Accreditation Steering Committee


Date:January 26, 2016

Time: 9:30 – 11:30 am

Location: Room 113

Members: Julie Brown,Monica Chahal, Matthew Clark, Christopher Howerton, Al Konuwa, Annette Lee, Siria Martinez, Sonia Ortiz-Mercado, Michael White

Recorder: Jennifer Gibson

Item / Description / Owner / Action/ Information / Background
I / Approval of Agenda / All / Action / Approved
II / Approval of Minutes / All / Action / Change Agenda to Minutes - Approved
III / Review of Draft Matrix of Committee Assignments/Responsibilities for Standards and Regulations
Board Presentation
Accreditation 2017 / All / Discussion / The ASC will review and update a draft of an assignment matrix of ACCJC Standards and a list of possible governance committees that will provide input in the writing of the responses.
Board Presentation has been added to the agenda.
Chancellor’s cabinet meeting –First presentation was made to the Board of Trustees. We are working on a PowerPoint that we will share with ASC prior to next Board meeting. Checks box on IV.D Standard. There was a request that ALOs have an update discussion with the Chancellor.
How will the colleges work with DSET? Dr. Konuwa will propose with Dr. Lloland that the Feb 9thmeeting include four directors of the District.
Accreditation Institute – we are hoping to have 10 people attend. Three faculty, Nili Kirschner, Donna McGill and Dena Martin have requested to attend.
Review of Draft Matrix – At the last meeting,Standard Chairs to notify the appropriate committees that will be contributing to the ISER Standard. Re-enforce to committee members that Accreditation should be a standard item on their agendas. Dr. White said that he could send out information with the musings. Julie Brown will send out the link to Standard in the Matrix Document.
We need to invite as many people inviting in our local training. Chairs will be required to attend a training. Possibility for a training will be 3-5 on a Friday or give up a Senate or Council meeting.
CCC Subchange is due March 7, 2017. ABK will provide draft to ASC by 2.19.17. ACCJC has only required 15-page report. This will be first time that CCC will have a physical visit.
Updates with ACCJC - Ricard Winn is ACCJC acting president.
IV / Accreditation Template Overview / Dr. White / Information/Discussion / Dr. White has worked on a template to be used by both colleges as they prepare their ISERs. Dr. White will provide an update.
The template is currently 128 pages long. Dr. White is unpacking all standards and substandard per – what is going on with each standard and substandard.
Chancellor will have a copy of template by the end of this weekend. It will also be shared with ASC.
Professor Kimball requested a copy of the template.
We were advised that are never to state that we meet the standard. You may imply, but never state.
V / Update on Progress on Standard Writing Teams / All / Discussion / Standard chairs will provide updates on recruits to assist with writing ISER.
Standard I: Deanna Pierro, Ali, Steve, Ana, Bobby, Dena
Standard II: SLO committee, Dena (resource), LAC, list of volunteers from initial meeting, still need to add students and classified.
Standard III: DSET, Diversity Committee – Cay Strode, David Willis, Michael Sinn and Paul Contini re: physical resources, Peter Skillman and Roger, CAT re: IT – Fiscal – Jennifer, Ana, Konuwa, - Julie for DE. Annette will send list to me of her people.
Standard IV: Jolene Torres, Ariana Velasco, Pam Bordisso, Michael Papin, a student needed.
We need to add throughout standards.
ASWCC – look to create four subgroups. Also add leadership classes, student ambassadors, financial course students. Mattt will talk to Ali tomorrow.
Suggestion - Three and Four Standard – add representative for each committee to communicate with district.
Also, need a Fiscal Analyst on our college campus.
Do find gaps the ALO needs to bring list to cabinet so it can be brought to Chancellor’s meeting. Konuwa and Gibson to keep in mind.
VI / Review of Distance Education Compliance and DOE/ACCJC Regulations / Konuwa
Brown / Discussion / The DE Coordinators from Yuba and WCC have developed a list of DE compliance requirements as embedded in each of the standards. The ASC will review these and discuss a strategy for responses by Standards teams, and collaboration with the DE Committee for input and avoiding duplication in the narratives in the ISER.
1.12 in recording
We have made process to alleviate issues with the sanction.
General Plan IEPI for DE Committee.
VII / Set Meeting with District / Konuwa
Brown / Discussion / Standard III requires input from District staff. We need to set a date for a joint meeting with Yuba College and District staff.
VIII / Review Timeline and Accomplishments to Date / All / Information/ Discussion / The ASC will review timetables, discuss any shortfalls and determine corrective actions. Amendments to timetable in light of changing events will also be considered. This is a standing agenda item.
Training Campus wide back up community room to beam reserve FLEX acitivity possible. Early we advertise March 17th 9am (First suggestion) final summary for training
IX / Future Agenda Items
New meeting time for February 9th. 8-9:30am. February 16th will be scheduled with AST and EST for next
Add a fifth slide to the report 1:31. In recording.
ASCCC Meeting
Subchange Draft
Training in March
\Demographic data.

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