April 8, 2010
Members present: Jon Zwirschitz - Steve Gueths - Bob Krause - Herbert Tauchen - Sandra Davel – Randy Young
Members absent: Norbert Kautza - Don Thaves - Aaron Wallrich
Others present: Barbara Larson-Herber, Judy Kressin-Reindl, Pat Magee, Mary Christensen,
Pat Nagle and Frank Pascarella (arrived at 10:40 a.m.)
Location & Time: Department of Community Programs
504 Lakeland Road
Shawano, WI 54166
9:00 a.m.
1. Meeting was called to order by Jon Zwirschitz, Board Chairperson, at 9:00 a.m.
2. Motion made by Bob Krause, seconded by Randy Young, to deviate from the posted agenda, if necessary. Six ayes, three absent, motion carried.
3. The March 11, 2010 Board Minutes were reviewed. Motion made by Sandra Davel, seconded by Steve Gueths, to approve the minutes as presented. Six ayes, three absent, motion carried.
4. Public Comments – None.
5. Committee reviewed the Paid Invoice Listing for March 16, 2010 through April 6,
2010. Motion made by Herbert Tauchen, seconded by Steve Gueths, to approve the Paid Invoice Listing as presented. Six ayes, three absent, motion carried.
The March, 2010 Financial Report was presented to the Board. Report was reviewed and a motion was made by Bob Krause, seconded by Steve Gueths, to place report on file as presented. Six ayes, three absent, motion carried.
Lakeland Industries Production Report for March, 2010 was reviewed and an update provided on current and potential work projects.
Equipment Disposal – None
Miscellaneous – Reviewed and discussed the 2011/2012 Technology Budget. Motion made by Randy Young, seconded by Sandra Davel, to approve the 2011/2012 Technology Budget as presented. Six ayes, three absent, motion carried.
6. Personnel Issues – None.
7. Policies and Procedures – Discussed changes to Outpatient Services with DHS 35.
8. Reviewed the inpatient/diversion report. Discussed the closure of the office on Wednesday evenings. To date there have been no complaints and we see no value to going back to evening hours for outpatient services at this time.
9. Director’s Report:
LTC update provided to the Board. There are several upcoming meetings: April 16th is a meeting with RAW regarding long term care and rehabilitation facilities, Barb Larson-Herber and Pat Magee will be attending this meeting; April 19th Steering Committee; April 26th Elected official meeting; May 24th is the Policy Maker’s Forum in Green Bay, a sample resolution will be presented at this meeting; April 22nd meeting on LTC for children.
DCP Board Meeting Minutes, April 8, 2010 Page 2
A memo was presented to the Board regarding the Fiscal Agent (DCP) activities for the January, February and March (Memo will be placed on file).
Other areas of discussion: Information provided on the Steering Committee for Birth-to-3 and a Pilot program regarding a Children’s Disability Resource Center; ADRC seed money; COP funding; informed the Board that Rolf Hanson will be setting up meetings with all counties in our district and he will be meeting with Frank Pascarella.
Reviewed Shawano County Program Description Worksheets for DCP programs, Board was informed that some programs worksheets are not completed as of yet and they will receive a copy in the mail. Bob Krause indicated that he felt that these worksheets were very informative and suggested that they be used for new committee members.
Information provided to the Board on the WCHSA Conference, May 12-14, 2010. Motion made by Bob Krause, seconded by Sandra Davel to approve three DCP Board Members attendance at the WCHSA Conference if they so desire to attend. Six ayes, three absent, motion carried.
Discussed changing the May Board meeting due to the dates of the WCHSA Conference. Motion made by Steve Gueths, seconded by Herbert Tauchen, to move the May Board meeting to May 6, 2010. Six ayes, three absent, motion carried.
Miscellaneous – Bob Krause took this time to thank the staff for all the work they do and indicated that he has gained a greater appreciation for our department.
10. Correspondence – The Board received correspondence that Sandra Davel has been reappointed to a three year term on DCP’s Board.
The Board received a resignation letter from Norbert Kautza. A motion was made by Bob Krause, seconded by Steve Gueths to submit a resolution to the County Board thanking Norbert for his years of service both on the County Board and DCP’s Board.
11. Any Other Business to come before the Board – None.
12. Motion made by Bob Krause, seconded by Steve Gueths, to adjourn the meeting at
11:30 a.m. Six ayes, three absent, motion carried.
Submitted by –
Judy Kressin-Reindl,
Administrative Services Manager
(All information referenced in the above minutes is on file at the Department of Community Programs Building, 504 Lakeland Road, Shawano, WI.)