JUNE 10th, 2011 - The Parish of St. John the Evangelist will be having a Take out Roast Beef & Ham Cold Plate. The cost will be $10.00 per plate. Orders will be taken from May 22 – June 3rd. The cold plates can be picked up at the Parish Hall or can be delivered on the morning of Friday, June 10.

To help make this a successful event, we are asking for the assistance of our congregation. Donations of the following are needed and can be delivered to the hall on Wednesday June 8th either in the morning (via the office) or after 7 pm that evening.

Potatoes (10 lb. bags.) Iceberg lettuce, Fresh tomatoes,

Homemade cookies (drop cookies or firm squares). These will be packed in Ziploc Snack bags with 2 cookies per bag.

We also need help with:

Taking and delivering orders (sheets are available)

Helping at the hall on Wednesday evening, June 8

Helping at the hall on Thursday June 9 afternoon and evening.

Assembling orders in the hall on Friday morning, June 10

Please indicate how you are able to help by placing the bottom of this sheet in the collection plate or by giving it to Shirley Glynn, Betty Hiscock or Cindi Farrell.



I wish to donate:

Potatoes:___Lettuce: ___Tomatoes: ___Homemade cookies: _____

I am available to take and deliver orders:

I can help out at the hall on: ______; ______; ______:

NAME: ______

PHONE #: ______

Welcome to the Parish of

St. John the Evangelist

Conception Bay South, Newfoundland

June 5, 2011

The Bulletin is given to the Glory of God

and in Loving Memory of:

Rick Fifield


Paula & Family

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord”. Hearts are lifted to God in the Eucharist; signify our own ascension, says St. Augustine. Human beings have a profound desire to reach to the heavens. In the Eucharist, heaven and earth meet our hearts and are lifted up to God and we, for that moment in the Eucharist, are united with Him.

So in the celebration of the Eucharist today, we “lift up” all our hearts for it is right to give God thanks and praise.

Father John +

Anglican Cycle of Prayer

PRAY for Nsukka - (Province of the Niger, Nigeria)

Tri-Diocesan Intercessions

Parish of St. Philip’s

Rector-The Rev. Edward Keeping

Parish of Bay L’Argent

Rector-The Rev. Kenneth Abbott

Parish of Badger’s Quay/Pool’s Island

Rector-The Rev. John Nicolle

The sick

Mark MulcahyStephanie Richardson Ryder Pittman

Bev ChaytorDorothy Short

The BereavedFaithful Departed

Rod & Lois Baker & FamilyRoy Vardy (Rod’s Brother-in-law)

A donation has been given to the Cemetery Fund to the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of:

Rev. & Mrs. George Camp


Dorothy Hunt


The Roast Beef and Ham take-out cold plate is June 10th. Please call any vestry member or the office to place your order as soon as possible!

Mid Year Statements and Eagle News

Your mid year statements and a copy of the Eagle News is now available in the church foyer. Please take yours, review them and call the office if you have any questions or concerns. Also it would be appreciate if you could take your family members, neighbours, friends etc. and deliver them.

Education Leave

The Rector will be away from June 6th –June 10th to resume his final study towards his Doctor of Ministry Degree. He will be attending Trinity School for Ministry in Pittsburg, PA, USA. He asks for your prayers for this time of study.

Our penny total to date for 2011 is to $161.66. Thank you all for continuing to save pennies. There are penny containers at the back of the church if you would like one. For further information call Sharon @ 834-4102.

Summer Baptisms

Dates for baptism during Spring and Summer are as follows:

June 12th and July 31st. Our first baptism of fall will be September 11th.