Capital Ships and Frigates

Ships of this class are typically designed for fleet warfare, often positioned in armadas stationed in high orbit around a strategic planet. They usually form the primary attack groups in most fleets.

These vessels were commonly fitted with ship-to-ship and anti-fighter defensive weaponry, ranging from heavy ion cannons to turbolaser turrets. Many capital ship classes also served as carriers and were able to deploy starfighters, landing craft, and other resources as required.

Given their size, capital ships employed relatively numerous crews, employing in some instances thousands of beings. An example was the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, which was 1,600 meters long and required a crew of 37,000 to operate at full efficiency. There were also examples that utilized a much smaller number of active personnel, whether by means of advanced control systems or simply necessity, as in the cases of Katana Fleet and Errant Venture, respectively. It also includes non armed vessels of enormous size.

Assault Frigate Mark II CL 19

The Assault Frigate Mark II was a light warship that saw extensive service with the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. The Assault Frigate Mk. II was a further development of the Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser modification project. Though the modification procedures allowed for some variation between individual craft, the most common assault frigate configuration had large dorsal engine fins, and could operate with less than a third of the Dreadnaught's crew requirements thanks to extensive automation systems. Though the Mk. II model used the same basic Dreadnaught hull as the Mk. I, the Assault Frigate Mark IIs incorporated redundant deflector shields similar those in Mon Calamari Star Cruisers.

Manufacturer: Rendili Stardrive

Model: Assault Frigate Mark II

Era: Reb+ Contributor:


Type: Colossal (frigate); 700m

Init -3; Senses perception +5

Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 12 ), Fort 38; +12 Armor

HP 1200 DR 15 SR 120** Threshold 138

Speed fly 3 squares (starship scale)

Fighting Space 2x2 square (starship scale)

Cover total

Base Atk +0 Grp +48

Abilities Str 66 Dex 14 Int 14

Skills Initiative -3, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -3 , Use Computer +5

Crew 5000 (normal) Passengers 100 (troops)

Cargo 7500 tons Consumables 1.5 years

Carried Craft 1 gamma class shuttle

Hyperdrive x2 (backup x12), nav computer

Availability Military Cost NFS

**Backup shield generators allow a re-roll of any failed mechanics check used to restore shields. The second roll must be taken regardless.

Ranged Laser Cannon battery (1 gunners)

Atk +7 Dmg 4d10x5

(-13 against targets smaller than Colossal)

Ranged Quad Laser Canon Battery (2 gunners)

Atk +7 Dmg 6d10x5

(-13 against targets smaller than Colossal)

Ranged Turbolaser Battery (1 gunners)

Atk +7 Dmg 4d10x5

(-13 against targets smaller than Colossal)

*All weapon ranges are reduced by 1 due to power demands.

Carrack-class Light Cruiser CL 16

The Carrack-class light cruiser, also known as the Carrack-class gunship, was a cruiser first used by the Republic Navy in the last years of the Galactic Republic, including the Clone Wars. It was later an important addition to the Imperial Navy; although 350 meters long, the small combat cruisers were heavily armed and had a top speed that matched X-wing starfighters.

Manufacturer: Damorian Manufacturing Corporation

Model: Carrack-class light cruiser,

Era: Reb+ Contributor: TheNarrator

Source: WEG Imperial Sourcebook

Type: Colossal (frigate) capital ship

Init +0; Senses Perception +6

Defense Ref 17 (flat-footed 13) Fort 40 +13 armor

HP 1,500 DR 15 SR 135 Threshold 140

Speed fly 4 squares (starship scale)


10 laser cannons +6

5 heavy turbolasers +6*

5 tractor beams +6*

Fighting space 1 square (starship scale)

Cover total

Base Atk +2 Grp +52

Abilities Str 70 Dex 18 Con -- Int 18

Skills Initiative +0, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +0, Use Computer +6

Crew 1,092 (skilled) Passengers 142 (troops)

Cargo 3,500 tons Consumables 1 year

Carried Craft 4 TIE Fighters (external)

Hyperdrive x1 (backup x12), navcomputer

Availability Military Cost NFS

Laser cannon (gunner)

Atk +6 Dmg 2d10x2

Heavy turbolaser* (gunner)

Atk +6 Dmg 7d10x5

(-14 against targets Colossal or smaller)

Tractor beam (gunner)

Atk +6 Dmg –- (Grp +52)

(-14 against targets Colossal or smaller)

* Apply a -20 penalty to attacks against targets size Colossal or smaller

Rendili Star Drive Dreadnaught CL 14

The Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser, or simply the Dreadnaught, was a capital ship built for planetary occupation and space combat used by the Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire, New Republic, and various other organizations and governments. Dreadnaughts were in use since at least 100 BBY. The Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser was designed and developed by Rendili StarDrive for the Republic Judicial Forces at least 80 years prior to the Clone Wars and was based on a Mandalorian design, apparently by Rendili Star Systems.

Manufacturer: Rendili Star Drive

Model: Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser

Era: OR+ Contributor: TheNarrator

Source: WEG Dark Empire Sourcebook

Type: Colossal (cruiser) capital ship

Init -2; Senses Perception +6

Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 13), Fort 53; +13 armor

HP 1,700 DR 20 SR 115 Threshold 253

Speed fly 2 squares (starship scale)


5 turbolaser cannons +6*

5 quad turbolaser batteries +6*

1 heavy turbolaser battery +14*

Fighting space 2x2 squares (starship scale)

Cover total

Base Atk +2 Grp +65

Abilities Str 96 Dex 14 Con -- Int 18

Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6

Crew 16,210 (skilled) Passengers 3,000 (troops)

Cargo 9,000 tons Consumables 2 years

Carried Craft 1 shuttle, 12 TIEs (with Imperial-era refit)

Hyperdrive x2 (backup x18), navcomputer

Availability Military Cost NFS

* Apply a -20 penalty to attacks against targets size Colossal or smaller

Turbolaser cannon (gunner)

Atk +6 Dmg 2d10x5

(-14 against targets Colossal or smaller)

Quad turbolaser battery (2 gunners)

Atk +8 Dmg 4d10x5

(-12 against targets Colossal or smaller)

Turbolaser battery (5 gunners)

Atk +14 Dmg 7d10x5

(-6 against targets Colossal or smaller)

Eclipse-class Star Dreadnaught CL 24

The Eclipse-class Star Dreadnought, also known as the Eclipse-class Star Destroyer or Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer, was a class of Imperial Star Dreadnought manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards and mainly used around six years after the Battle of Endor. Eclipse began construction early in the Galactic Civil War, around 0 ABY.

By 4 ABY, the vessel had its superlaser main weapon installed and in functional condition. The crimelord Tyber Zann wanted to access records on the ship, so he attacked Kuat and took control of the ship, and used to it to damage an Imperial and rebel fleet. Afterwards, Zann had no further use for the vessel, and left it adrift. Later on, this ship was completed and became the reborn Emperor Palpatine's flagship, and the only other ship of the class, Eclipse II, assumed the same role after the original's destruction.

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards

Model: Eclipse-class Star Dreadnaught

Era: Reb+ Contributor: HarmonysRage

Source: WEG Dark Empire Sourcebook

Type: Colossal (Station) Capital Ship (Star Dreadnaught)

Init: -8 Senses (Perception) +10

Defenses: REF 21 (Flatfooted 19), FORT 85 +19 Armor

HP 4700 DR 30 SR 560 Threshold 585

Speed: Fly 2 Squares (Starship scale)

Fighting Space: 10x10 squares (Starship scale)

Cover: total

Base Attack: +2 Grp: +111

Abilities: STR 161 DEX 14, CON -, INT 20

Skills: Initiative -8, Mechanics +8, Perception +10, Pilot -8,

Use Compuer +8

Crew 712,645, Passengers 150,000 (Troops)

Cargo 600,000 Metric Tons Consumables 10 years

Carried Craft: 700 Tie Fighters (Any variation), 100 AT-AT Walkers, 300 AT-ST Walkers, 50 Lambda Class Shuttles (Interior and exterior docking bays), 5 Pre-fabricated Garrison Bases

Hyperdrive: x2 (Backup x6), Nav computer

Availability: NA Cost: NA

Heavy Laser Cannon Batteries: 55 Gunners

Atk +17 Dmg 8d10x5.

Turbolaser Batteries: 50 Gunners

Atk +17 Dmg 5d10x5.

Ion Cannon Batteries: 8 Gunners

Atk +13 Dmg 3d10x5.

Point Defense Laser Turret Batteries: 100 Gunners

Atk +13 Dmg 5d10x2.

Tractor Beam Batteries: 10 Gunners

Atk +13 Grp+111

Gravity Well Projectors: 10 Gunners

Atk N/A Dmg N/A

Vehicles within 100 squares are unable to enter hyperspace.

Axial Superlaser: 1 Gunner,

Atk +8 Dmg 12d10x125.

The axial superlaser can charge 10% (ie, x12 damage multiplier, in one minute.) It can either discharge this damage - 12d10x(12/minute), or continue to charge. In it's stage of operation as seen in Dark Horse Comics: Dark Empire series, it can not charge above 80% (x100 damage multiplier, unless in your campaign different events unfold allowing it to reach fully operational capability. It can also discharge a maximum of 110% in a 24 hour period in it's current state. When completed it is expected to function at 125% damage output, and be capable of destroying 500% total daily output. RANGE: Point Blank 0-10, Short 11-30, Medium 31-60, Long 61-100; Starship scale squares.

Against all targets smaller than Colossal every weapon of the Eclipse is at -20 penalty to attack.

Hammerhead-class Cruiser CL18

The Hammerhead-class capital ship was a type of warship used by the Republic Navy during the Old Sith Wars, the Mandalorian Wars, and the New Sith Wars. This ship appears to function as a cruiser, similar in use to the later Interdictor-class Cruiser. Serving on the line in fleet engagements as a courier and as a command ship of large fleets, it was a workhorse of the Republic and a common sight near Republic-controlled worlds. This ship also had been observed undergoing independent operations, unlike the Republic blockade runner which was never observed outside a supporting fleet. Hammerheads were able to enter atmospheres and land on planetary surfaces.

Manufacturer: Rendili StarDrive

Model: Hammerhead-class Cruiser

Era: KotOR Contributor: Graybacca


Type: Colossal (frigate) capital ship

Init -2; Senses Perception +6

Defense Ref 13 (flat-footed 11) Fort 36 +11 armor

HP 900 DR 15 SR 100 Threshold 136

Speed fly 2 squares (starship scale)

Ranged 14 point-defense laser cannons +4 (see below) and 2 double heavy turbolaser cannons* (see below) and 2 heavy turbolaser cannons* (see below) and 8 point-defense twin laser cannons (see below)

Fighting Space 2x2 (starship scale)

Cover total

Base Atk +2 Grp +53

Atk Options autofire (point-defense twin laser cannons)

Abilities Str 62 Dex 14 Con - Int 14

Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6 , Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6

Crew 700 (skilled) Passengers 20 + 600 (troops)

Cargo 5000 Metric tons Consumables 10 months

Carried Craft 24 Aurek Fighters

Hyperdrive x2 (backup x4)

Availability Military; Cost 6,530,000 (2,808,000 used)

*Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size.

Double Heavy Turbolaser Cannon (gunner)

Atk +4 (-16 against tgts sm than Colossal) Dmg 4d10x5

Point-defense Laser Cannon (gunner)

Atk +4 Dmg 2d10x2

Heavy Turbolaser Cannon(gunner)

Atk +4 (-16 against tgts sm than Colossal) Dmg 10d10x5

Point-defense Twin Laser Cannon (gunner)

Atk +4 (-1 autofire) Dmg 2d10x2

IPV-1 System Patrol Craft CL 15

The IPV-1 System Patrol Craft, also known as the Imperial patrol vehicle or IPV-1 corvette, was a standard system security and customs vessel commonly used near planets to interdict smugglers and protect against piracy. It was produced by Republic Sienar Systems. Being very fast and maneuverable, they patrolled Republic and later Imperial sectors when Star Destroyers were unavailable. They were regarded as the first line of defense against purveyors of contraband and various organizations attempting insurrection against a system, and relied on their speed to catch and disable or destroy enemy craft. Pirate attacks fell to an all-time low when this craft was in a sector. Lacking a hyperdrive, the IPV-1 flew specific routes along known smuggling lanes. Their objective was to maintain the peace and order of the galactic government within controlled space.

Manufacturer: Republic Sienar Systems

Model: IPV-1 System Patrol Craft

Era: RoE+ Contributor: Jindy


Type: Colossal (Frigate) Capital Ship

Init -1; Senses Perception +5

Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 11), Fort 36; (11 Armor)

HP 990 DR 15 SR 125 Threshold 136

Speed 4 squares (Starship scale)

Ranged Light Turbolasers (2) +4 (4d10x5) (gunners) (-16 v. target smaller than colossal)

Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale); Cover total

Base Atk +0 Grp +51

Abilities Str 63 Dex 18 Int 14

Skills Initiative -1, Mechanics + 5, Perception + 5, Pilot +1, Use Computer + 7.

Crew 12 (Normal) Passengers 10

Cargo 200 metric tons Consumables 3 months

Carried Craft none.

Hyperdrive none.

Availability Military Cost NFS

Lancer-class Frigate CL 14

The Lancer-class frigate was a capital ship used for anti-starfighter operations in the Imperial Navy. Admiral Drez envisioned the Lancer-class ships and proposed using them to screen enemy starfighters to allow dominant Star Destroyers to pummel enemies in ship-to-ship combat. With approval from the Imperial Starfleet, Kuat Drive Yards designed and developed the ship. The final iteration ran a slim 250 meters with twenty quad laser cannon batteries designed specifically for starfighter hunting, but required a relatively large crew of 850.

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards

Model: Lancer-class Frigate

Era: Reb+ Contributor: theNarrator


Type: Colossal (frigate) capital ship

Init -2; Senses Perception +6

Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 12) Fort 38 +12 armor

HP 1,200 DR 15 SR 135 Threshold 138

Speed fly 2 squares (starship scale)

Ranged 10 quad laser cannons +7

Fighting space 1 square (starship scale)

Cover total

Base Atk +2; Grp +50

Abilities Str 66 Dex 14 Con -- Int 20

Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6

Crew 850 (skilled) Passengers 40 (troops)

Cargo 300 tons Consumables 1 week

Carried Craft 2 shuttles

Hyperdrive x2 (backup x15), navcomputer

Availability Military Cost NFS

Quad laser cannon (gunner)

Atk +7 Dmg 6d10x2
