Tree Up Planning Guide
Tree Up Name:
Location:(Neighborhood and Address)
Set-Up Time:
Event Start Time:
TreeBaltimore Planning Lead:
Host Contact:(Name, Organization, Email, Phone)
(Add brief description explaining intent of this Tree Up and specific Baltimore residents it is designed to attract – e.g. families, teenagers, recreational cyclists, etc.)
(Add description here as soon as initial concept is set. Update regularly as more details become available.)
To help you plan your Tree Up, the planning process has been divided into three phases. For each phase, there are key roles that need to be filled. Please fill-in the below tables as these roles are assigned.The purpose of this section is to help you identify early on who can help TB fill these key roles. Each key role will have specific tasks, which are outlined in the next section.
Phase I: Before the Tree Up location is set
Role / Assigned to / Contact Info / See Checklist for:Tree Up LocationHost / N/A - TreeBaltimore to determine host’s role
Phase II: After Tree Up location is set
Top of Form
Role / Assigned to / Contact Info / See Checklist for:Developer of planting plan / Location Planning tasks (pgs 2-3)
Who will plant trees / Location Planning tasks (pgs 2-3)
Photographer/videographer coordination / Video/Photography Planning tasks (pg 3)
Sponsor/vendor coordination / Invitation Materials tasks (pg 3)
Event giveaways and materials / Location Planning tasks (pgs 2-3)
Promotions / Promotional Planning tasks (pg 3)
Media relations / Media Relations tasks (pg4)
Non-TB volunteer* recruitment (if needed) / Location Planning tasks (pgs 2-3)
Bottom of Form
“Volunteers” are considered part of the essential event staff. We refer to people whosign-up to join a Tree Up as “attendees” or “participants”.
Phase III: Day-of Tree Up logistics
Role / Assigned to / Contact Info / See Checklist for:Staff Tree Truck / Location Planning tasks (pgs 2-3)
Distribute take-home materials & giveaways / Location Planning tasks (pgs 2-3)
Social Media coverage: Add TB Facebook Fans and check-in to Tree Up on TB Facebook page / Location Planning tasks (pgs 2-3)
Key On-site manager / Location Planning tasks (pgs 2-3)
Tree Up Location Planning
Planning Need / Assigned / Date to be Completed / Status/NoteDetermine location for Tree Up (Account for the amount of space needed to plant trees, hold attendees, and support supplemental activities)
Develop a planting plan (Determine # of trees needed)
Non-TB Volunteer Recruitment (Communicate date, time location)
Identify key supplemental activities (e.g., music, kids activities, speakers, info booths)
Determine additional printed materials & props that are needed for activities
Determine rain plan
Identify sponsors & what they are providing (Refer to “Tree Up Checklist” document for ideas)
Identify food/drink vendors (Identify possible restrictions and necessary permits)
Apply for any necessary permits
Identify key neighborhood retailers to engage as partners/vendors
Identify giveaways & take-home materials (Identify if standard materials or audience-targeted custom materials are needed)
Develop speaker materials & key messages for key participants (Distribute talking points to each person who is speaking with the media about Tree Ups)
Create a space diagram/layout
Finalize visual displays to be used at Tree Up
Outline opportunities to collect attendee feedback at Tree Ups (Identify methods and instruments to be used)
Event photographer/videographer
Tree Truck (Identify who will staff it and how it will be used)
Identify any parking/entrance restrictions for Tree Truck or other vehicles
Identify individuals and partners responsible for tree maintenance
Day-of Tree Up Logistics:
Add TB Facebook Fans on day-of Tree Up (Ask people if they’re on Facebook, get them to like TB on the spot, encourage them to post photo on TB page and tag themselves)
Distribute take-home materials & giveaways
Tree Up coverage and check-ins on social media
Tree Up Follow-up Steps:
Thank-you’s and communication with host, partners, volunteers, and attendees
Create plan for using Tree Up photos
Send pictures to partners and encourage them to post on social media (and if possible promote the next Tree Up and/or link to’s web listing of Tree Ups)
Collect media coverage
Check website analytics & evaluate impact of Tree Up
Discuss key takeaways at next TreeBaltimore planning meeting and incorporate lessons learned into future Tree Up events
Promotional Planning
Planning Need / Assigned / Date to be Completed / Status/NoteDevelop a promotional plan with details of all promotions (use Promotional & Earned Media List in addition to specific actions below)
Is an online media buy (Google ads or Facebook ads) in place to promote this Tree Up?
What promotion can each TB partner do for this Tree Up on their social media?
What local media should be alerted (TV, radio, newspapers, blogs, etc.)
Can TB partners and/or host distribute emails promoting Tree Up?
Identify key neighborhood retailers and community partners who can post visual displays (posters, flyers)
Identify other unique promotional opportunities
Identify any parking or location information important to note in promotional materials
Identify need for using sponsor/vendor logos in promotional materials
Collect sponsor/vendor logos, along with and branding guidelines/approval for use
Print promotional materials
Invitation Materials (If Special Guests/Speakers will participate)
Planning Need / Assigned / Date to be Completed / Status/NoteIdentify special guests and their role in Tree Up
Determine who will be liaison for special guests
Draft invitation letter or email to participate
Send letter to invitee(s)
Develop talking points for luncheon; confirm speakers
Phone calls/Emails to confirm attendance
Video/Photography Planning
Planning Need / Assigned / Date to be Completed / Status/NoteConfirm videographer/photographer
Create itinerary for video production days
Develop video treatments/photographer shot list for each segment
Determine if someone will interview attendees/special guests and accompany videographer/photographer. If so, create list of key questions.
Assign on-site contact to be available to direct photographer/videographer
Provide videographer/photographer with copies of release form.
Determine who will collect and store release forms.
Media Relations
Planning Need / Assigned / Date to be Completed / Status/NoteMedia advisory on event
Media release on event
After event, will b-roll or photos be provided to media for coverage?
Identify media/photo opportunities (Determine if media kit is needed)
Develop media kit (As needed)
(list each speaker/guest, their role, and TB contact here)
Speaker/Guest / Role / TreeBaltimore ContactLOGISTICS CHECKLIST
(List any items to be brought to Tree Up here and who will be responsible)
Item / Person responsibleRUN OF SHOW/AGENDA
Time / Topic/Activity / Responsibility / NotesKEY PLANNING CONTACTS
(add cell phones/emails to reach key contacts here)
(add cell phones/emails to reach key contacts here)
Executive/Speaker / Phone / EmailATTACH SPACE DIAGRAM/LAYOUT
(Layout should include locations for activity areas, speakers, tree plantings, etc.)