Encore Best Practices – Order Processing

Order Document Preparation:

Open Encore and click Collect New Order Docs.

Locate the builder, subdivision, and lot on the maestro tree that is being processed

Double click the lot and click at the top left side of the screen

The screen below will populate:

Drag the quote and layouts that are being ordered for that lot into the Order Docs.

Navigate to the top of the Maestro tree and click your location.

Click the labor analysis icon on the left of the Maestro tree and drag the location Labor Analysis into the Order Docs.

When all of these items are in the Order Docs, click Save on the top left side of screen.

A window will populate with the message below

If there are no addendums or Al La Carte files associated with the order click Yes.

The window below will populate.

Click Yes to begin processing the order.

Step 1: Start

The requested delivery date and the install date will be manually chosen, which will be determined from the OP task and the Primary Install task in Maestro.

The delivery and install date will be determined by the Primary Install Task below, the due date on the task is the install date. The delivery date is one business day before install.

The due date on the Order Processor Task will be 15 business days before the delivery date (determined by the releasing orders calendar) which should be one business day before the install date.

Below are the Options for This Lot. If the order is the same style/color in all of the rooms, check that box. If the order has a reverse plan, check that box as well.

After the necessary fields are filled out, click .

Step 2: Room Selection

Using the completed OP Packet that has all the necessary documents for reference, select all the rooms that are being ordered for the lot and click .

Step 3: Rooms

The first room selected (typically the kitchen) will populate. Double-click Style Selection.

All of the style/colors offered to the builder will be grouped by levels, starting with base and moving through numbered upgrades. Select the style color and click .

The next step in the Rooms portion will be the Quoted Options, which are all the options the builder can select and the pricing associated with that option. For example: Hardware, Install, Optional Crown Molding, etc.

Select the checkbox for all of the options the builder selected for this room. If this is an Install Customer, always select Installation. Click .

The next step in the Rooms portion will be the Al La Carte section. If there was no Al La Carte file associated with the lot, click .

The next step in the Rooms portion will be the Addendum section. If there was no Addendum file associated with the lot, click .

The next step in the Rooms portion will be the Parts section. This is the parts list that will be generated at the end of the order. The parts list may need to be manipulated if the FS has made any changes to the layout, or the Quest file does not match the layout.

The OP must check that the Parts List matches the layout on every order for every room to ensure accuracy.

The Parts screen is shown below:

The left side has the parts list and the right side has the options. Click an option and a screen will show the parts list for that option.

Click Add Option Parts to Order and then click Option Complete. This will add or remove any cabinets or parts associated with the option. Hardware options will often be blank because of the wide variety of hardware offered to a Builder.

If it is necessary to make manual changes to the parts list, right-click the cabinet or part.

Click the Edit Part icon and key the necessary change in that field.

If it is necessary to add a part to the parts list, click the Add Part icon and an extra row will appear on the parts list so a part/cabinet can be manually keyed.

After the Parts List has been manipulated manually, add any construction options.

Click twice to move to the next room of the order.

Repeat the same steps for each room on the order, including the Parts portion.

After the Parts Lists for each room have been verified, click and a Room Selections Summary screen will appear, showing all the rooms selected for the order. This will provide a second check to ensure the correct rooms have been selected.

Step 4: Per-House

This section would be used for custom options, if there are no custom options associated with the order, click .

Step 5: PO Compare

This is the portion that the schedule, quote, or PO pricing will be input depending on how the customer is billed per the Builder Billing Requirements.

The PO Description should include Cabinets, Labor, Marble, Laminate, or Option descriptions depending on the Builder.

The Style field is rarely used and will be outlined in the individual Builder’s process if needed.

The PO Amount will be the dollar amount associated with the PO Description.

The PO # field should include the lot number or the PO number depending on builder.

After the billing information has been keyed into the necessary fields of the PO Compare portion it will look like the screen below:

The PO: field will be the total amount that was manually entered in the fields above.

Click Compare.

The left side of the screen will be the info that was manually entered; the right side will show each room with options selected for the room. The pricing is generated from the quote which is linked to Encore using Quest.

The Ordered: field will be the quote amount.

If the PO: amount matches the Ordered: amount, click .

If the PO: amount and the Ordered: amounts do not match, select Force Price.

The window below will populate.

Enter the amount the order should be forced to in the Force Price field and add a note describing which price (PO or Ordered) was forced and why.

This note will vary between Builders and will be outlined in the each Builder’s Process.

Click OK to save the information and close the Force Price window.

When the fields are filled in, click .

Step 6: Labor Analysis

The FS will fill out the Labor Analysis in Maestro under the Analysis tab of the Primary Install Task. Use the information in Maestro to update the Labor Analysis in Encore to make the total Installer Pay (Cost) match the amount the FS calculated.

Enter the total box count (green box below) from the Primary Install into the # of cabinet Count of Encore (red box below). This should be close to the total cost. The Accessories portion of the Labor Analysis will allow you to add hardware which is $1.00 per piece. Add enough hardware in Encore to match the total Installer Pay (Cost) in the Primary Install Task.

When complete, click .

Step 7: Vendor Items

This will be the section that will be used to input any Vendor information such as marble, laminate, or both. This information will be found on the marble order form or the laminate quote for the order. The processes for marble and laminate are outlined below.

Marble information can be found on the marble order form in the install packet, as shown in the example below.

Click into the Vendor Name field to display a list. After you choose a vendor, Encore will automatically fill in the OBS Description, Style, and Vendor Code fields.

The Qty field will always be 1.

The Rate field will be the Total Cost from the order form (yellow box above).

The % Markup field will vary by state: VA, MD, PA, & WV – 43.10%; NJ – 44.45%; DE – 35%.

The Sell Price field will automatically fill in.

The only exception to this will be on Lennar orders and will be outlined in the Lennar process.

Laminate information can be found on the laminate quote located under the plan in Maestro, as shown in the example below.

Click into the Vendor Name field to display a list. After you choose a vendor, Encore will automatically fill in the OBS Description, Style, and Vendor Code fields.

The Qty field will always be 1.

The Rate field will be the Total Cost from the laminate quote plus the sink pricing if it is not included in the quote price as defined in the process for each builder.

The % Markup field will vary by builder, depending on whether or not tax is included in the quote, as defined in the process for each builder.

The Sell Price field will automatically fill in.

When all of the vendor items are added to this section, click .

Step 8: Order Cover

Use the Notes section of the Order Cover to highlight any information that the OA needs to know about the order. Include any notes about

·  Forced pricing, including the reasons for the forced price

·  PO updates

·  Emails regarding selections or pricing

·  Why an order is late

Later in the process, you will copy this note into the Released Task in Maestro.

When the notes section has been completed, click the Print Parts list icon.

The parts list will open in Excel and will include the delivery and install dates, the builder, subdivision and lot info, the pricing breakdown, vendor items, and the labor cost and sell.

Scroll down to review the parts list that will be automatically sent to OBS.

Compare every room of the parts list to ensure all the cabinets and parts match, paying close attention to parts manually added by the FS, reversed hinging, and construction options.

As you check the cabinets and parts, highlight them on the OP Packet as shown in the next image.

Marking up the OP Packet will make it easy to take a look at the layouts after you check the parts list to ensure ALL cabinets and parts are highlighted.

If the parts list does not match the layout, question the designer to determine whether the Quest file is correct or the layout is correct.

After you have verified that the parts lists match the layouts, click the Send to Maestro icon, and then click .

An email will open to alert the OA that the order is ready to check. Delete this email. Instead, you will create a Released Task in Maestro in the next step to alert the OA that the order is ready to be checked.

Step 9: Released Task

Click the New Task icon in the lot to create an Ad-Hoc Task.

Define the task fields as follows:

·  Assigned To field: Released

·  Status field: In Process

·  Description field: Released – Encore

·  Sched Date will be the date that the FS assigned as the scheduled date of the Order Processor Task.

·  Due Date is the delivery date of the order.

·  In the Instructions field, paste the notes from the Encore Order Cover.

Save the task and paste the notes into the Note section of the task by clicking the New Note icon.

Step10: Maestro Finder

After completing the Released task, always run the Released Orders Filter in Maestro.

Click the Finder icon. Choose Released in the Assigned To field, and Group By Due Date.

The Due Date End will be 15 days out. Run the filter. The lot will show up on the due date designated in the Released Task:

Encore Order Processing 03/13/14 Page 1