The Regular meeting of the City of Buffalo City Common Council was called to order by Mayor Dan Wicka at 7:00 p.m. Roll call: Brach Seitz, Lisa Schuh, Russ Lorenz, Kevin Mack and City Superintendent Stan Meier. Citizens: Larry Brosnan and Greg Jencen. The meeting was held as noticed. Motion Mack, second Lorenz to approve minutes from the January regular Council meeting. All yes, motion carried.
Finance:Audit was completed last week. Full report will be given in March or April. Discussion on CapX2020 funds. Lorenz has put together a list of ideas for spending the money. Ideas include repaving tennis courts, updating park bathrooms, planting trees and riverfront/city dock upgrades. Will continue to take ideas and add to the list. Recreation Committee will meet late March/early April.
Building: Permit issued for interior remodel.
Health and Safety:Mack reported that the Buffalo County ordinance on bees was rescinded. He feels the City should consider changing the current ordinance to allow bee keeping in city limits. From everything he has gathered the benefits appear to outweigh negatives when it comes to bee keeping. Will look into a revision of the ordinance to allow bees with a maximum number of hives between two and four. Current ordinance banning bee keeping was created in 1963. Seitz said he wasn’t convinced the city should change an ordinance because one resident is requesting it. Consensus of the council to bring a revised ordinance to the March meeting for consideration.
Recreation: Rink still open. Wicka said the City would like to remind snowmobilers that there are designated trails to ride on.
Cemetery:Defroster has been fixed. Not recommended to use in temperatures near or below zero.
Mayor:Wicka represented the City at the court hearing in the case the City has brought against David Becker. Wicka said the judge gave Mr. Becker 60 days to show that work on the project can be completed as outlined in his original building permit from 2011 for a commercial building with all possible permits needed from the state and county.
Superintendent:Continuing to work on picnic tables and trees at the cemetery.
Other:Mack would like to invite members of the C-BC Lions Club to attend the March meeting to discuss their future plans pertaining to the 4th of July celebration.
Motion Seitz, second Mack to pay bills. All yes, motion carried.
Motion Lorenz, second Schuhto adjourn meeting. All yes, motion carried.
Jenny Ehlenfeldt, Clerk