Like improve student’s presentations
- Introduction
- Statistics - Communication most sought after soft-skill by employers today
- Assessment –Professional presentations rather than multiple choice
- Pair-share – can students present?
- Importance of Language
- Video Clip: Fantastic Mr. Fox, A Complete Clustercuss (
- Teaching Strategy: Plastic Balls Activity for Language
- Video Clip: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - I Have A Dream Speech (
- Teaching Strategy: Power of the Pause
- Video Clip: President Barack Obama (
- Teaching Strategy: Transitions
- Improved Confidence
- Pair-share – are students confident?
- Video Clip: Amy Cuddy, How Body Language Shapes Who You Are (
- Teaching Strategy: Power Pose
- Video Clip:Eunice Hii Don't Just Follow Your Passion (
- Teaching Strategy: Count the Stories
- Professional Presentations – this is what it looks like
- Summary
- Reason why
- Yes, students can present well
- Questions and contact information
Marketing Research
In-class Activity: Professional Presentations Video Case One
Professional presentations are an important part of the research process. Students should view the videos and answer the following. You must fully explain your answers using examples to earn full credit. Be prepared to share your answers in class. This in-class assignment is worth 10 points.
View the video and answer the following.
Amy Cuddy, Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are (
- Based on Cuddy’s research, describe what should you do prior to a professional presentation as well as the effects of doing so on your body chemistry and image.
- Describe four important non-verbal communication techniques you should use while presenting information in a professional setting.
- Describe three stories the presenter used in her professional presentation.
Marketing Research
In-class Activity: Professional Presentations Video Case Two
Professional presentations are an important part of the research process. Students should view the videos and answer the following. You must fully explain your answers using examples to earn full credit. Be prepared to share your answers in class. This in-class assignment is worth 10 points.
Don't Just Follow Your Passion: A Talk for Generation Y: Eunice Hii (
- Describe three stories the presenter used in her professional presentation.
- Describe five things the presenter did well while presenting information.
BONUS: Count how many stories the speaker shares ______answer correctly and get five bonus points!
Market Research
Focus Group Client Presentation
Presentation Checklist
Students should prepare for and demonstrate the following during the Focus Group Client Presentation. These items will be evaluated in the Presentation Skills section of the Focus Group Project Scoring Guide: Presentation. Please note number 8 requires Instructor submission.
1)______Stories (use of 3-4 stories to explain content or engage audience)
2)______Rule of tell’em (agenda and summary slides)
3)______Transitions (both topic to topic, speaker to speaker)
4)______Power of the pause
5)______Smile – enthusiasm
6)______Demonstrate confidence (evidence of obvious rehearsal, students should rehearse 6-7 times)
7)______Articulate (little or no filler language such as umms, likes, stuff like that, etc.)
8)______Obvious Version A (notes for speaker) and Version B(audience with strong images and little copy) PowerPoint (must hand in to Instructor with Report on 10/1 as well as email to Instructor Version A and
Version B Poweroint)
Example Version A Example Version B
9)______Strong non-verbal communication (demonstrate strong posture, gestures, where to stand, etc.)
10)______Strong eye contact, connection with audience
11)______Two audience engagement questions (direct question to the audience)
12)______Obvious rehearsal (not reading notes)
Market Research
Focus Group Project Scoring Guide: Presentation
- Organized: Rule of tell’em, and transitions from speaker to speaker and topic to topic...... 12345
- Articulate: Few filler words and professional language throughout...... 12345
- Presence: Strong body language, enthusiastic and confident...... 12345
- Rehearsed: Obviously well prepared (not reading your notes or slide)...... 12345
- Creative: Appropriate use of humor, clear audience engagement...... 12345
- Multimedia: PPT highly visual, incorporates video, handouts, websites, images...... 12345
- Introduction: Clearly explains purpose and content of the talk ...... 12345
- Body: Rich in thought and focused on required concept areas...... 12345
- Recommendations: Clear recommendations for client based on marketing principles...... 12345
- Accuracy: Content accurate, obvious mastery of material ...... 12345
- Depth: Many stories, examples, and rich explanations...... 12345
- Summary: Wrap up clear using question and answer and appropriate next steps...... 12345
- Teamwork: Equally presented ...... 12345
- Collaboration: Obviously worked well together ...... 12345
- Dynamics: Professional body language and where to stand ...... 12345