Logging on to the Chabot CS Lab's Unix Server
You can log on to your account using one of the following methods:
Method 1: Running a ssh session using the ssh32 client from a workstation in the Windows area of the Computer Science Lab
Method 2: Running a ssh session using the official SSH Secure Shell client from a workstation in the Windows area of the Computer Science Lab
Method 3: Running a ssh session from a workstation in the Linux area of the Computer Science Lab
Method 4: Running a ssh session from some other computer that is on the Internet (note: you may need to download and install a ssh client on your computer first)
Before you logon to the Linux Server (login.linux.cschabot.org), you will need to have an account name and password. For Dave Kadlecek's Fall 2000 classes, the student accounts will be of the form sssssssf where the sssssss are the first seven characters of your surname (or your entire last name if it is seven characters long or shorter), and the f is your first initial. The account name is all lower-case, omitting any spaces from your name but including any hyphens or apostrophes. Your initial password will be csdddd, where the dddd are the last 4 digits of your student ID number. (If too many digits are repeated in the last 4 digits of your student ID number, your initial password will instead be csddddx or csddddx to make sure it contains at least 5 different characters.) If you can’t log on to your account, please see me in the CS lab (preferably) or e-mail me (if you can't wait), and I will verify your account name and password.
- Log on to the local network and/or the Internet
With Method 1 (ssh32 client from a Windows workstation in the Computer Science Lab) or Method 2 (official SSH Secure Shell Client from a Windows workstation in the Computer Science Lab):
Log on to the CS Lab's NT network from one of the workstations in the Windows area of the lab. Your account name will be LLLLdddd, where the LLLL are the first four characters of your last name (or all of your last name if it has fewer than four characters), and the dddd are the last four characters of your Student ID number (usually the same as your Social Security Number, and you should know if it is not). Your initial password for the NT network will be your full Student ID number. Make sure that the domain is CS3900. After you log on, you should change your password to something that you can remember, but people who know a little bit about you cannot easily guess. On the NT network, case does not matter for your account name, but it does matter for your password.
With Method 3 (ssh from a Linux workstation in the Computer Science Lab):
Log on to one of the workstations in the Linux area of the lab. You will use the login name student and the password chabot for the Linux workstations. Here the case does matter for both the account name and password. After you log on you will be in the Gnome Window Manager.
With Method 4 (ssh from some other computer on the Internet):
How you connect to the Internet depends on what kind of computer you have and how it is configured. You may need to log on first to your computer and/or a local network, then separately log on to the Internet, or you may just turn on your machine and be connected to the Internet automatically.
- Start your Secure Shell client, and Log on to the Chabot CS Lab's Linux Server:
With Method 1 (ssh32 client from a Windows workstation in the Computer Science Lab):
After logging on to the NT network at the workstation, start the Windows ssh client program running on the workstation. On the NT desktop, double-click on the ssh32 icon (the one that looks like a safe).
In the Secure Shell dialog box, type login.linux.cschabot.org in the Host Name text box, and type your account name in the User ID text box. Type 22 in the Port text box, and press [Enter] or click on the OK button, accept the security code (in a pop-up window that comes up the first time you connect to a machine), then give your password when prompted for it.
With Method 2 (official SSH Secure Shell Client from a Windows workstation in the Computer Science Lab):
After logging on to the NT network at the workstation, start the Windows ssh client program running on the workstation. On the NT desktop, double-click on the SSH Secure Shell Client icon (the one that looks like a computer monitor with a string of blue beads running off into the background from in front of the left edge of the screen).
Press Enter or Space to connect, and a dialog box will pop-up. In the Connect to Remote Host dialog box, type login.linux.cschabot.org in the Host Name text box, type your account name in the User Name text box, and type your password in the Password text box.
With Method 3 (ssh from a Linux workstation in the Computer Science Lab):
After logging on to the Linux workstation into Gnome, start a Terminal Emulation Window by clicking on the "Terminal emulation program" icon on the system bar at the bottom of the screen. This should open up a window with the title "ldomain:/home/student", and the first line of the window should be a shell prompt that looks something like the following:
[student@localhost student]$
Now click somewhere inside the window to make it active, and start the Unix ssh client program running on the workstation by entering “ssh login.linux.cschabot.org –l [accountname] –x”, where [accountname] is your account name on the Linux server, and give your password when prompted for it. Note that the option before the account name is a lower-case "L", not the number "1".
With Method 4 (ssh from some other computer on the Internet):
After connecting to the Internet from your computer, start its ssh client program running. How you do that depends on what kind of computer you have, which ssh client you are using, and how the ssh client was installed. You may need to download an ssh client from the Internet. The web site has an FAQ about the Secure Shell Protocol that includes links to sites where you can download several different ssh implementations. The web site allows you to download the official Windows ssh client and register for a non-commercial license to use it (if you don’t register and download the license file, your copy will be an evaluation version which will stop running after 30 days). Follow the links to the download page, then to a mirror ftp site to download the file SSHWin-2.2.0.exe, and run it to install it. From the download page click on the link to their eCommerce server to get a non-commercial license.
The host to which you want to connect is login.linux.cschabot.org, which you should enter at the Host Name prompt, in the Host Name text box of a dialog box, or as an argument on the command line, depending on what ssh client you are using. Similarly give your account name in the appropriate place, depending on the ssh client you are using. You may need to specify a port number of ssh or 22, or your ssh client may use that value automatically, and you will need to give your password when prompted for it.
- Do your work on the Chabot CS Lab's Linux Server:
When you connect to login.linux, a Unix screen should appear with a shell prompt preceded by two lines giving some information about whether you have mail and when you last logged on. It will look something like the following:
Last login: Wed Aug 23 2000 14:54:05 -0700
No mail.
[sssssssf@login sssssssf]$
where sssssssf is your user name on the login.linux machine.
Change your password from its initial value:
The default password you were given is based on your student ID number, and the formula for deriving the password from your student ID number is public, so anyone who knows your name and student ID number can log on to your account. You should change it to something you can remember, but that other people cannot easily guess. Type passwd at the shell prompt, and you will be asked to enter your (old) password. Do that, then you will be prompted for a new password to use on your account, which you will be asked to enter a second time to make sure you didn't make a typo. Your new password must be at least six characters long, contain at least five different characters, must not be based on a dictionary word, and must not be "too simple" or too similar to your old password.
- Log off of the Chabot CS Lab's Linux Server:
At the "[sssssssf@login sssssssf]$ " prompt, enter "exit" to logoff of the login.linux machine.
- End the program running on your local machine that connected you to login.linux:
3. Exit the ssh client program if it didn't do it by itself when the connection to login.linux closed.
- Log off of the local network and/or the Internet:
With Method 1 (ssh32 client from a Windows workstation in the Computer Science Lab) or Method 2 (official SSH Secure Shell Client from a Windows workstation in the Computer Science Lab):
Choose "Shut Down" from the Windows Start Menu, then make sure "Close All Programs and Log On as another User" is selected in the dialog box that appears before clicking on OK.
With Method 3 (ssh from a Linux workstation in the Computer Science Lab):
At the "[student@localhost student]$ " prompt, enter "exit" to close the Terminal Emulation Window, then click on the "Log out of Gnome" icon (that looks like a terminal with a crescent moon in it) to log off of the Linux workstation.
With Method 4 (ssh from some other computer on the Internet):
How you disconnect from the Internet depends on what kind of computer you have and how it is configured. You may need to first log off from the Internet, then separately shut down your computer and/or a local network, or you may be able to just turn off your machine and let everything take care of itself.