London Visual Impairment Forum

Planning Group Meeting


9.10 -12.00am

Room 4, RNIB, 105 Judd St, London WC1H 9NE



Peter Corbett (PC) TPT (Chair)

Sharon Schaffer (SS) LVIF

Tricia Smickle (TS) Action

Richard Holmes (RH) RNIB

Laurence Gardner (LG) Sensory Team, Camden

Ollie Natelson (ON) BBSI

Mike Woolston (MW) Guide Dogs


Roger Clifton (RC) ELVis/TPT

Stan Lopes (SL) LB Wandsworth

Roy Benjamin (RB) MSSC


Cathy Low (CL) TPT


  • Introductions and apologies for absence
  • Matters arising from previous minutes - none

1. Updates

Campaigns by RH

  • Mayor of London election:
  • Hustings event organised by RNIB, attended by the 4 main parties' candidates
  • Questions were submitted prior to the meeting by targeted orgaisations, covering transport, hate crime, amoung other topics in the mayoral remit
  • 150-200 people in attendance
  • Feedback from attendees was positive - the candidates were well researched and informed
  • A document will be published in a year's time detailing the candidates' responses at this event, so that the Mayor can be held to account
  • An event report will be available shortly on the RNIB website - ACTION: RH to send link to the Mayoral Hustings Report, when available, to SS for distribution
  • Cycle Superhighway
  • Plans are in place for the North-South Highway to include Judd St, and remove the pelican crossing (in favour of a zebra crossing) outside RNIB HQ.
  • RNIB responded to TfL's consultation (which closed on 20th March) to relook at this superhighway, with special address to the zebra crossing.
  • Realistically, it is unlikely that the cycle superhighway will be re-routed, but the pelican crossing might be saveable.
  • RNIB is meeting TfL in a couple of weeks time
  • Decisions expected at end of May
  • Laws on 'Right of Way' need to be highlighted - ACTION:RH to draw up an outline for use in this campaign
  • Direct Action proposal: a continuous stream of VI people exercising their right of way for a given period of time on a given day, to demonstrate the impact on traffic flow.
  • Health Information: Accessible Information Standard (AIS)
  • Toolkit is now available on RNIB website, which includes a template for individuals to take to their GP detailing their communication requirements
  • Link to 'Need it to read it' campaign toolkit:
  • Campaign hotline phone number: 020 7391 2123
  • RNIB are negotiating that the default font size for Ophthalmology Depts. to be standardised to at least font size 14
  • Link to Brent CCG's Test on AIS Implementation (if you get 20/20 you can print your own certificate!):

2. London Vision (Introduction to Cathy Low)

CL has recently been appointed as Director of London Projects at

TPT. She will be setting up London Vision and ensuring that links with

relevant organisatons are in place.

London Vision is designed to be an umbrella organisation, for Voluntary

Sector organisations across London, which interfaces with local

authorities, health bodies, LEHN, etc.(NB. Linking with Rehab Workers

Professional Network and RNIB's Early Interventions Project)

LVIF wil be part of London Vision, and will remain an inclusive forum,

whilst London Vision is designed to have an executive role, involving the

larger London based organisations, with an emphasis on addressing the

gaps and issues highlighted through the local vision strategies and

stakeholder campaigns.

TPT is also in the process of establishing an Engagement and Advocacy

directorate, led by Marsha de Cordova, with a remit to hold statutory sector service providers to account, alongside voluntary sector services where appropriate, led by Cathy.

3. Discussion Points:

  • Full Forum meeting 17.6.16 - Draft Agenda: approved
  • Cities Unlocked - currently linking with RLSB

ACTION: MW to investigate whether it is feasible to present a Cities Unlocked update at this meeting, and feedback to SS

  • Text Help
  • Following an online demonstration SS deemed it unsuitable for presentation at the LVIF meeting as it is more appropriate for larger organisations, health providers, etc, to embed into their websites
  • ACTION: PC and SS to look at ways of signposting this to relevant bodies.
  • London Underground Accessibility Workshop feedback (ON)
  • ON's feedback on the workshop was distributed prior to the meeting
  • Station Ticket Office Closures (LG)
  • Campaigning to keep ticket offices open has proved successful on a local level
  • RMT are currently considering conductor-free trains as well as Ticket Office-free stations
  • Can a campaign be undertaken to address this before the services are gone? (harder to reclaim a lost service than to maintain an existing one)

ACTION: RH to investigate current RNIB standing on this.

CL to liaise with RH to ensure this is part of London Vision's plan

  • A robust policy is needed outlining VI needs and requirements regardng an accessible transport system
  • Note: mindful that Wayfindr and Cities Unlocked must not beused as a reason to reduce staff at stations


  • TS: Action is currently advertising for an ECLO at St. Thomas's Hospital, and will shortly be advertising for one at the Royal Free too.
  • LG: Funding for RNIB/Action face to face counseling service is due to stop, in favour of resources being focused on the telephone counseling service
  • What level of qualifications are required
  • Could this be run by appropriately trained volunteers?... with a counselor at the hub?

ACTION: RH to investigate and feedback, so that a service policy/proposalcan be drawn up, and worked towards.

  • ON to link SS with Marcia Green re possible presentation to LVIF
  • Next meeting:Full Forum:17.6.16 (10am-3pm)
  • Planning Group: 15.7.16 (10am-12noon)
  • Discussion items
  • Ticket office closure policy
  • Counseling service policy