Local Development Scheme Board – 5thSeptember 2017 – Notes of Meeting
Attendees: Angie Singleton (AS), Derek Yeomans (DY), Nick Weeks (NW), Ric Pallister (RP), Sue Steele (SS), Val Keitch (VK), Martin Woods (MW), Dave Norris (DN), Jo Wilkins (JW), Jo Manley (JM), David Clews (DC), and Stephen Baimbridge (SB).
Apologies:Peter Gubbins (PG)
- Notes on last meeting
- VK identified that her point regarding the reduced employment land provision in Crewkerne had been attributed to AS.
- NW clarified that his concerns regarding housing for the farming community were not specifically for retiring farmers but those that wish to downsize.
- Update on the Draft Issues and Options Consultation Document
- JW gave a presentationon the draft Issues and Options document.
- The Board’s discussionswere based on key issues arising from the evidence base. Points raised in during discussions were:
- The noise contours for Yeovilton. Some concern was raised that the Wildcat is louder and flies lower than its predecessor. It was agreed that a recommendation to amend the current noise contours would not form part of the document, but if it was raised through the consultation process, it would need to be considered further.
- A discussion was held around the impact on the Local Plan of not being able to evidence a five year housing land supply.
- NW raised a query over potential conflict between Policy SS2 and dispersed housing approach of 5.2(b).
- A discussion was held around the location of employment land, the A303 and land values.
- AS questioned whether there had been a planning commencement on the Crewkerne (CLR) site. DN advised that there had been no planning commencement to his knowledge.
- A discussion was held regarding employment land allocations/development and the potential impact of planned improvements to the A303 and A358.
- NW suggested that as part of the consultation, it be made clear the reasons for the Local Plan Review and its importance. RP suggested that there be a ‘myth-buster’ section around the 5 year housing land supply issue. JW agreed to include something in the consultation material (Action).
- The Issues and Options document was endorsed by the LDS Board.Action: To take the document to the District Executive Committee.
- It was agreed that the consultation will be 8 weeks.
- The Consultation Strategy was endorsed. Action:To take the document to the District Executive Committee.
- Five Year Housing Land Supply
- JW gave an overview of the document.
- The Five Year Housing Land Supply document was endorsed by the LDS Board for publication on the website.
- Authority Monitoring Report 2017
- DC gave an overview of the document.
- DC flagged that there had been an update to paragraph 12.2 (p36) of the document and that he could report that 46% of development is on brownfield land, surpassing the Government target.
- The Annual Monitoring Report 2017 was endorsed. Action: To take the document to the District Executive Committee.
- SS asked whether the Planning Policy team were coping with the workload and adequately resourced.
- NW asked what the impact of the consultation would be on the Area Teams. JW advised that the impact ought to be minimal.
- JW updated the Board on the progress of the Wincanton Neighbourhood Plan.
- Next meeting TBA as appropriate