SCP Membership Meeting

Location: South Heartland District Health Dept.

November 5, 2013

9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.


Present in Hastings: Carissa Uhrmacher-JSCA / YWCA, Kyle Wiesen –Project HELP/CCC, Anne Cannon-Hastings Literacy Program, Ben Dumas-Maryland Living Center, Dan Rutt-Revive Inc., Terra Blasé-Salvation Army, Jean Heriot-Hastings College, Tammy Pallas-AAA Pregnancy Center, Betsy Herrman-Hastings Family Planning, Michele Anderson-NE DHHS, Jody Stutzman-Proteus, Cindy Strashiem-UNL Extension, Lori Wilson-Legal Aid, Jennifer Lewis-YWCA, Kathy Wagoner-Wiese-Horizon, Jasmine Khamouna-Hastings College, Adam Armstrong-Veteran Services, Brenda Aipperspach-NE DHHS, Desiree Rinne-SHDHD

Present in Superior: Verlene Watson-Brodstone Hospital, Karen Tinkham-Brodstone Hospital

1. Call the Meeting to Order

2. Introductions (Name / Organization) Represented

3. Review/Approval of Minutes from October 1st, 2013

Brenda Aipperspach made a motion to approve October minutes and Betsy Herrman seconded. All in favor

4. Treasurer’s Report – Jennifer Lewis

-Jen reviewed what the balance is in each account. Jen talked briefly about the Emergency Dental Fund. The name will be changing and Salvation Army will be over seeing this program.

-A big thank you to Lori Wilson for completing the EZ 1090.

-Dan Rutt made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Brenda Aipperspach seconded. All in favor.

5. Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week--Hastings College-Jean Heriot / Jasmine

Dr. Heriot handed out information about this week and some of the events that are going on during the week at the college. This group will be packing lunches, preparing meals, and sponsoring a documentary about food stamps and food insecurity. They will be hosting a lunch and learn at the Hastings Public Library and learn about the open table. See attached timeline of events for more information. They are asking for volunteers to help with these events.

6. Committee Report/Project Reports

  • All the Pieces –Jennifer Lewis

Next meeting is Nov 18 at the YWCA and they will be talking about the grant.

  • By Laws Committee – Lori Wilson

No Report

  • Continuum of Care – Katie Shaw

Katie will not be in charge of this committee anymore. Josh Randall from Crossroads will be representing this committee.

  • Emergency Dental Program – Verlene Watson

There were 4 appointments in Oct,and 3 appointments in September for this program. Terra made a spreadsheet to demonstrate which dentists provide the most care and who are actively participating in this program.

  • Finance Committee – Jennifer Lewis

No report

  • Grants Committee – Dan Rutt/Anne Cannon

There was a grant that was applied for but was denied and Anne needs to find this denial letter for Drug Free Communities through the Hastings Community Foundation.

  • Nominating/Membership Committee – Jody Stutzman

Kerry Huber will serve as the interim vice chair. Betsy Herrman moved to nominate Kerry Huber, Jen Lewis seconded. All in favor.

  • Multicultural Alliance of Hastings – Sandy Sypherd

There is an event on November 10 , 1-4 PM at Hastings College Hazelrigg Student Union with the Multicultural Alliance YWCA, Hastings College, with booths set-up to represent different countries around the world with food booths, music, and this is completely free.

  • Research/Development/Public Relations/Marketing –Kerry Huber and Betsy Herrman

Betsy sent out Hunger and Homelessness schedule to the media. She will also be sending out the Bridge at the Community Theatre. If there is any event you want publicized, send it to Betsy and she will get it out.

  • Weatherization – Tom Schik

No report

  • Youth Leadership Academy –Cindy Strasheim

Cindy will be retiring at the end of the year. This committee will be in a state of flux but this will need to fall under someone else’s agency. The student projects are service oriented.

  • Youth Task Force –Carissa Uhrmacher

Current grants are continuing to run several programs. There was also more money will help fund a new diversion position in Kearney county that will help address rural issues. There is also training available. Youth Task Force will be working with a lot of partners that are involved in the activities and programs with the extra money. Next meeting will be December 2 at 8:30 AM at SHDHD.

  • Project Homeless Connect – Kathy W.W.

This committee met yesterday and is still meeting monthly. New date for PHC is July. Anne reported on grants have been submitted again for next year. The date has moved months and also changed the times.

7. Unfinished Business

  • Monthly Agenda Programs

December: Affordable Health Care Act Marketplace – Heidi Zoellner

8. New Business

  • Voting June 2014
  • Interim Vice Chair position

Kerry Huber will serve as the interim vice chair for the remainder of the term.

8. Networking (if time permits). Please be brief. If members want more details about your organization or agency projects, please network following the meeting.

Next leadership meeting is November 20 at noon at SHDHD.