Local Health Personnel Employment Council

Meeting Minutes


Council Members Present:

Wes Swarner

Roger Smiley

Jennifer Woods

Dr. Ellis, via Marshall Co connection

Others Present:

Ron Horseman, Local Health Personnel

Krista Hamilton, Local Health Personnel

Others Present via ITV:

Rebecca Baird, Green River District Health Department

Lisa Paul, Green River District Health Department

Valerie Roby, Green River District Health Department

Frances Foster, Bullitt Co. Health Department

Andrea Renfrow, Bullitt Co. Health Department

Lori Krutson, Madison Co. Health Department

Robin Fuson, Bell Co. Health Department

Teresa L. Hunter, Bell Co. Health Department

Trissa McGeorge, Bell Co. Health Department

Laura Croom, Pennyrile District Health Department

Laura Hammons, Christian Co. Health Department

Mark Pyle, Christian Co. Health Department

Kim Flora, Barren River District Health Department

Wes Swarner, Co-Chair, called the meeting to order at approximately 1:09 P.M.

Before the meeting got underway Wes announced that today would be Roger’s last meeting. He is resigning from the council and moving out of state. Roger was thanked for his service.

Old Business:

Wes Swarner asked for a motion that the minutes of the meeting held on November 13, 2013 be approved as submitted. Roger Smiley made the motion to approve. Jennifer Woods seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Krista Hamilton, LHP, presented the following information on current appeals:

Action on Appeals received from the Administrative Hearings Branch

Recommended Orders


Scheduled Hearings

Appeals in Process

AHB DPH 10-256Employee appealed dismissal action taken by the

Health Department. Original hearing date was

scheduled for July 19, 2010. A request for Motion to reschedule hearing has been submitted by the employee’s attorney. Motion to sustain appeal was submitted on October 14, 2010 by employee’s attorney. This matter is proceeding to the Circuit Court, due to that fact we received an order placing this matter in abeyance until further order of the tribunal.

AHB DPH 13-454Employee appealed dismissal action taken by the

Health Department. Original hearing date was

scheduled for June 13, 2013. Received a final order

reversing the dismissal of the health department.

The health department has now filed a petition for judicial review in the Franklin Circuit Court asking the court to reverse the hearing officer’s decision.

DAH DAFM 14-1855Employee appealed a suspension action taken by

the health department. A pre-hearing conference

was held on April 23, 2014. No further information

at this time.

New Business:

  • Ron talked about new AFM/Personnel updates. Local Health Personnel has looked at removing 9 classifications that had 3 or less employees in them. We did not receive much feedback from the LHDs when we sent out an email asking for input. There will only be 8 that are removed. It was decided to keep the Community Worker.

Classification being removed are:

Accountant, Administrative Clerk, Telephone Operator/Receptionist, Records Clerk, Summer WorkerDental Hygienist I, Dental Hygienist II and Senior Resource Person

Employees in this class will be grandfathered in and no changes will take place with their titles.

There is a possibility that the Dental Hygienist might not be removed because of some upcoming Dental programs. Ron will be in a meeting next week with Dr. Shepard and Dr. McKeeto discuss the programs. It may be that the local health departments will contract Dental Hygienist for the pilot programs.

  • Ron sharednumbers for the period between March and June 2014

2766 Employees

63 New Employees

718 Applications

55 Resignations


  • Ron told the field when sending in Work Force Reductions to please allow LHP up to two weeks to get them done and to be patient with us as there have been and will be several plans coming in with the new budgets. If you have a pressing issue let us know and we will see what we can do.
  • We have emailed out new time sheet to the LHDs and they are good until 2023. There were some LHDs that have older versions of Excel that we have reformatted the time sheet for and there are a couple of mistakes on them. We will get this fixed and email out again.

There were no questions from the participants or for an open personnel discussion. No one had any suggestions for discussion for the next meeting.

The meeting was turned back to Wesand he asked for preferences between the two dates of September 17 and the 24. The 24th was chosen.

At approximately 1:23 Wes Swarner motioned to adjourn the meeting and Jennifer Woods approved and Roger Smiley seconded the motion and the motion carried.