Location:HālauKūMāna Campus – Kakea Classroom

Date: Monday, May 8, 2017

Time: 4:30PM

I. Call to Order: 440pm

a. Roll Call - Keoni L, Elwin F, Keola C., Phil G, Imai W., Willy K., Tamar D., Kanakolu N.; excused: Konia F, Keao N

b. Quorum Check - Yes.

c. Review and approve Minutes (April 2017) Motion: Willy, Elwin. Approved

d. Review Agenda

II. Open Forum 451p

a. VP AnuAwo-Chun

• update on progress this year


◦Ike aina assessments,

▪Language arts and math, meeting regularly to talk about progress on the STAR

▪Next school year work on science and moʻolelo scope and sequence

▪Finishing up testing

▪Feedback is that testing went well, created positive moral with the kids before hand so they went in with a positive attitude

▪Met with all the kumu, created spreadsheet of things they need/want to work/grow on. Talk about possible PD for them to work on these things

▪Collaborated with Lang research to create a use tool/spreadsheet for Anu that uses the professional growth plan rubric to use for classroom/kumu assessments.

◦Imai - some of his class missed his class because of testing.

•Discussion on need for policy regarding filming requests on campus

◦Imai - concerns about how our school/name is being portrayed by outsiders

▪good to have a clear process that everyone needs to follow. wants to adopt a formal policy

◦recommendation on the table to have a branding policy

▪filming on campus and with students

▪Use of logo and name in materials

◦Keoni L to provide language for student release and draft internal policy

III.PoʻoKumu Report - 523pm

•Met with Papa Ku Mana board.

◦PKM will apply for small grants and NHEP

•Charter contract - july 2017-june 202 - contract to sign at next board meeting

•140 students enrolled for next year

•Collaboration with UHM NHSS - summer institute - HKM students offered ENG100 and HST 107 at discounted tuition

◦Imai - shared manaʻo on dual credit students missing about 45min of first class, that adds up over the year.

•Increased participation by teachers in PD3. accumulating credit to move up in pay class/steps. something to keep an eye on for budgeting purposes

•CIP request has been included in the state budget. still has to get through governor veto. $550k for waste water and permitting compliance.

•KS providing increased broadband infrastructure, wifi infrastructure.

IV. Continuing Business - 549p

a. Board Member Vacancy -

•not pressing, want to wait until after board retreat to push on this

b. Schedule Board Campus/Project Visits

V. New Business

a. Governing Board Retreat (K. Lee)

•see notes, agenda

b. School Policies

VI. Announcements

a. WASC Mid Cycle Visit – May 9 @ HKM

b. Graduation – Saturday, May 27 @ HKM Campus, 9:00A

c. State Deputy Attorney General Info Sharing – June 21, 9:00A – 1:00P @ State Tower, 2nd floor conference Room

VII. Motion to go into executive session. Tamar, Kanakolu

VII. Pau