21st Century Community Learning Centers
Team Member Handbook
Name of the Learning Center

Learning Center Coordinator:


Phone Number


Local Program Director:


Phone Number


21st CCLC State Coordinator

Michelle Vignery




Our Mission 1

Our Goals 1

Our Hours of Operation 2


Allergies and Other Conditions 3

First Aid Kits 3

Medication Administration 3

Medical Emergencies 3


Building Access 4

Identification Badges 4

Check-In Procedures 4

Check-Out Procedures 5

Student Dismissal 5


Fire Evacuation 6

Learning Center Evacuation 7

Shelter-in-Place 8

Lock Down 9


Incentives 10

Consequences 11


Supervise Participants at all times 12

Instructor Engagement 12

Bathroom Procedures 12

Classroom/Learning Space Responsibility 12

Attendance Policy 13


Communication with Families 14

Communication in Various Languages 14

Communication with Students 15

Communication with Traditional Learning Day Teachers 15


Reporting Fraud, Waste, or Abuse 16

Team Member Handbook Assurance Form 17


Our Mission

·  To provide a safe and caring environment where students can improve their 21st Century skills, including, but not limited to:

o  Collaboration and teamwork

o  Creativity and imagination

o  Critical thinking

o  Problem solving

·  To enable all students to succeed as individuals and citizens by providing them with the opportunity to practice the following skills:

o  Flexibility and adaptability

o  Cultural and global awareness

o  Information literacy

o  Leadership

·  To provide venues for adult family members to take an active role in the education process.

o  Family Events

o  Adult Education Classes

o  Volunteering

Our Goals

1.  Maintain and improve student academic achievement in language arts and math.

a. Seventy-five percent (75%) of students earning a passing grade after the first grading period will maintain a passing grade by the close the academic year.

b.  Fifty percent (50%) of students earning below a passing grade after the first grading period will raise their grade by the close of the academic year.

c. (If a district uses standards-based report cards…) Assessment results from (SELECT ONE ASSESSMENT AND WRITE-IN THE NAME) DIBELS Next Benchmark, National Center and State Collaborative (NCSC), Discover, or other short cycle assessment selected by the district should be recorded with the goal of a (DEFINE GOAL AND WRITE-IN) one point/grade level increase for 80% of students by the close of the academic year.

2.  Design and deliver a 21st CCLC program which meets the needs of all constituent groups.

a. Eighty-five percent (85%) of all survey participants will agree or strongly agree that the 21st CCLC program being offered in their community is high quality.

3.  Implement a program that engages students.

a. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the target enrollment goal will be met each academic year.

b.  An average attendance rate of 75% will be maintained throughout the academic year.

Our Hours of Operation

Hours of Operation:

Monday: 7:30 – 8:30 AM and 3:15 – 6:00 PM

Tuesday: 7:30 – 8:30 AM and 3:15 – 6:00 PM

Wednesday: 7:30 – 8:30 AM and 3:15 – 6:00 PM

Thursday: 7:30 – 8:30 AM and 3:15 - 5:30

Friday: 7:30 – 8:30 AM and no afternoon hours

The 21st CCLC program begins on September 4, 2016 and ends on June 16, 2017.

Before School

The out of school time program operates from 7:30am – 8:30 am Monday – Friday.

Start Date: September 4, 2016

End Date: Thursday, May 25, 2017.

After School

The out of school time program operates from 3:15 pm – 6:00 pm Monday – Thursday and 3:15 - 5:30 pm on Fridays.

Start Date: September 4, 2016

End Date: Thursday, May 25, 2017.

Summer Program

The summer program operates from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday – Friday.

Start Date: Monday, May 29, 2017

End Date: Friday, June 16, 2017

Holiday and Storm Day Policies

During the regular academic year, the calendar for the 21st CCLC program follows the calendar of the school district. On days when there is no school, including snow days, the 21st CCLC programs (morning and afternoon) are not in session. If a late start for school is announced due to weather conditions or any other reason, there will be no program before school. If school is released due to bad weather, program will not be provided after school hours. On school days when regular classes are in session, but bad weather is predicted for late afternoon, the afternoon program hours may be canceled, and 21st CCLC instructors will be notified by the Learning Center Coordinator.


Allergies and Other Conditions

Each student attending our learning center has a 21st CCLC Medical Authorization form on file. This form lists allergies, medications, and pertinent medical conditions. If any enrolled student has an issue of which you need to be aware (allergies, EpiPens, etc.), the learning center coordinator will inform you directly. This is done to help protect students’ privacy. Medical information is shared only on a need to know basis. Should an emergency arise during which the Medical Authorization form is needed and the learning center coordinator is not present, the files are stored in the filing cabinet in the learning center coordinator’s office. Due to legal regulations, this filing cabinet is locked. If the learning center coordinator is not present, but the files are needed due to an emergency, the substitute coordinator, Mx. XXXX will be able to gain access to the students’ medical files.

First Aid Kits

21st CCLC First Aid Kits are purchased at the start of each academic year and are replenished as needed. Each instructor has access to the first aid kits, which are located in rooms 206, 207, 219 and 220. If you notice a kit is running low, please let the coordinator know. Ice packs are also available and located in the freezer in room 206. This room will always remain unlocked during program hours.

Medication Administration

The 21st CCLC program is not responsible for medication administration. Families are aware that arrangements must be made to have medications administered to students prior to their arrival at the program (this information is shared in the Family Handbook). Exceptions to this rule include EpiPens for allergic emergencies or inhalers for asthma treatment. Students who require these supplies should have the items with them. The 21st CCLC program does not keep EpiPens or inhalers stocked. If a student uses an inhaler or an EpiPen, the appropriate instructors will be notified.

Medical Emergencies

21st CCLC team members are trained in First Aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). We have to be, because during out of school time hours, there will not usually be a school nurse on site. In case of an accident or illness, first use your First Aid skills to assess the situation. Use CPR if the situation requires. After assessing the situation, take appropriate action (band aid, icepack, bathroom pass issued, etc.) and notify the Learning Center Coordinator who will determine if the parent/guardian of the child will be called. Whenever any injury occurs during program hours, an Incident Form must be completed and kept on file. It can’t be emphasized enough how important proper documentation really is! In serious emergencies the parent will be contacted and the coordinator may call 911. Directions from the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) will be followed until the parent/guardian has arrived. If the EMT determines the need to transport the student and the parent/guardian has not yet arrived, then the student will be transported to the hospital.


Building Access

During program hours, the front door of the main building will remain unlocked for entry. Other doors (side, back and loading) will all be locked. This protocol is in place to ensure all incoming traffic is directed to the front office. If you take your students outside, please do not leave doors propped open. Ensure your exit door is fully closed, and reenter the building through the designated entry door during program hours.

Identification Badges

All 21st CCLC team members should wear their identification badge during program hours. This pinpoints you as a staff member to students, volunteers and guests. All visitors must wear temporary identification badges while in the building. If you see a visitor or volunteer in the building without an identification badge, please direct them to the front office so they can sign-in and receive a visitor’s badge.

Check-In Procedures

Students will arrive at the out of school time (OST) program by going to the cafeteria for snack. Students will be escorted to the cafeteria by the traditional learning day teachers. Initial attendance is taken at the start of program by each 21st CCLC instructor. Instructors should take attendance for their assigned team of students. When there is an unexpected absence, it is very important the Learning Center Coordinator be aware of this so the family of the absent student can be contacted. If a student is not in program, and the family, school administration, or the Learning Center Coordinator has not notified you of this absence in advance; please notify the Learning Center Coordinator within the first ten minutes of program. This policy is extremely important because it impacts student safety. We would never want a family to assume their child is with us, while we assume a child is with their family.

Attendance should be taken for each activity session throughout the remainder of program using the student rosters provided. Submit the completed attendance sheets to the Learning Center Coordinator at the end of each program day.

Check-Out Procedures

Each 21st CCLC student has a registration form on file which lists approved modes of travel home following program, as well as individuals who are authorized for student pick-up throughout the academic year. For students’ safety, instructions provided on these forms must be explicitly followed. The only exception to this expectation is if the Learning Center Coordinator has been contacted in advance. Each 21st CCLC instructor will receive the copies of registration forms for the students they will be “checking-out.” In order for a student to check out, they must sign-out themselves if they ride the bus or have approval to walk home, or have an individual authorized for pick-up sign them out. You will be provided with sign-out sheets each week.

Early pick-up is discouraged, but will happen occasionally. If a student leaves the OST program after initial attendance has been taken, that student and the authorized individual who is picking-up them must sign the student out at the front office.

If you ever suspect a student is being picked-up by someone under the influence, do not allow that child to leave the building. Please distract the person you believe to be under the influence. Keep them talking as long as you can and send someone (this can be a student, if need be) to get the Learning Center Coordinator. The Learning Center Coordinator will handle the situation once they arrive.

Student Dismissal

The “Walkers”

Students who walk home should meet in the front office and will be dismissed after signing-out for the evening.

The “Bus Riders”

Students who ride the bus home will meet in the cafeteria and will be dismissed after signing-out for the evening.

The “Parent Pick-Up” Students

Students who are picked-up by parents will first sign-out with their instructor before being dismissed, and then gather in the designated area near the circular driveway and wait until their ride is at the front of the circle. Once a student’s authorized individual for pick-up is at the front of the circle, the 21st CCLC instructor(s) who has/have been assigned pick-up duty will verify the driver’s identity before dismissing the student to get into the vehicle.


The possibility exists that we may need to implement emergency procedures during out of school time hours. For this reason, we will also conduct practice drills. There will be two emergency drills each semester. The drill conducted could be any of the following: fire, evacuation, shelter in place, or lockdown. The procedures for these drills will be the same as those followed during the traditional learning day, and are outlined on the following pages.

Fire Evacuation

SIGNAL: Fire Alarm Bell (or this could be announced over the intercom during a drill)


1.  Students exit the room they are in (if they are in the building) and WALK in a single line.

2.  Students evacuate by designated routes to the assembly area, which is XXXXXX or XXXXX. (Each room in the learning center has a fire evacuation map. Please be sure you are familiar with the exit route and designated assembly area for any space you use during program hours.)

3.  There should be silence during the evacuation in case further instructions are provided.

4.  Instructors:

a.  Take your attendance sheet/class roster with you.

b.  Check that all students are out of the classroom.

c.  Check that all exits are clear.

d.  Close classroom door. DO NOT LOCK. (Later entry may be required.)

5.  Once in the assembly area, the instructor takes roll and accounts for each student.

6.  Students in classrooms other than their own are to remain with that class until given permission to rejoin their class.

7.  Students should remain in orderly and silent lines until the all clear signal is given.

8.  After returning to the classroom, the instructor takes roll and accounts for each student. If any students are not accounted for following the fire evacuation, this should be reported to the Learning Center Coordinator.

Learning Center Evacuation

A wide variety of emergencies, both man-made and natural, may require a learning center to be evacuated. These emergencies may include the following situations: fires, explosions, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, toxic material releases, radiological and biological accidents, civil disturbances, and violence.