Reporting/information provision
- Quarterly progress updates must be produced by the project applicant and provided to the Transport Planning & Programme Development Team
- All volunteers’ hours must be recorded for works associated with the project and provided by the project applicant to the Transport Planning & Programme Development Team quarterly and on completion of the scheme
- Additional funding identified for the project is documented, evidenced and provided by the project applicant to the Transport Planning & Programme Development Team
- Photographic evidence records are required to be provided by the project applicant to the Transport Planning & Programme Development Teambefore and after completion of the project
- Any groups that receive SLC funding will provide assistance to Nottinghamshire County Council in assessing the benefits and value for money of their project, including up to two years following the project completion
- Any publicity concerning the project is to be arranged in partnership with NottinghamshireCounty Council’s Corporate Communications Team (Tel: 0115 977 3757)
- Photo calls and scheme openings are to be discussed in advance of being carried out and must have the inclusion of aNottinghamshire County Council representative and relevant elected local county councillor/s on the day
- The funding offer is for the named project only and is not transferrable
- The funding offer is capped at the level approved by Nottinghamshire County Council Environment and Sustainability Committee (£amount of funding approved for the scheme) and the offer may be withdrawn if a suitable scheme cannot be delivered within the available budget
- The funding offer is capped at the level approved by Nottinghamshire County Council Environment and Sustainability Committee (as stated in this document) and any project overspend will be the liability of the Group that made the application
- Funding for a project will not be carried over into a new funding year. Therefore any project which is not completed within the 2015/16 funding year may result in funding being withdrawn; and any costs incurred/billed after 31 March 2016 may be the responsibility of the Group that made the application
- Any groups that receive SLC funding will commit to ensuring the scheme remains open to the public for (period of time to be determined based on the project). If the scheme is not considered by Nottinghamshire County Council to be open to the public within this time period the funding may need to be returned to the County Councilby the project applicant
- Once the project is complete, future maintenance and ongoing repair work (should any be required) will be the responsibility of the group that made the application – the length of time that maintenance will be required may be determined and agreed dependent on the size of the scheme
- The Group that made the application will be responsible for securing any land associated with the scheme, including resolving any land issues arising during the scheme delivery
- The offer of the funding assistance will be declared in default in the event of non-compliance with the terms and conditions laid out in this letter
Organisation/Group name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Project name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Contact telephone number: …………………………………………………… Email: ………………………………………………….
Signature:…………………………………………………… Please print name: …………………………………………………………..
Signed by the applicant as acceptance of the terms and conditions of this grant offer letter
Date returned to SLC: ……………………………………………