris Tavares / P
Advisor / Charles Svoboda / E
Advisor / Karen Copper / P
Advisor / Dan Brzozowski / A
Advisor / Todd Michal / A
Region V / Frank Youkhana / P
Programs / Joe Sheehan / E
Career/Publicity / Karen Copper / P
Education / Charles Svoboda / E
History / Trent Duff / A
Honors & Awards / Sam Butler / A
Membership / Nic Moffitt / P
Newsletter / Alex Davies / P
Pilot Education / Bradley Rafferty / P
Public Policy / Frank Youkhana / P
Retirees/Publicity / John Mohr / A
Service Projects / Brad Sexton / P
STEM / Marlana Goldsmith / A
Strategic Planning / Larry Brase / E
Tech Specialist / Jeff Geear / A
Webmaster / Alex Davies / P
Young Professionals / Thomas Rehmeier / E

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The meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m. after several technical glitches involving visitor badges and Internet connections. Five elected members where present, and a quorum was declared.

Old Business

·  Movie Night

·  February Movie: Wings over Water, February 3 @ B. 100.

·  Dinner Meetings

·  January: "Unknown Stories from Space”, Robert Zimmerman, Probstein Golf Course Clubhouse; joint meeting with REACH

·  Technical Specialist Meetings

·  None

·  CAT III Funding Status on Rube Goldberg Device – Brad Sexton.

·  Status. Moving along

·  Newsletter article will be given to Secretary.

·  Status of name tag delivery. Two tags still not to their rightful owners. Bob Dowgwillo will deliver.

·  Approval of December minutes was passed.

·  Approval of January minutes was passed.

Chairman Report – Bob Dowgwillo

1.  Recognize Dr. Ed Whalen as our newest Associate Fellow. It was noted that Prof. Hosder of Missouri S&T also became an Associate Fellow and will be recognized in the next Newsletter.

2.  Midway in the Section year, each officer should be prepared to give our Chair an assessment of how they feel their area of responsibility is moving along. Bob will contact you.

3.  National Elections! Polls open Feb 6, close 31 March. Encourage section membership to participate.

4.  If Boeing employee, don’t forget to turn in YOUR Volunteer Hours


b.  Recommended to keep a log so you don’t forget. The hours can pile up quickly.

c.  Hours must be reported in increments of 25 to be given credit. Thereafter followed an off-the-record discussion of this rule.

d.  Council Members are encouraged to submit hours.

e.  Please contact Chris Tavares if there are special designations for your matching.

5.  AIAA posters for display in each councilmember’s area…ask Bob Dowgwillo.

6.  Attended SciTech 2017. See From the Chair column in newsletter.

Vice Chairman Report – David Peters

·  Vice Chair is learning by osmosis despite his advanced age of three-score years and ten. Congratulations!

RAC V Report – Frank Youkhana

·  January telecon report has been sent to Secretary.

·  Next RAC V telecon on 8 February. Article sent to Secretary.

·  Remember to send reports of unique Section events to Chris Jessee.

·  $1100 of CAT III funds available.

·  National encouraging nomination for national awards to come from the Sections.

·  The St. Louis Section is currently the only RAC V Section reporting an increase in membership.

Secretary Report – Thomas Rehmeier

·  Nametags available but not at this meeting.

·  Minutes will be sent out after meeting for review.

Treasurer’s Report – Chris Tavares

·  Report will be forwarded to Secretary for inclusion in minutes. In general, midyear budget is strong.

·  Volunteer matching? Don’t forget about directed allocation of the matching funds to the Section activity of your choice.

·  $60 outstanding from January meeting. Will be collected and deposited before next meeting.

Advisor: Dan Brzozowski not present

Advisor: Karen Copper no advice given but is willing to offer advice if asked.

Advisor: Todd Michal not present

Advisor: Charlie Svoboda not present

New Business

AIAA St Louis Section Calendar of Events to be updated by Chair

Date / Event / Location / Time / Contact /
January 6 / Movie Night:
The Martian / Boeing B100 / 17:00 Prologue Room Doors Open
18:00 Movie in Auditorium / Karen Copper
January 19 / Dinner Meeting: Distinguished Lecturer – Robert Zimmerman – “Unknown Stories from Space: Astronaut Adventures that did not Reach the Press” / The Courses at Forest Park / 17:30 Sign-In/Dinner
18:30 Presentation
19:30 Social/Networking / Mike Rossi
January / Tech Spec Meeting: Paper Author / Jeff Geear
February 2 / Movie Night:
Wings Over Water / “B-17 Flying Fortress” / Boeing B100 / 17:00 Prologue Room Doors Open
18:00 Movie in Auditorium / Karen Copper
February 16 / Dinner Meeting: co-sponsor with SLU – FAA Speaker Phil Dixon* / SLU / 17:00 Sign-In/Dinner
18:00 Presentation
19:00 Social/Networking / Mike Rossi & Brad Rafferty
February / Tech Spec Meeting: WU Tour / Jeff Geear & Dave Peters
February / E-Week Event
March 3 / Movie Night:
Bush Pilots: Denali Flyers / Boeing B100 / 17:00 Prologue Room Doors Open
18:00 Movie in Auditorium / Karen Copper
March / Dinner Meeting: Distinguished Lecturer – Todd Barber – “Red Rover, Red Rover, Send Curiosity Right Over” / Engineers Club / 17:00 Sign-In/Dinner
18:00 Presentation
19:00 Social/Networking / Mike Rossi,
Joe Sheehan
March / Tech Spec Meeting: Paper Author / Jeff Geear
April 7 / Movie Night:
Reach for the Sky / Boeing B100 / 17:00 Prologue Room Doors Open
18:00 Movie in Auditorium / Karen Copper
April / Dinner Meeting: Co-sponsor with AHS – Mike Duffy* -“Quadcopters & V/STOL with Hands-on Demonstration” / Pershall Park / 17:00 Sign-In/Dinner
18:00 Presentation & Outdoor Demonstration
19:00 Social/Networking / Mike Rossi
April / Tech Spec Meeting: SLU Tour / Jeff Geear
April / Section Elections
April / Science Fair Judging / Brad Sexton
May 5 / Movie Night:
Fly Away Home / Boeing B100 / 17:00 Prologue Room Doors Open
18:00 Movie in Auditorium / Karen Copper
May / Dinner Meeting: Honors & Awards / Norwood Hills Country Club / TBD / Mike Rossi & Sam Butler
May / Tech Spec Meeting: Paper Author / Jeff Geear
June / Section Planning Meeting / Washington University / New Chair

* Indicates tentative acceptance of dates/times

1. We will check with students and advisor at WU to see when Feb. WU Tour can be arranged. Handoff to Charlie Svoboda as Education Chair.

2. Received request from Casey Smith of SLU for assistance in funding a design/build/fly for the Oklahoma Speedfest Competition. The competition is to design and build an unmanned combat target aircraft for US Army training purposes using a Kingtech K45 turbine motor. Casey understands that other AIAA Sections have helped with funding like this. Requests a meeting to discuss the options. Competition is 28 April. Needs $500 for supplies and equipment, but will be glad for any level of sponsorship. Do you put a Gateway Section logo on the finished airplane? Possible funding items:

Oleo struts. $100

Braking Wheels. $95

Metal Gear Servos. $385

Section recognition on SLU website, aircraft, and display booth if we fund.

It was moved and passed that $385 be provided to the SLU team for actuators.

1.  Table at Engineer’s Week Activity Fair, B33, Feb 23, 11AM – 1PM. Todd Michal, Bob Dowgwillo, and Nic Moffitt will represent the Section. Others?

Committee Reports & Planning

Programs/Arrangements Joe Sheehan

·  Not Present.

·  Report: January Dinner Meeting (Brad Sexton).

·  Status: February Dinner Meeting (Brad Rafferty).

·  Status: March dinner meeting—Todd Barber from JPL to discuss the Curiosity Rover project.

·  Need up to date event database

·  Please send any topics / speaker / event ideas you may have.

Career Workforce Development Karen Copper

·  Nothing to report.

Education / College Outreach Charles Svoboda

·  Not present.

Historian Vacant

·  Rudy Yurkovich was discussed as potential chair.

Honors & Awards Sam Butler

·  Not present.

·  Award realignment committee will provide recommendations for next council meeting.

Membership Nic Moffitt

·  Report will be in Newsletter

·  Section Membership Report:

·  Review bulk Senior Member submittals for potential Assoc. Fellow nominations.

·  Need to recognize the other Associate Fellow elected from the Section: Dr. Serhat Hosder of Missouri S&T

·  Engagement with VP of Engineering – Chair in the past has done the reach out, Bob Dowgwillo takes action to engage. Pending

Newsletter Alex Davies

·  Not present.

Pilot Education Brad Rafferty

·  February Dinner Meeting: Phil Dixon from FAA to give talk on UAS regulation. Brad will send Dixon an email requesting a title of talk.

·  Website update pending.
See a need for a repository of information on flight schools, how to get pilots license, etc. for the local area. Students should be enlisted to help make web site more engaging and attractive. Will talk with SLU faculty advisor to get more involvement.

Public Policy Frank Youkhana

·  AIAA Congressional Visit Day in Washington DC on March 28/29. Interest? Webinar training available. Travel stipend available.

·  Frank has article half finished that will to the secretary to publicize the event.

·  List of any section CVD attendees to RAC V.

Publicity-Internal Karen Copper

·  Notices out for the Movie night 02/02 (Section AIAA Datamaker list + Boeing News Now calendar + Section SharePoint calendar/events)

·  Finalizing flyer for February Dinner meeting. It was approved that prices will be $3 for students, $7 for AIAA members, and $9 for nonmembers.

·  She needs input from the Council to get publicity out for Feb. 16 event.

·  Please use event planner spreadsheet to capture information needed for publicity fliers.

Retirees/General Public John Mohr

·  Not present and will vacate position.

Service Projects Brad Sexton

·  Challenge coins embedded in marble slap now discovered in archaeological find in a garage. These can now be given a regular gifts to speakers/presenters.

·  Next Science Fair is April 26, 2017. Need judges.

·  Will have as Section table at STEM activity at the Engineer’s Club on February 24.

·  Status: Plan for the 5 drawer file cabinets of Section records in Boeing B304/4W.

STEM Marlana Goldsmith Not present

·  Educator Associates numbers increased by ?

·  Status: Section participation in Space Systems TC middle school essay contest?

·  Status: YES (Youth Exploring Science) at the St Louis Science Center partnering with AIAA for part of their Spring curriculum?

·  Status: Science Night: Teaming with Curiosity Machine? Newsletter?

Strategic Planning Larry Brase

·  Not present

·  Could we target Feb activities to also support Engineers Week / Discover E?

o  Dream Big for Engineers Week 2017, 19–25 February
Every project, great or small, starts with a dream. A dream to create and build. Engineers engage their creativity and technical know-how to transform dreams into reality. They are dreamers across the professional spectrum from transportation, to agriculture, to medicine and beyond. This year DiscoverE and AIAA encourage you to dream and to Dream Big! Check out the rich resources available to you to host events in your area at and please share your plans to participate through social media with the hashtags: #AIAA and #EWeek2017!

·  New AIAA Fellows announced

Includes 3 from Boeing

o  Naval Agarwal

o  Steven Griffin

o  Todd Zarfos

·  Upcoming election – each member will receive email instructions when poll is opened.

Includes 2 from our company

o  Sophia Bright - Director Engineering & Tech. Mgmt. Group

o  Steven Griffin - Director Space & Missiles Group

Technical Specialist Meetings Jeff Geear

·  Not present.

·  Status: KC-46 Tanker, ScanEagle, and T-X.

·  Contacting local authors of AIAA papers presented at SciTech.

Webmaster Alex Davies

·  Keeping SharePoint current.

·  Populating calendar.

·  We need to pull down share point at least once a month to keep email lists active. Also, some on our distribution list are not AIAA members and must be refreshed on each list. We will look into some more advanced technology to make this happen.

Young Professionals Thomas Rehmeier

·  Not present.

·  Status: YP Career Path Event

·  Young Professionals Award announcement. Need nominees! Deadline 24 February


·  None for this month.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.

Saint Louis Officer’s Roster

Office / Officeholder / Address / Telephone / E-Mail
Chair / Bob Dowgwillo / *MC S306-4030 / 314-234-1013 /
Vice Chair / David Peters / WashU, Urbauer Hall, Rm 314G / 314-935-4337 /
Secretary / Thomas Rehmeier / *MC S064-7612 / 314-232-2986 /
Treasurer / Chris Tavares / *MC S598-2464 / 314-777-4663 /
Advisor / Charles Svoboda / *MC S306-4035 / 314-545-2363 /
Advisor / Todd Michal / *MC S306-4030 / 314-234-4027 /
Advisor / Karen Copper / *MC S102-1380 / 314-234-5742 /
Advisor / Dan Brzozowski / *MC S102-2152 / 314-563-5146 /
Region V Rep / Frank Youkhana / *MC S270-1121 / 314-234-4811 /
Committee / Chair / Address* / Telephone / E-Mail
Career Workforce Development / Karen Copper / *MC S102-1380 / 314-234-5742 /
Education / College Outreach / Charles Svoboda / *MC S306-4035 / 314-545-2363 /
Historian / Trent Duff / Home / 636-456-6339 /
Honors & Awards / Sam Butler / *MC S064-2925 / 314-777-0896 /
Membership / Nic Moffit / *MC S306-4030 / 314-234-3864 /
Newsletter / Alex Davies / *MC S270-4420 / 314-563-5049 /
Pilot Education / Brad Rafferty / *MC S306-4030 / 314-545-5076 /
Programs and
Arrangements / Joe Sheehan / *MC S064-2415 / 314-777-3175 /
Public Policy / Frank Youkhana / *MC S270-1121 / 314-234-4811 /
Publicity-Internal / Karen Copper / *MC S102-1380 / 314-234-5742 /
Retirees/General Public / John Mohr / Home / 314-567-3398 /
Service Projects / Brad Sexton / *MC S306-4030 / 314-232-7826 /
STEM / Marlana Goldsmith / *MC S106-9700 / 314-232-3984 /
Strategic Planning / Larry Brase / *MC S102-1380 / 314-234-4907 /
Technical Specialist Meetings / Jeff Geear / *MC S106-5270 / 314-777-8280 /
Webmaster / Alex Davies / *MC S270-4420 / 314-563-5049 /
Young Professionals / Thomas Rehmeier / *MC S064-7612 / 314-232-2986 /

* The Boeing Company, P.O. Box 516, St. Louis MO 63166

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