Early Childhood Education B Lab State Skills Test Study Guide
Students in the Early Childhood Education 1B/Lab are required to take the State Skills Test. The test is 200 points of your final grade.
This Study Guide is due on the day you take the test and is worth 100 points.
All information on the study guide should be a review from Child Development, Early Childhood Education 1A and your experiences in the Lab. You may need to refer to textbooks or other resources to find the correct answers. If you need help please come see Mrs. Brooks.
**Students will demonstrate and maintain a healthy environment for young children.
Ø Practice and apply guidelines for maintaining a healthy and safe environment and practice appropriate sanitation techniques.
§ How do you make a safe and healthy environment for children?
§ What are the proper hand washing procedures?
§ Explain what you should do if a child seems ill while in a child care situation?
§ What are immunizations and what do you need to know about them in order to work in childcare?
§ List the basic sanitation and food safety guidelines.
§ Identify common childhood emergencies and apply first-aid techniques (answer questions on worksheet "Handling Childhood Emergencies with Confidence".
Ø Describe factors to consider in meeting the nutritional needs of children.
§ List the Food Guide Pyramid servings.
§ How do you plan quality snacks and meals for children?
**Students will implement Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP).
Ø Implement the role of the teacher in planning and presenting developmentally appropriate activities for young children.
§ What is the role of the teacher in planning and presenting DAP activities for young children?
§ Describe how children learn best.
§ What is a transition? Give 2 examples of effective transitions.
§ List the main roles of the lead and support teachers.
§ How do you use DAP in selecting materials and activities for children?
§ List 4 problem solving techniques that can be used effectively when working with children and DAP.
§ How can you plan creative activities for children?
§ What is positive questioning? List 4 examples of positive questioning techniques.
Ø Implement developmentally appropriate guidance practices.
§ List common reasons children misbehave.
§ Describe each of the following positive guidance techniques:
ü Natural Consequences
ü Logical Consequences
ü Positive Statements
ü Redirection
ü Reverse Attention
ü Limited Choices
ü Time Out
ü Guidance
ü Discipline
ü Consistency
Ø Demonstrate appropriate management solutions for dealing with problem behaviors. Select 3 problem behaviors and write up a solution for each.
§ List suggestions for maintaining positive control in a small group setting.
§ List suggestions for maintaining positive control in a large group setting.
Ø Completing observations of children.
§ What is the purpose and function of doing observations while working with children?
§ Explain the difference between Objective versus Personal (Subjective) Interpretations.
§ List appropriate changes that could come from doing observations while working with children.
**Students will implement developmentally appropriate curriculum for young children.
Ø Implement developmentally appropriate lesson plans.
§ What are program goals and what is their purpose?
§ Define themes and describe their purpose in writing effective lesson plans.
§ What types of topics are the most effective to use with children?
§ What is the purpose of calendaring in planning appropriate curriculum?
§ Explain the following components of a lesson plan:
ü Goals
ü Objectives/purpose
ü Procedures
ü Concepts
ü Transitions
Ø Implement developmentally appropriate lesson plans, which include activities in various types of learning experiences/activities/centers.
§ List suggestions for each of the following learning experiences:
ü Language activities (finger plays, stories, etc.)
ü Pre-math activities (sequencing, sorting, etc.)
ü Creative arts activities
ü Science activities
ü Music and movement activities
ü Dramatic play and free play
ü Gross and fine motor skills
ü Food
Ø Arrange appropriate environmental space.
§ List ways to make an appropriate and safe environment (indoors and outdoors) for children and learning experiences.
Using the performance evaluation sheet go through with Karen and identify what you have completed and what you need to do prior to the test. Failure to pass each of the performance evaluations will result in a no passing score on the State Skills Test.