Location: Possibilities Northeast, 4935 Hillegas Road, Fort Wayne, in 46808

Location: Possibilities Northeast, 4935 Hillegas Road, Fort Wayne, in 46808

Cluster C LPCC Meeting

Date: 6/16/15

Time: 9:30 – 11:00

Location: Possibilities Northeast, 4935 Hillegas Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46808

Members Present: Lily Osborn (SPOE), Mary Ellen Schreck (SPOE), Kathy Weibel (LEA FWCS), Kathleen Marinez (First Kids), Paula Fox (Turnstone), Nichole Hall (Brightpoint Head Start), Tammy Pifer (Brightpoint EHS), Robyn Culley (Carey Services EHS), Brittany Engle (Carey Services EHS), Lorri Row (SCAN - Health Families), Stephanie Furnas (Hand in Hand), Donna Driscoll (Hand in Hand), Nicole Wysong (ESA), Nancy Moore (Possibilities Northeast), Bailley Maxwell (Bona Vista EHS), Kaeleigh Porter (SPOE)

Nancy called meeting to order. Introductions were made. Minutes reviewed. Tammy requested a correction to clarify that referrals can be made by WIC with a MOU. Robyn requested a correction that Cradle School is for 6 weeks to five years, but also reported that the program has now been discontinued. Nicole moved for minutes to be passed with corrections. Lily seconded. Motion passed.

Members asked if minutes could be sent out in advance via e-mail for review prior to the council meeting. SPOE staff indicated minutes will be sent in advance in the future.

SPOE Report: Three Service Coordinators are leaving. Two are going back to school and one is choosing to stay home after maternity leave. Satellite office in Marion is now open. Assessment Team is now using digital notebooks and it is working well. Cluster Profile Reports shared. SPOE is not able to access reports for individual counties due to the changes to the program.

Provider Network Reports: Networks want the Service Coordinators to report to them the need for Providers more often so they can better meet the needs in a timely manner. The State is approving services from multiple agencies for certain circumstances to better meet the needs of children and families. Tammy will ask the Registered Dietician with their EHS program if she would be willing to sign up with First Steps. Robyn asked how it is determined if a child should have a specific discipline. Networks responded that it depends on the skill progress.

Question about children with a 25% delay in Social Emotional on the ASQ:SEand sensory issues not getting services. It was suggested that anyone who is referring to First Steps ask the family for permission to send results from any screenings / assessments with the referral so the Assessment Team can better understand the concerns.

Fiscal Report shared.

Assessment Team needs more help to cover summer vacations. Evaluations are being confirmed with the families in advance before the Team goes to the home.

Quality Improvement Plan was reviewed. The targets have changed from past reports. Cluster had 1.50% of children birth to one enrolled. Target is 1.56%. Cluster had 3.57% of children birth to three enrolled. Target is 3.83%. Question asked regarding the procedure for families who do not respond to contacts. There are three phone calls within one week then a letter informing the family that the case will be closed if they do not respond to contact attempts. Discussion regarding the impact of poverty on family non-compliance. Robyn Culley is available for training on poverty with SPOE staff and Therapists. Brightpoint has a Poverty Simulator Training that can also be completed.

Written LPCC and SPOE reports shared and explained. More posters are needed. Kaeleigh to see if more can be made. Complaint Log also shared.

Next Council meeting 9/15/15 at Possibilities Northeast at 4935 Hillegas Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46808. 11/2/15 meeting will be at Hand in Hand.