Mrs. Dykgraaf's Parent Newsletter
November 2nd-6th
P.E. Tuesday/ThursdayMusic Wednesday/Friday Library Wednesday/Tech Tuesday
Reading: We will have our regular reading homework this week. Be sure to read the Read Naturally passage each night to build fluency for Friday's hot read. Complete the back to work on comprehension. Having your child do a retell using these steps would really help (the story is mostly Our essential question for this week is: What are features of animal habitats? Our stories for the week are about animals. Spelling this week will be hard and soft c and g. The rule is: c or g followed by a (e,i, or y) make the soft sound (c=s sound and g= j sound) Extra practice may be needed.
Math: Hands On Math Practice for November has work on the back to be completed. Story problems is the unit we will be testing on next week. We need to continue to work on perimeters and shapes because many struggles on this skill. Be sure you return the math sheet signed each week. We will continue to work on story problems this week. Some problems have too much information, and some do not have enought information. Don't forget to practice math facts as well. We do not have IXL anymore so replace it with Ten Marks on the math sheet. The computer is a way to practice these math skills if you choose to use it.
Social Studies/ Science: Extraordinary Word Sharing word iscephalopods (octopus and squid) Sharing on these animals will be onFriday. We have our first art docent lesson on Wednesday and Sharpen the Paw on Friday afternoon. Looking for some fun sharing projects this week.
Writing: This week we are going to write a personal narrative about our Halloween activities on Monday or free choice. We will also be writing a turkey suspense story. On Thursday we will write an expository piece on octopus. As your child writes their story problems for math, please help them write beginning with capital letters, ending with correct punctuation. Remember that they should have a question for their last sentence. Our target this week is organization in our writing.
Be sure to ask for your child's behavior paws slip that go home on Friday. Thank you for your support on behavior this year. As part of our using the 7 Habits, I am going to really encourage/expect students to have Wednesday envelopes and Friday folders turned in on time. This teaches being proactive, and thinking with the end in mind. If you can please help them be prepared and ready for these days.
Veteran's DayAssembly will be next Monday at 9:35.
Thank you parent helper for a fun Halloween party. The kids were very cute in their costumes and had good behavior at the party. November book orders are due on Friday (you might be thinking about gifts for Christmas).