Proper usage of the logo requires compliance with the following guidelines:

Identity Guidelines

(Separated technical guidelines are available from the Freshfel Secretariat upon approval of application by the board)

Deviation from the normal logo text provided

Users are allowed to change the text beneath the logo into their own language and to convey another specific relevant message. This text must be in the same font and point size as indicated in the identity standards in pages4 & 5 of the technical guidelines. Brief texts are preferred. This variation in slogan must accompany your application and be therefore approved prior to use.

Approved products for use

The promotional mark is for use on fresh fruit and vegetable products, and also for use on pre-packed fresh fruit and vegetable products which may also be chilled. Chilled products are those held normally in a temperature range at or just above 0°c for the reason of increasing shelf life.

It is specifically NOT for use on any canned, bottled or frozen product, even if they contain fruit and vegetable material.

Guideline Changes

Freshfel Europe reserves the right to change the logo guidelines at its sole discretion upon ten (10) days electronic notice of such changes.

Proprietary Rights

The logo is a proprietary logo of Freshfel Europe. It contains Freshfel's fresh produce promotional trademark and may be used only with the permission of Freshfel. The logo guidelines do not grant a license or any other right to Freshfel’s logos or trademarks. Use of the logo acknowledges Freshfel's ownership of such logos and trademarks (collectively referred to as the "Marks") and does not create any right, title or interest in or to the Marks. All use of or goodwill associated with the Marks endures to the benefit of Freshfel.

Rights of Use

Use of the Freshfel promotional logotype is open to all members provided they adhere to the guidelines for its use.

It can be used by other bodies too under licence. (See “costs of using”)

Cost of Using

Use is open to all Freshfel paid-up members for the cost of €1.00 per year– tobe billed and paid for with the annual subscription. This small charge does two things: (i) it allows Freshfel maintain its ultimate ownership rights to the symbol and (ii) it allows Freshfel monitor usage so that it can determine the growth in recognition over time.

Freshfel retains the right to permit usage by non-members provided they:

(i)adhere to these guidelines for use

(ii)sign a licence agreement for use with Freshfel and which will bind them to specific areas of use

(iii)pay an annual fee of €365/year or €1.00 per day to Freshfel. Each licence will be for a period of one year.


Freshfel reserves the right in its sole discretion to immediately terminate or modify permission to use the Logo at any time. Further, Freshfel reserves the right to refuse permission to use the Logo and to decline your Application Form. Freshfel reserves the right to take action against any use that does not conform to the Logo Guidelines, infringes any Freshfel intellectual property or other right or violates other applicable law.


Freshfel Europe reserves the right to rescind any prior approval of a use if the User is not complying with these guidelines and any conditions for use set forth in the approval letter. By applying for permission to use the logo, you acknowledge that right, and agree to hold Freshfel harmless from any liability/damage in your exercise of that right in using the logo.


To register to use the logo, complete the following application form (in its entirety) after having carefully reviewed the logo “Guidelines for use”. Your application should then be emailed or posted to Freshfel Europe at / Av. de Broqueville 272 bte 4, 1200 Brussels, Belgium. Use, reproduction, copying and/or redistribution of the logo is strictly prohibited without permission from Freshfel Europe.

Company/Organisation name:
Postal code:
Contact person:
Email address:
Phone number:
Fax number:
Internet address:
Member of Freshfel Europe: / Yes / No

Please, explain and provide below examples of how your company/organisation proposes to use the logo and the date(s) of proposed use/event (or "ongoing"):

(the answers should detail how many units you envisage will bear the logo over a specific period of time, if this is not confidential information, and must in every case include an exact example – colour and size – of the logo as it is intended it shall be used on the product or product range, plus an exact example of the slogan that goes beneath the logo as it is intended to appear on your packaging, stationery, etc)


Signature of applicant

(and position or title in the applying company/concern)


For Freshfel office use only
Date application received
Membership verified
Content of application referred – date and by whom
Content of application approved – date and by whom
Licence number issued and date
Date when licence needs renewal


Av. de Broqueville 272 bte 4 • 1200 Brussels • Belgium • Tel: +32 2 777 15 80 • Fax: +32 2 777 15 81 •

E-mail: •