Master Species List Updates – March 2015
Master Species List(710 records originally)
- Parse scientific name to obtain Genus/Species/Variety as individual fields
- Rename [Scientific] field to [Name_Original]
- Rename [Species] to [Species_Old] (this is the old [Species] code field)
- Create new fields:
- [Symbol]to indicate the new USDA based code field – replaces [Species], consider renaming (symbol is used by USDA)?
- [National_Common] for comparison to existing common names
- [Target_Weed] to indicate records on the Parks Target Weed list
- [Noxious_Class] to import this info from the Target Weed list
- [USDA_Status] to indicate current decisions used by EarthCorps to updated USDA Symbols - see below for descriptions
- [Update_Notes_2015] for general questions or notes for consideration
Import USDA symbols into master table and integrate Target Weed List:
- Convert and import all excel files into an Access
- Query USDA data tables to only show accepted names (remove all synonymous species entries)
- Join with Master and import symbols and common names – indicate as “Clean” in [USDA_Update] field
- Query USDA data tables to only show synonymous species entries”
- Run query to show all Master species that match directly with Genus/species/variety fields and import [Symbol] and [State Common] data into Master table - indicate as “Synonym”
- These records will need to be updated (genus/species) to the USDA accepted species nomenclature.
- Note that USDA .txt files make it very difficult to parse out var. and ssp. records.
- Update records with existing [National_Code] if field is populated and is not covered in above steps.
- Indicate these as “Existing” updates in “USDA Status” field
- Check and update those records where new [Symbol] does not equal existing National Code field and update as necessary (add varieties as appropriate)
- Note that many discrepancies were found, will need to check all records indicated as “existing” for completeness…
- Clean and check fields and delete duplicates (not including tree/shrub entries)
[USDA Status] key:
Clean= imported directly from NRCS List
Synonym= Symbol updated through joined table, but nomenclature represents a known synonym (nomenclature needs to be updated in Master)
Name Change= synonym: new nomenclature and symbol updated manually from USDA
USDA= manually looked up in USDA and imported symbol (may not be accurate for WA, or may indicate unlisted varieties)
Existing= copied directly from existing [National_Code] field, no QA/QC
Variant= national code represents the general Genus and Species, although USDA does not recognize the listed variant
Check Var= imported code does not match existing [National Code] field and may need further delineation
N/A= not recognized in USDA…
Exclude= non-species records
Next steps
- Manually check “Existing” records for Symbols and Common Names (80)
- Manually update all “synonym” records(16)
- Determine how to resolve “N/A” records for species not recognized by USDA (3)
- Manually check duplicate [Symbol] entries and rename (Tree/Shrub entries etc.) as necessary (26)
- Update Invasive fields?
- Update wetland indicator status?
- Update all existing databases (or only current data?) to reflect these changes…