London Music Boosters
November 4, 2013 Minutes
- Call to Order
- Kevin Krinsky, Custom Fundraising Solutions
- Looking to have this year's mattress sale January 25 or 26, 2014
- Same set up/incentives as last year
- In attendance: Tom Cox, Dianna Remley, Lisa Osterloh, Cynthia Boyd, Melissa Coates, Suzy Bennett, Gina & Randy Newsome, and Mr. Eisler
- October minutes approved as read
- Treasurer's Report: Since last meeting spent $1,401/income $328. Expenses totaled $29,645.11 and we brought in $24,732.55. Account balance = $25,906.31
- Still waiting on fall concessions check
- Cookie dough fundraiser did not bring in much
- Directors' Reports:
- Band: State schedule has been finalized and posted
- Students/people travelling directly with band should turn in $14 by Nov. 8 (covers buffet, drinks, and tip). Parents wanting to join us will pay out the door. Bus drivers eat free. An email will go out explaining.
- Banquet – Nov. 13 or 18?? at 6 pm.
- Guard: Do to scheduling issues there will be no Winter Guard.
- LES: Mrs. Bates has set up a LES music classroom website. Link has been added to the Music site.
- Committees:
- Concessions: First basketball concessions will be over the Thanksgiving break
- Communications: LMS musical, Annie Jr, will be November 21-22, 2013
- Pit Crew: Randy updated situation with donated golf cart. Steve Wilson estimates it to be around $600 to replace batteries and get running. Since we have a long-standing arrangement with J.D. for use of gator, it was decided to pass on the golf cart. Bob Davenport and Paul Yakey are interested in taking over Pit management for next year. Cynthia brought up the need to investigate who should be the proper owners/care-takers of the trailers…the school or the boosters?
- Finance: The 2012-2013 taxes are almost finalized.
- Wardrobe: Rain coats arrived. Discussed donating broken ones to a Girl Scout troop for Gold Award project. Will offer up coats with working zippers for $5 a piece…"own a piece of LHS band history"!Melissa moved to donate broken coats to Girl Scouts; Dianna seconded…motion passed.
- Fundraising: Cookie dough order has been submitted. Mattress sale will be January 25, 2014. Tom shared information about "Good Shop" program and Suzy provided samples/information on Fun Pasta fundraiser. Next meeting of the fundraising committee will be Nov. 18, 2013 at 6 p.m.
- Old Business:
- Still searching for person to serve out the remaining term of the Co-VP position vacated by Missy Glover. Cynthia expressed need to start thinking now about recruitments for next year's Band Camp.
- New Business:
- Band Room Decorating – Parents/family can hang good luck posters Saturday from 10 a.m. – noon. Hope to blow up balloons and store in Guard Room until after play. Email will go out to parents/guardians.
- Tom brought up Madison Press article regarding the School Board's desire to revisit supplements that may be reinstated. How should the Boosters communicate our list of spending priorities to the Board? Mr. Eisler felt passing it through him or sending the list directly to Mr. Ben was fine.
Melissa moved to adjourn; Cynthia seconded…motion passed.
The next meeting of the London Music Boosters will be December 9, 2013 at 7 p.m. in the High School Commons.