Local Schools, Local Decisions Directorate

Key Issue / Key Information / Key Contact/s / Status
Local Schools, Local Decisions Projects /
  • 35 projects have been developed to implement the LSLD reforms. 22 of these are now complete. The projects cover the five reform areas: Making Decisions, Staff in our Schools, Managing Resources, Working Locally and Reducing Red Tape. Each of these reform areas relates to supporting schools to operate in an environment of increased local decision making.
  • The LSLD reforms include the development of a new Resource Allocation Model (RAM) to deliver resources to public schools in a fairer and more transparent way. RAM allocation reports outlining schools 2014 allocations were sent to principals in October 2013.
  • Work has commenced to produce integrated school planning and reporting tools and connect these to student learning outcomes and the budget. Work is underway in the other key areas including standards based progression, performance management and development, principal classification and credentialing, and accountability.
  • Detailed information about the LSLD reforms and achievements to date can be viewed at:
http://www.dec.nsw.gov.au/documents/15060385/15385042/LSLD%20Overveiw%20August%202013.pdf / Grant Wargren
Director, LSLD, Systems Development
Ph 9561 8463
/  Current action
 Ongoing
Resource Allocation Model (RAM) /
  • The three key components of the RAM are 1. Base school allocation, 2. Equity loadings and 3. Targeted funds to individual students
  • The first two components of the RAM being phased in from the beginning of 2014 are:
  • Targeted (individual student) funding support for students who require high to moderate level adjustment for disability, require specific support, are new arrivals or refugees
  • Equity loadings including support for low level adjustment for disability, English language proficiency, Aboriginal background students and students from low socio-economic backgrounds.
  • The 229 schools which participated in the Empowering Local Schools National Partnership (ELSNP) have also received a staffing budget allocation based on the current staff entitlement at standard cost, adhering to class size policy.
  • Work is commencing in 2014 to develop the remaining RAM loadings including; location, size, English language proficiency and low level adjustment for disability.
  • Consultation is continuing with a range of different stakeholders.
  • A range of frequently asked questions in relation to the RAM can be found at http://www.dec.nsw.gov.au/about-the-department/our-reforms/local-schools-local-decisions/reform-agenda/resource-allocation-model/frequently-asked-questions
/ Matthew Wong,
RAM Project Manager
Ph 9561 8226
/  Current action
 Ongoing
Support for Schools /
  • A Core Financial Literacy course is in the final stages of development and will be made available to schools commencing Term 1, 2014
  • A Strategic Financial Management course is being developed and will be made available to schools commencing Term 2, 2014
  • Each Director, Education Services will form an LSLD School Support Team comprising 1 x Principal, 2 x Deputy Principal, 2 x SAM, .These teams will work closely with, and report to their Director Educational Services. These teams will deliver the Core Financial Literacy and the Strategic Financial Management courses to schools in 2014 and provide assistance to schools in the introduction of the RAM.
/ Geoff Pellizzer
Director Professional Learning, LSLD
Ph 9561231

Mary-Lou O’Brien
A/Director, School Support
Ph 95618472
/  Current action
Empowering Local Schools National Partnership (ELSNP) /
  • The 229 schools in the ELSNP program have been in the forefront of the implementation of a number of the Local Schools, Local Decisions initiatives. They have acted as the pilot schools the introduction of a number of the staffing and finance related initiatives
  • In 2014 the 229 schools will be the first to receive their staffing budget allocation (based on the current staff entitlement) as a cash amount at standard cost.
  • The ELSNP program has now been concluded and the final report has been submitted.
  • A number of case studies have been developed to showcase local school decision making in practice and will be available on the LSLD website in Term 1, 2014.
  • Class Movies – all of the 229 schools will be able to document an aspect of their journey in the ELSNP program by way of a short movie. Class Movies is a production company that will support schools in the development of a 15 to 20 minute movie to showcase studies on how schools are transitioning into an environment of greater local authority. There will be a launch of this initiative in early 2014. The movies will gradually become publically available through the year.
/ Mary-Lou O’Brien
A/Director, School Support
Ph 95618472
/  Current action