Bad Guys in History ILP

Year 9 – Elective

Skills I can demonstrate during this unit:

Level5 / Level6 / Level7 / Level8 / Level9 / Level10
History /
  • I can sequence historical people and identify points of view in the past and present.
  • I can locate information related to inquiry questions in a range of sources.
  • I can sequence historical events, developments and periods.
  • I can identify and describe points of view, attitudes and values inprimary and secondary sources.
  • I can locate, compare, select and use information from a range ofsources as evidence.
  • I can identify and analyse the perspectives of people from the past.
  • I can identify and analyse different historical interpretations (including my own).
  • I can process and synthesise information from a range of sources for use as evidence in an historical argument.

Reading and Viewing /
  • I can identifyhow thetextis organised in a piece of writing
  • I can make predictions about what a piece of writing will be about and work out how to check this.
  • I can compare the information from different places (eg. non-fiction book or on the Internet) to understand a topic more.
  • I am able to summarise a large amount of information to highlight the key and important points.
  • I can demonstrate anincreasing knowledge of vocabulary in specific areas
  • I can check if the content in a source is valid and assessif thesource is written by a credible author.
  • I can use comprehension strategies to compare and evaluaterepresentations of an event, issue or situation in different texts
  • I can compare and contrast information within and between texts, identifying and analysingthe author’s perspectives, and evaluating supporting evidence

Writing /
  • I can plan, draft and publish an informative print texts
  • I can follow a structure set by the teacher to make sure I include all the things required.
  • I can plan, draft and publish informative and persuasive texts.
  • I can organise my work into paragraphs independently
  • I can select important aspects of subject information and visual images to convey facts and ideas
  • I can use language that is specific to a set topic in my writing
  • I can create informative and persuasive texts
that discusses issues for the reader to consider
  • I can write texts that lead the reader to form/further develop an opinion on the topic
  • I can createinformative and persuasive texts that present a point of view and justify/explain the related arguments,
  • I can create longer texts for persuasive purposes that reflect upon challenging and complex issues
  • I can create texts that refer to specific media content (Case Study) when illustrating an argument


Date / Expected Learning / My progress towards achieving my learning goals
(How did the activity today help you learn the skills/behaviours you identified in your goal? If this is not appropriate, reflect on your learning behaviour in class today. ) + % time on task. / Teacher Initials/Comment
Date / Expected Learning / My progress towards achieving my learning goals
(How did the activity today help you learn the skills/behaviours you identified in your goal? If this is not appropriate, reflect on your learning behaviour in class today. ) + % time on task. / Teacher Initials/Comment
Date / Expected Learning / My progress towards achieving my learning goals
(How did the activity today help you learn the skills/behaviours you identified in your goal? If this is not appropriate, reflect on your learning behaviour in class today. ) + % time on task. / Teacher Initials/Comment
Date / Expected Learning / My progress towards achieving my learning goals
(How did the activity today help you learn the skills/behaviours you identified in your goal? If this is not appropriate, reflect on your learning behaviour in class today. ) + % time on task. / Teacher Initials/Comment
Date / Expected Learning / My progress towards achieving my learning goals
(How did the activity today help you learn the skills/behaviours you identified in your goal? If this is not appropriate, reflect on your learning behaviour in class today. ) + % time on task. / Teacher Initials/Comment