Location:C-IV Project – Sutter Conference Room

11290 Pyrites Way, Suite 150

Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

Members present via teleconference:

Region 1 - Susan von Zabern, Riverside County DPSS Directorand Vice Chair

Region 3 – Dena Murphy, Kern County DHS Director

Region 5 – Scott Pettygrove, Merced County Human Services Agency Director and Chair

Region 6 – Mike Dent, Nevada County Department of Social ServicesDirector

Region 7 – Eric Nielson, Lassen County Community Social Services Director

Members not present:

Region 2 – CaSonya Thomas, San Bernardino County HSA Assistant Executive Officer

Region 4 – Kathy Harwell, Stanislaus County Community Services Agency Director


Tom Hartman, C-IV Project Director

  1. Chair Scott Pettygrove convened the meeting at 10:03a.m.
  2. Public opportunity to speak on any Item NOT on the agenda
  3. None.

JPA Board Action Items

  1. Approve the Minutes of the February23, 2017, JPARegular BoardMeeting and Update of Action Items

Summary: The Consortium is seeking Board approval of theFebruary23, 2017, JPA Regular Board Meeting Minutes.

Action Items from previous meeting:

Action Item 1- As needed

Action Item 2- Closed

Motion to Approve was made byVice Chair Susan von Zabern.

Motion was seconded by Member Mike Dent.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve Accenture Change Order CO--068 – CalHEERS, Revision 8

Summary: This Revision 8 to the Change Order CO-068 includes the following changes:

  • Charges for Application Maintenance were updated to include additional hours for State Fiscal Year 2016/17 that were requested by the Consortium. To support this request, Charges for State Fiscal Year 2016/17 were updated to reflect a shift of funds from the Central Print line item to the Application Maintenance line item. Additionally, Charges for Application Maintenance for State Fiscal Year 2017/18 were updated to include hours for the development of System Change Requests, resolution of System Investigation Requests and system test required to support the CalHEERS interface for one additional State Fiscal Year.
  • Recurring Facilities Charges were updated to reflect additional workstation space at the Application Development Facility that is required for staff supporting the CalHEERS interface. Additional Facilities Charges are based on fourteen (14) additional staff during State Fiscal Year 2017/18.

This Revision 8 increases the Total Change Order costs by $6,922,848.

All costs associated with this Change Order are covered through C-IV M&O funding and are already accounted for in the FY 2016/17 C-IV Project Budget approved July 28, 2016.

Motion to Approve was made by Member Dena Murphy.

Motion was seconded by Member Eric Nielson.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve Accenture Change Order CO-081 – ARC, Revision 2

Summary: This Revision 2 to Change Order CO-081 includes the Charges and timeline for Accenture to design, develop, test and implement an enhancement that would update the above-mentioned manual EDBC to support the issuance of ARC benefit payments in arrears.

This Revision 2 increases the Total Change Order costs by $562,314.

All costs associated with this Change Order are covered through C-IV M&O funding and are already accounted for in the FY 2016/17 C-IV Project Budget approved July 28, 2016.

Motion to Approve was made by Member Mike Dent.

Motion was seconded by Member Dena Murphy.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve Accenture Change Order CO-096 – ODI Upgrade

Summary: The Consortium reviewed the Medi-Cal reporting dashboards within the LEADER Replacement System (“LRS”), which include additional metrics, and requested this functionality to be replicated in the C-IV System. An upgrade to the C-IV System’s version of Oracle Data Integrator (“ODI”) is required to allow for such future enhancements and to meet this request. This upgrade to the new version of ODI will require updates to numerous environments, including assembly test and system test environments. This Change Order describes the Charges and timeline for Accenture to design, develop, test, and implement the enhancement to upgrade the C-IV System’s version of ODI.

All costs associated with this Change Order are covered through C-IV M&O funding and are already accounted for in the FY 2016/17 C-IV Project Budget approved July 28, 2016.

Motion to Approve was made by Vice Chair Susan von Zabern.

Motion was seconded by Member Dena Murphy.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve Accenture Contract Amendment No. Ninety-One and Updates to Exhibit A


  • Change Order CO-068 – CalHEERS, Revision 8 increases the Total Contract Value by $6,922,848. This Revision 8 outlines charges for Application Maintenance were updated to include additional hours for State Fiscal Year 2016/17 and State Fiscal Year 2017/18 that were requested by the Consortium. Recurring Facilities Charges were updated to reflect additional workstation space at the Application Development Facility that is required for staff supporting the CalHEERS interface.
  • Change Order CO-081 – ARC, Revision 2 increases the Total Contract Value by $562,314. This Revision 2 includes the Charges and timeline for Accenture to design, develop, test and implement an enhancement that would update the above-mentioned manual EDBC to support the issuance of ARC benefit payments in arrears.
  • Change Order CO-096 – ODI Upgrade increases the Total Contract Value by $525,899. This Change Order describes the Charges and timeline for Accenture to design, develop, test, and implement the enhancement to upgrade the C-IV System’s version of ODI that is required to support future enhancements for updating the C-IV System’s Medi-Cal-related business intelligence dashboards to display additional metrics that exist within the LRS System.

Amendment No. Ninety-One increases the Total Contract Value by: $8,011,061.

Motion to Approve was made by Member Dena Murphy.

Motion was seconded by Member Mike Dent.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve First Data Change Order CO-016 - CalHEERS, Revision 9

Summary: Revision 9 to Change Order CO-016 outlines additional M&O QA Services needed to actively monitor the SIRs and SCRs related to the development and implementation of 24-Month Roadmap changes for the CalHEERS Interface through the end of State Fiscal Year (“SFY”) 2017/18.

This Change Order includes an additional 36,280 hours of Services for the First Data QA Team during the M&O phase.

This Revision 9 increases the Total Change Order costs by $269,556.

All costs associated with this Change Order are covered through C-IV M&O funding and are already accounted for in the FY 2016/17 C-IV Project Budget approved July 28, 2016.

Motion to Approve was made by Vice Chair Susan von Zabern.

Motion was seconded by Member Mike Dent.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve First Data Change Order CO-029 – ARC, Revision 2

Summary: Revision 2 to the Change Order CO-029 outlines adjustments needed to add prices and timelines associated with QA services related to development, testing and implementation of an enhancement that would update the above-mentioned manual EDBC to support the issuance of ARC benefit payments in arrears.

This Change Order includes an additional 806 hours of Services for the First Data QA Team.

This Revision 2 increases the Total Change Order costs by $33,695.

All costs associated with this Change Order are covered through C-IV M&O funding and are already accounted for in the FY 2016/17 C-IV Project Budget approved July 28, 2016.

Motion to Approve was made by Member Dena Murphy.

Motion was seconded by Vice Chair Susan von Zabern.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve First Data Change Order CO-041 – ODI Upgrade

Summary: This Change Order outlines the staffing requirements, costs and timelines associated with Quality Assurance (“QA”) Services related to develop, test and implement the enhancement to upgrade the C-IV System’s version of ODI.

This Change Order includes an additional 174 hours of Services for the First Data QA Team.

All costs associated with this Change Order are covered through C-IV M&O funding and are already accounted for in the FY 2016/17 C-IV Project Budget approved July 28, 2016.

Motion to Approve was made by Member Mike Dent.

Motion was seconded by Member Eric Nielson.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve First Data Amendment No. Fifty-Two and Updates to Exhibit A

Summary: The following items are being requested to be amended into the First Data Agreement via Contract Amendment No. Fifty-Two:

  • Change Order CO-016 - CalHEERS, Revision 9 increases the total contract value by $269,556. This Change Order outlines additional M&O QA Services needed to actively monitor the SIRs and SCRs related to the development and implementation of 24-Month Roadmap changes for the CalHEERS Interface through the end of State Fiscal Year (“SFY”) 2017/18.
  • Change Order CO-029 – ARC, Revision 2 increases the total contract value by $33,695. This Change Order outlines the adjustments needed to add prices and timelines associated with QA services related to development, testing and implementation of an enhancement that would update the above-mentioned manual EDBC to support the issuance of ARC benefit payments in arrears.
  • Change Order CO-041 – ODI Upgrade increases the total contract value by $23,266. This Change Order outlines the staffing requirements, costs and timelines associated with Quality Assurance (“QA”) Services related to develop, test and implement the enhancement to upgrade the C-IV System’s version of ODI.

Total Cost:

Amendment No. Fifty-Two increases the Total Contract Value by: $326,517.

Motion to Approve was made by Member Eric Nielson.

Motion was seconded by Vice Chair Susan von Zabern.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co (“VTD”) Contract for Audit Services for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2017

Summary: San Bernardino County Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector, on behalf of the C-IV JPA, solicited Requests for Proposals during the month of July 2016 to procure audit services. Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co (VTD) has been identified as the successful proposer. The following summarizes the scope and compensation for the contract.


A. VENDOR shall conduct an audit of C-IV’s Basic Financial Statements for the purpose of the expression of an opinion about whether the financial statements are fairly presented, in all material respects, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles; and a single audit, as defined in OMB Uniform Guidance; for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017.

B. The compensation to VENDOR for the services outlined in I.A. will be $27,500.00 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, to be paid in FY 2017/18.

All costs associated with this contract are covered through C-IV Administrative funding and are already accounted for in the FY 2017/18 Administrative Budget for Unfunded Costs approved January 27, 2017.

Motion to Approve was made by Vice ChairSusan von Zabern.

Motion was seconded by Member Dena Murphy.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

Informational Items

  1. LRS/C-IV Migration Update

Summary:Tom Hartman and June Hutchisonprovidedan update regarding recent activities and discussions:

Reviewed slide deck 13-1 JPA 3-17 Migration Planning Update.ppt

LRS/C-IV Executive Leadership Committee/ Migration Activities

The original governance model structure will stay in placewith the addition of a third party mediator should escalation be necessary. Legal counsel will remain with San Bernardino and transferred to outside legal counsel within 1 year of the JPA start date. The Fiscal agent will remain with San Bernardino indefinitely. The governance documents will be presented for approval at the April 28 General Membership meeting. LA will be briefing their board on the governance documents on April 12th. A more detailed timeframe on the path to the CalACES JPA Governance was displayed on slide 3. The governance packet will be distributed to the Counties’ Boards of Supervisors in May for approval. C-IV resubmitted their APD to align with Governor’s proposed budget including several scope changes,theExecutive Director beginning October 2017, and the removal of Fiscal Agent expenses. We included the legal expenses. Fiscal staff funding will become part of the county administrative budget divided by the forty counties beginning in FY 17/18. A high-level timeline was displayed showing the effects of the six-month delay on the counties. June reviewed the counties’ participation for migration. In process is the LRS/C-IV Combined M&O IAPDU, which is due mid-May 2017 and will consist of a combined M&O/M&E for C-IV and LRS. June gave a high-level explanation of the structure. Kris Dudley clarified thatit is a federal preference to have a single budget document. Migration D&I Contract Negotiations with Accenture are expected to continue in April. The LRS and C-IV contracts will be amended rather than having a new contract.

  1. M&O Application Update

Summary:Liz Grishamprovided an update on recent M&O Project activities and the status.

Reviewed slide deck 14-1 JPA-PSC Policy Update032417.pptx

Policy Changes - Implementation

  • ARC- Went over implementation approach at PSC meeting that was the result of an action item from the prior meeting. Thenew implementation approach is based on a sliding scale.October will be the first retrospective payment and will be paid on November 1, 2017. Prior to that, payment dates will shift 10 days each month - the July payment will be July 1,2017. the August payment will be August 10, 2017, and the September payment will be September 20, 2017. The notice will be sent out the week of April 24th. C-IV will be providing CDSS with an update to let them know that we will not meet the June 30, 2017 timeframe. C-IV is meeting with the Foster Care Committee on the 28th of April to cover the design.
  • 2017 Federal Poverty Levels-New values will be available on March 31. The FPL COLA batch will be run on April 8-9th, with a System down day on April 8.
  • Work Participation Rate Determination (WPRD)– Due to an operational issue during batch processing last week, EDBC ran for the months of November, December and January resulting in supplemental benefits being issued. Theseissuances were not duplicates. Sean Swift reviewed the information that was shared with the counties on a call yesterday. This fix for this issue is already in system test and scheduled for release 17.03, which will prevent this issue from happening again.

Policy Changes – Legislative Watch

Slide deck 14-2 JPA-PSCLegislative Watch_20170324.xlsxis for your review.

Open Agenda Items:


  1. Adjourn Meeting

•Chair Scott Pettygroveadjourned the meeting at 11:02a.m.

Action Items from previous meeting / Assigned to / Due Date / Status
  1. Provide as needed summary updates on critical policy efforts that are in different states of development at C-IV to ensure that County Executive Management is aware of the upcoming changes and if necessary allow them to exercise their influence with the Project and/or with oversight partners.
/ Tom Hartman / As needed
Action Items from this meeting / Assigned to / Due Date / Status

Next Meeting

JPABoard and General Membership Meeting

Conference Call

April 28, 2017

C-IV Project

11290 Pyrites Way, Suite 150

Rancho Cordova, Ca 95670