Bradford’s Local Offer reviewed May 2017 SEF

Local Offer review framework Self Evaluation Form

Local Authority Name: BRADFORD

Local Offer link:

Annual Report 2016/17 published within the Local Offer website by 31st August 2017 provides additional evidence for the Local Offer SEF review


  • Complete a review against all the categories providing a Yes (Y), Limited (L) or No (N) for each based on the requirements given. (Column 4 below)
  • Provide comments against each category where relevant provide an explanation of why a classification has been chosen, to highlight good examples and where information is missing and ideas for improvements.(Column 5 below)
  • The categories are based on the ‘Musts’ in the Code of Practicebut a few key ‘Shoulds’ have been included at the end of the table.
  • A supplementary document is available which includes the extracts from the Code of Practice that are referenced in this document.
  • Please note that this framework is designed to help review/self-evaluate elements of your Local Offer but by doing so itdoes not guarantee that your Local Offer is fully compliant.


Ref / Category / Classification
Y, L, N (please delete as appropriate) / Y / N / L / Comments / Key elements to consider / CoP Ref
A / Local Offer available for those without internet access and for those with specific access requirements. / Y = Includes contact details and more than 3 options for those that have specific access requirements e.g. options to change language, easy print, increase font size, use sound etc.
L = Does not have contact details and/or less than 3 options for those that have specific access requirements.
N = None of the above found. / Y / Bradford’s response and action:
Access requirements
The Local Offer provides users with a direct LO telephone number and email address. Developments are in place to include Typetalk system which connects people who cannot speak or hear on the phone, with other people using a telephone, by providing a text-to-voice and voice-to-text relay serviceas requested by young people.
The Local Offer has purchased “browsealoud” website accessibility software and Google Translate software. This will give website users a better experience – reduce barriers between website content and be accessible to all website audiences.The innovative support software; changes font sizes, speech over text, easy read, colour overlays and translation for websites to facilitate access and participation for people with SEND Inc. Dyslexia, Low Literacy, English as a Second Language, and those with visual impairments. Online content can be read aloud in multiple languages using the most natural and engaging voice to transform the user’s reading experience, ensuring the Local Offer website is fully accessible. Browse Aloud has been live on the website since March 2016.
Alternative format to the LO website
The Local Offer co-produced with key stakeholders an alternative format of the website for users without internet access called Local Offer “The Guide” booklet. 5000 of these booklets were published and printed and distributed across the Bradford District to 3000 SEND services across Education, Health, Social Care (Inc. voluntary/community sector), SENCO leads in Bradford schools and colleges, 2000 of the booklets was distributed via the Local Offer Officer at events, workshops, meetings and Bradford Families information service posting to individual families and services on request.
Distributed alongside LO “The Guide” booklet was Local Offer leaflets/posters which was co-produced with key stakeholders as an alternative format of the website providing details about what the Local Offer is, how to access it Inc. how to request “The Guide” booklet.
Co-production and review-new alternative format developments
The Local Offer Guide booklet and leaflets/posters have been reviewed by key stakeholders within Local Offer review and development focus groups and it was decided that “The Guide” booklet (5000 copies of the booklet have all been distributed since printed) to be replaced by alternative formats in the forms of a general Local Offer concertina zfold handy pocket size leaflet. The zfold leafletwill contain information about what the Local Offer is, contact details, how to access if no internet, information and support that is available. Local Offer information and news articles are published In every edition of the Disabled Children’s Information Service (DCIS)quartile newsletter which is distributed to individual families and services/provisionsregistered with DCIS across the Bradford District. / 4.62
B / Comments, the local authority response and the actions they intend to take published on the Local Offer. / Y = Clear mechanism available for providing comments and feeding back. Information provided on when and where these comments will be published.
L= Option to comment is via a general email only which is not clearly signposted on the site.
N = None of the above found. / Y / Bradford’s response and action:
Bradford’s Local Offer annually publishes all comments/feedback received from children and young people, parents and carers and service providers within the Local Offer Annual Report in the format of “What you said” and “What we did” which publishes and provides information about responses and actions to be taken using the feedback gained for key stakeholders to review and develop Bradford Local Offer.
The Local Offer main page of the website displays a feedback page tab which includes 2 separate online Local Offer feedback questionnaire surveys, (reviewed and co-produced and by children/young people and parent/cares) one for children and young people and one for parent/carers and service providers, to complete and submit online feedback about the Local Offer and services. Within the feedback page you can view the full comprehensive versions of the annual reports and we have created a separate version of the full reports showing only the “What you said” and “What we did” section of the annual reports.
On the main page we have clearly displayed the location of the feedback page and a clear link to the Annual Reports. Within the feedback section we have a page called “Feedback information” and this give you clear information about what feedback information the Local Offer would like and why we are asking for the feedback. The Local Offer questionnaire surveys have been co-produced with key stakeholders to gain relevant feedback required as stated in the CoP to develop the Local Offer.
Alternative feedback options are available via paper copies of the online feedback paper, Local Offer email, telephone and verbally feedback gained at events, meetings and workshops where the Local Offer Officer has attended. / A summary of comments and the response must be published annually.
(Ability to provide feedback and comments required) / 4.21/
C / In area education provision / Y = There is a list of education providers across the age range and a direct link from the Local Offer to the providers SEN information e.g. SEN information for providers is on the Local Offer site or a direct link to the information is provided (a link to the standard providers homepage is not enough). 4 providers across the age range to be checked for this, all of which have their SEN information on the site or a direct link to the information is given.
L = List of providers available but less than 3 of the providers on the Local Offer site have the information or a direct link to the information.
N = None of the above found. / Y / Bradford’s response and action:
We have a comprehensivelist of all education providers,SEN Information /Local Offer report links within education section of the Local Offer website within the “Schools list” and Local “College lists”the comprehensive age range lists comprises ofNurseries, Children Centres, Primary and Secondary (Inc. Specials, DSP, Resourced Provisions, ARC’s, PRU’s, Out of Area and independent provisions where we place children from the Bradford District) including 6th forms and local colleges. TRACKS School, home tutoring, and hospital education provisions are also found within education section under“Other educational provision”.“National Specialist providers” are included within this section too.
The post 16 Support services within the Education category of the Local Offer website includes “College lists” here you can find college/FE providers, Out of district, independent, Independant national specialist providers and other post 16 learning providers,direct website links to their College/FE’sSEN Information/Local Offer report.
Of the 329 provisions we have 309 published on the Local Offer website within education section and this has been developed by having agreed mechanisms in place with all education providers to regularly update the LO Officer with this information on a 6 monthly basis and notify interim of any updates to SEN Information/Local Offer report links/address.
Developments have been made within the LO website to the schools and Local college list pages toenable users to search via specific provisions by filters. Filters Inc. Bradford Schools, Out of District, Independent, and Specific Establishments to enable users to search a provision by primary additional needs. This search function has beenavailable since March 2016. / To include education settings (early years, schools and Post 16 – including apprenticeships, traineeships and supported internships), where to find providers SEN Information reports and SEN services including early years. / 4.4/
D / Out of area educational provision / Y = A link to Section 41.
L = Some but not all of (Section 41) list included.
N = None of the above found. / Y / Bradford’s response and action:
See comments in section C / The link to Section 41 and provision outside of the local area that the LA expects is likely to be used. / 4.30/
E / Out of area education provision included on the Local Offer in the same way as the in area education provision. / Y = One or more of the out of area providers included on the Local Offer in the same way as the in area education provision.
L= Not an option for this category.
N = Not found. / Y / Bradford’s response and action:
Yes-See comments in section C / 4.4
F / In area health provision / Y = Information about health and links to health provision.
L = Some information but very limited e.g. Only a link given to the main LA website.
N = None of the above found. / Y / Bradford’s response and action:
In area health provisions, information and services are published within the Healthcategory of the Local Offer website. Working in partnership with local CCGS, local health services, health commissioners and leads the Local Offer provides information about health, its services and links to health provisions.
Local In area health provisions have an agreement in place with the local Offer to provide information about health provisions availiable and provide updates every 6 months including any new provisionsavailiable. Any feedback from key stakeholders is feedback to health services to respond every 6 months and thesesresponses/action are included within the Local Offer annual report. / To include information about support to settings on medical needs, therapy, mental health, wheelchairs and equipment, palliative care, continuing care and support for moving to adult care. / 4.40/4.30
G / In area social care provision / Y = Information about social care and links to provision.
L = Some information but very limited e.g. Only a link given to the main LA website.
N = None of the above found. / Y / Bradford’s response and action:
Social care information and provision links are availiable within the Social Carecategory of the Local Offer website including how to access social care services, short breaks and leisure activities, transition into adult care and support for independent living.
The Local Offer woks in partnership with Social Care and its services, information and links to provisions.
Local social care leads and provisions have agreements in place with the local Offer to provide information about social care information/provisions that are available and provides updates every 6 months including any new provisions available. Any feedback from key stakeholders is feedback to social care to respond every 6 months and theses responses/actions are included within the Local Offer annual report. / To include how to access social care services, childcare, leisure activities, support for moving to adult social care, support for living independently and the short breaks statement plus where the information on adult care can be found (under the Care Act 2014). / 4.4/
H / Requesting an EHC needs assessment / Y = Clear information about how to request an EHC needs assessment, this must be accessible to parents and young people.
L = Information available but complex and not accessible.
N = None of the above found. / Y / Bradford’s response and action:
The Education category and every page you may land on within the Local Offer website services, has a page called “Education Health Care Plans (EHCP)”. On this page it gives users’ clear details about what an EHCP is and how to request one. A subtitled video about EHCP is available on this page including a contact telephone number. You will also find information about; Statement conversion t EHCP timelines, process, personal budgets, direct payments, mediation and disagreement resolution and how to request for a Health NHS Children’s Continuing Care Plan.
As requested by young people the Local Offer website, has a section dedicated to children and young people including what information they have expressed they would like to know about and how they would like it to look. EHCP information and how to request one is part of the information they would like to know about in the form of a YouTube subtitled video with less text. AnEHCP information video with subtitles is published for you people in this section. / Information on how parents and young people can request an EHC needs assessment. / 4.30/4.57-
I / Identifying and assessing SEN / Y = Clear information about how SEN are identified and assessed, this must be accessible to parents and young people.
L = Information available but complex and not accessible.
N = None of the above found. / Y / Bradford’s response and action:
We have this information within Education categorySEN Guidance and EHCP. SEN services leads and services have an agreement in place with the local Offer to provide information for the Local Offer about how SEN children and young people are identified/assessed and provide updates every 6 months. Any feedback from key stakeholders is feedback to SEN to respond every 6 months and these responses/actions are included within the Local Offer annual report. Interim updates about SEN information are updated when required.
As requested by parent/carers we have developed and co-produced new visual pathways about diagnosis called “Diagnosis” and “Are you worried about your child’s behaviour” which is published within any of the Local Offer categories. The pathways support parent/carers and young people with steps to take if they are worried about their child’s development or behaviour. / To include arrangements for EHC needs assessments. / 4.30
J / EHCPs / Y = Clear information about the EHCP (including timescales and process), this must be accessible to parents and young people.
L = Information available but complex and not accessible.
N = None of the above found. / Y / Bradford’s response and action:
See section H / The timescales and process for an EHCP. / 4.58
K / Personal Budgets / Y = A Personal Budgets local policy published on the Local Offer including who is eligible. Covering education, health and social care Personal Budgets.
L = Some information but fairly high level and not covering all elements.
N = None of the above found. / Y / Bradford’s response and action:
Local Offer has worked closely with social care, health and education services to review and develop the personal budgets page of the website using feedback gained from key stakeholders at personal budget workshops and consultations. The “Personal Budget” information page is located within all service categories within the Local Offer. The personal Budget section includes useful information, leaflets, examples and real life videos about what a personal budget is, how they have been used, and a personal Budgets local policy framework including who are eligible and personal budgets Q&A. The personal budgets page now includes sub section giving information about 3 types of personal budgets, criteria, level of needs/ranges, how to request, examples of how they are used to meet outcomes including useful videos and leaflets. / Information available about the option of having a Personal Budget including a local policy for Personal Budgets. / 4.58
L / Travel / Y = A link to a policy which includes information on travel to and from educational settings pre and post 16 (can be in one document but must set out policy for pre and post 16).