Lock Down Instructions
· Call 911 if you discover a threat. Notify those around you and check the corridors for any person you recognize and bring them into the room
· Move to a location within the building that has a lockable door and lock it; or
o Use a door wedge to secure door from inside
o Stack furniture in front of the door
o Turn off lights, close blinds
· Hide, get out of sight
o Get away from windows, doors, outer walls
o Crouch down in areas that are out of sight
o Close, cover or lock if possible all windows
· Be quiet, remain calm and do not draw attention to yourself
o Turn off audio equipment
o Put cell phone on vibrate
o Listen carefully for instructions broadcasted via the internal/external emergency broadcast system
· During a “lockdown”, do not exit the building if a fire alarm sounds unless
o You have reason to believe that there really is a fire in the building
o You have been advised by a recognized emergency responder to evacuate
· Do not exit the building unless Campus Safety and Security or other recognizable law enforcement has given the “all clear”
· Assign one individual per floor to check restrooms
· What to do if caught outside between buildings
o Hide-find cover
o Run-get away from area
o Play dead-if you are unable to run or hide, assume a prone position and lay as still as possible
o Fight-as a last option, very dangerous and not recommended
o Caught-do not fight back, obey all commands and avoid eye contact