Developmental Rubrics

(PreK – 9)

Score / Catching / Dribble/Hand / Dribble/Foot / Kick / Strike / Throw / Volley
7 / Can catch an object thrown with increased velocity / Can dribble around moving obstacles using dominant and non-dominant hands / Can control a ball with feet with greater speed and agility / Performs a variety of kicks with increased velocity / Strikes and returns a ball with increased velocity / Can hit a moving target / Can volley with increased accuracy
6 / Can catch while moving / Can dribble while moving with greater speed / Can dribble a ball with control at greater speed / Performs a variety of kicks with increased accuracy / Strikes with greater accuracy toward an intended target / Throws with increased velocity / Can sustain a volley with two or more people
5 / Can transfer skills to a game situation / Can transfer skills to a game situation / Can transfer skills to a game situation / Can demonstrate a variety of kicks (stationary/moving ball) using various types of balls and can transfer skills to a game situation / Transfers skills to a game situation / Can transfer skills to a game situation / Can volley a ball and transfer skills to a game situation
4 / Can catch a variety of objects / Can dribble with either hand while moving / Can dribble a ball around moving obstacles using both feet / Can drop kick a ball before it touches the ground / Steps toward and makes contact with a moving object / Shows trunk rotation and accuracy / Volley a ball tossed by a partner, arms and hands in proper position, follows through toward target
3 / Can catch a self-tossed ball / Can dribble with dominant hand while moving / Can move a ball using a variety of pathways, can dribble around or through various obstacles / Runs up to a stationary ball, makes contact with dominant foot, follows through toward target / Steps toward and makes contact with a stationary object / Follows through toward target / Self toss and volley a lightweight ball showing lower body flexion
2 / Can catch a bounced ball from a partner / Can dribble with one hand in self-space while keeping control of the ball / Can move a ball using dominant and non-dominant feet while keeping ball in control and close to the body / Walks up to stationary ball, makes contact with dominant foot / Shows side orientation and proper grip with a short-handed implement / Shows opposition / Can volley a balloon, maintaining control
1 / Arms extended toward thrower, shows avoidance reaction / Can bounce a ball using one or two hands / Can move a ball with feet / Limited movement, leg dominant / Limited movement, arm dominated, no implement / Limited movement, arm dominated / Moves hand or fist toward object to strike
NS / No score / No score / No score / No score / No score / No score / No score