Lomeshaye Generic Yearly Overview – Year 3 2016 - 2017
Autumn Term 1w/c / Week 1
05/09/16 / Week 2
12/09/16 / Week 3
19/09/16 / Week 4
26/09/16 / Week 5
03/10/16 / Week 6
10/10/16 / Week 7
17/10/16 / Week 8
24/10/16 / Notes
Helen / Classic Poems to Perform / Classic Poems to Perform / Novel as a Theme BFG / Novel as a Theme BFG / Novel as a Theme BFG / Novel as a Theme BFG / Novel as a Theme BFG / Novel as a Theme BFG / Ourselves
English: classic poems to perform
Science: Health and Nutrition
CC subjects: D and T Food, PSHE
Roald Dahl
WOW Planned
English: Novel as a theme BFG
Bill / Place Value / Place Value / Place Value / Place Value
Mental Calculation / 2D shape
Length (perimeter) / Statistics
Mental Calculation / Written Addition / Written Subtraction
Lisa / Health and Nutrition
Creative Curriculum
Lisa / Ourselves / Ourselves / Roald Dahl
D and T Food / Roald Dahl
D and T Food / Roald Dahl
D and T Food / Roald Dahl
D and T Food / Roald Dahl
D and T Food / Roald Dahl
D and T Food
01/09/16 and 02/09/16
INSET / 13/09/16 EID / Year 3 Day 10
Year 4 Day 10
BFG performance in school. / Year 3 Day 10
Year 4 Day 10 / Year 3 Day 10
Year 4 Day 10
Autumn Term 2
w/c / Week 1
4days / Week 2
14/11/16 / Week 3
21/11/16 / Week 4
28/11/16 / Week 5
05/12/16 / Week 6
12/12/16 / Week 7
4 days / Notes
Bill / How to Train Your Dragon – Diaries or Non-Chronological reports. / How to Train Your Dragon – Diaries or Non-Chronological reports. / How to Train Your Dragon – Diaries or Non-Chronological reports. / How to Train Your Dragon – Diaries or Non-Chronological reports. / Poems on a theme
Short Christmas Stories / Poems on a theme
Short Christmas Stories / Poems on a theme
Short Christmas Stories / How to Train your Dragon
Out of School Trip - Eureka
English: Diaries/Non chronological reports
Science: Skeleton and Movement
CC subjects: D and T Mechanical Systems, History Anglo Saxons and Vikings
Lisa / Counting
Multiplication tables x3, x4 / Written and mental multiplication / Written and mental division / Time / 3D shape / Assess and Review
Helen / Skeleton and Movement
Creative Curriculum
Helen / How to Train Your Dragon
D and T Mechanical Systems
Anglo Saxons and Vikings / How to Train Your Dragon
D and T Mechanical Systems
Anglo Saxons and Vikings / How to Train Your Dragon
D and T Mechanical Systems
Anglo Saxons and Vikings / How to Train Your Dragon
D and T Mechanical Systems
Anglo Saxons and Vikings / Diversity Christianity / Diversity Christianity / Diversity Christianity
NB / INSET Monday 07/11/16
Year 3 Day 10
Year 4 Day 10 / Year 3 Day 10
Year 4 Day 10 / Year 3 Day 10
Year 4 Day 10
Spring Term 1
w/c / Week 1
09/01/17 / Week 2
16/01/17 / Week 3
23/01/17 / Week 4
30/01/17 / Week 5
06/02/17 / Notes
Lisa / Fairy Tales / Fairy Tales / Fairy Tales / Fairy Tales / Fairy Tales / Once Upon A Time
Creative Partner Nicole
Trip out – Jack and the Beanstalk.
English: Fairy Tales
Science: Forces and Magnets
CC subjects: D and T Textiles.
Helen / Place Value
Mental addition and subtraction / Fractions / Fractions
Division / Volume and Capacity
Mass / Multiplication including 8x table
Bill / Forces and Magnets
Creative Curriculum
Bill / Once Upon a Time
D and T Textiles / Once Upon a Time
D and T Textiles / Once Upon a Time
D and T Textiles / Once Upon a Time
D and T Textiles / Once Upon a Time
D and T Textiles
3 days off timetable
NB / Year 3 Day 10
Year 4 Day 10 / Year 3 Day 10
Year 4 Day 10 / Year 3 Day 10
Year 4 Day 10
Spring Term 2
w/c / Week 1
20/02/17 / Week 2
27/02/17 / Week 3
06/03/17 / Week 4
13/03/17 / Week 5
20/03/17 / Week 6
27/03/17 / Notes
Helen / Explanation Texts / Explanation Texts / Explanation Texts / Persuasive Letters / Persuasive Letters / Persuasive Letters / Every Picture Tells a Story
Plan a Visitor – Ed the Artist
English: Explanation Texts and Persuasive letters.
Science: Plants
CC subjects: Art
Bill / Multiplication (stats, measure, money) / 2D and 3D shapes including sorting / Addition and Subtraction (statistics) / Fractions / Position and direction / Time
Lisa / Plants
Creative Curriculum
Lisa / Every Picture tells a story / Every Picture tells a story / Every Picture tells a story / Every Picture tells a story / Every Picture tells a story / Every Picture tells a story
NB / Year 3 Day 10
Year 4 Day 10 / Year 3 Day 10
Year 4 Day 10 / Year 3 Day 10
Year 4 Day 10
Summer Term 1
w/c / Week 1
4 days / Week 2
24/04/17 / Week 3
4 days / Week 4
08/05/17 / Week 5
15/05/17 / Week 6
22/05/17 / Notes
Bill / Mystery / Mystery / Mystery / Arguments For and Against / Arguments For and Against / Arguments For and Against / Our Kingdom
English: Mystery and Discussions for and against.
Science: Light and Astronomy
CC subjects: Geography
Lisa / Multiplication facts (statistics) / Addition and Subtraction (measures) / Multiplication and Division (measures) / 2D shape including sorting / Decimals addition and subtraction (money) / 3D shape Including sorting
Helen / Light and Astronomy
Creative Curriculum
Helen / Our Kingdom / Our Kingdom / Our Kingdom / Our Kingdom / Our Kingdom / Our Kingdom
NB / Year 3 Day 10
Year 4 Day 10 / 01/05/17 Bank Hol / Year 3 Day 10
Year 4 Day 10 / Year 3 Day 10
Year 4 Day 10
Summer Term 2
w/c / Week 1
05/06/17 / Week 2
12/06/17 / Week 3
19/06/17 / Week 4
26/06/17 / Week 5
03/07/17 / Week 6
10/07/17 / Week 7
17/07/17 / Notes
Lisa / Novel as a theme / Novel as a theme / Novel as a theme / Novel as a theme / Novel as a theme / Novel as a theme / Novel as a theme / Journey to the Centre of the Earth
English: Novel as a theme
Science: Rocks
CC subjects: Geography – Extreme earth/dinosaurs
Helen / Place Value (measures) / Mental Calculation / Fractions / Measures / Statistics / Assess and Review week
Bill / Rocks
Creative Curriculum
Bill / Extreme Earth / Extreme Earth / Extreme Earth / Extreme Earth / Extreme Earth / Extreme Earth / Extreme Earth
NB / Year 3 Day 10
Year 4 Day 10 / Year 3 Day 10
Year 4 Day 10