The acquiring company shall e-mail completed questionnaire and any additional documentation that may be needed to their account manager.

PLEASE NOTE: The Merger and Acquisition questionnaire will be used for information gathering only. Any tariff, contractual or other requirements necessary to reflect or address customer changes must be satisfactorily followed and completed to achieve the desired result. This is not an all inclusive questionnaire; further information may be required to complete your Merger or Acquisition.

In addition, please utilize the below description of Frontier regions in completion of this document.

  • Frontier Legacy States:

Alabama. Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, and Wisconsin

  • Frontier 13 Acquired States:

Arizona, California, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, Washington, and Wisconsin

  • FrontierWV Acquired
  • Frontier CT Acquired

ACQUIRING Company Information

  1. Company Name:
  2. Select the Type of Business:

IXC ILEC CLEC Reseller ISP Wireless

Other, please explain:

  1. Please list all Frontier states you currently do business today:
  1. If CLEC is chosen in question 2, please list states that you have an interconnection agreement in today:
  1. Please provide all the files that you are receiving and the applications that you currently have access to for Wholesale Ordering, and Billing:

ACQUIRED Company Information

  1. Company Name:
  2. Select the Type of Business:

IXC ILEC CLEC Reseller ISP Wireless

Other, please explain:

  1. Please list all Frontier states you currently do business today:
  1. If CLEC is chosen in question 7, please list states that you have an interconnection agreement in today:
  1. Please provide all the files that you are receiving and the applications that you currently have access to for Ordering, and Billing:

ACQUIRING Company General Questions

  1. Will there be a new company name?

Yes No

If “yes”, pleaseprovide new company name:

  1. What is your contact information?
  2. Contact Name:
  3. Phone Number:
  4. Mailing Address:
  5. City, State, Zip:
  6. Email Address:
  7. Select what type of merger/acquisition has occurred:

Both companies merged into a new company.

One company fully acquiring stock and all assets

One company fully acquiring all assets

Under one company umbrella, but separate affiliates

Other (Please explain): ______

  1. Do either the Acquiring or Acquired companies have a collocation arrangement?

Yes No

  1. Are you making changes to the Collocation arrangements?

Yes No

  1. What types of products do you order from Frontier?

*Local(resale, unbundled, platform, wireless local number portability)

**Switched Access

PIC/CARE Products

**Special Access

Other (please list):

* If Local is selected, a list of summary bill masters that are being acquired will need to be provided to Frontier along with the questionnaire.

** If Access is selected, a list of BANS with associated Circuits that are being acquired will need to be provided to Frontier along with the questionnaire.

Contract Questions

  1. Do you have documentation to support your Merger or Acquisition? If yes, please attach documentation to this questionnaire such as the Sale/Purchase Agreement, Transfer of Ownership form, Letter of Authorization and/or Consent Letter.

Yes No

  1. Do both companies have arrangements (Contracts, Term & Volume Agreements) with Frontier?

Acquiring Company Acquired Company

  1. Resale
  2. Interconnection
  3. UNE
  4. Forbearance
  5. Operator Services
  6. Collocation
  7. Near Out of Franchise
  8. Term & Volume Plans
  1. What are the plans for existing arrangements (is the acquiring company going to assume acquired company’s contracts, are there revisions to the contracts, or will they negotiate a new contract for acquired services)?

If you have plans to create a new contract or change an existing contract then please advise your account manager of the specific contracts.

Financial Obligation Questions

  1. Does either the acquiring or the acquired company owe any Past Due amounts to Frontier?

Yes No

If yes, how do you propose to resolve the past due amounts?

  1. Does either the acquiring or the acquired Company have any billing disputes with Frontier?

Yes No

If yes, how do you propose to resolve the amounts disputed?

  1. Acquiring company DUNS (Duns and Bradstreet) #:
  1. Is the acquiring company publicly traded?

Yes No

  1. Are the acquiring companyfinancials available?

Yes No

If yes, who can we contact for this information?

Ordering Questions

  1. Do you plan tocontinue using the Industry Codes from the acquired company? (If you answer “yes”, assumption is made that you have contacted Telcordia/Ericson, NECA and NANPA to make the record changes.)
  2. ACNA Yes No

List ACNAs:

b.AECN Yes No

List AECNs:

  1. OCN Yes No

List OCNs:

d. CIC Yes No

List CICs:

If “no”, are you using your own?

If “yes”,you will need to contact Telcordia/Ericson, NECA and NANPA to change business name on the industry codes.

Note: If the Industry Codes need to be changed, project negotiations may be required for some products.

  1. If you are updating the acquired companies existing CMAQ form to reflect new billing contact information, has the acquired company authorized you asa Third Party Vendor to allow these changes?

Yes No

  1. If you are moving existing end user’s currently under the secondary company to your primary company, what is your expected volume of customers impacted by this Merger?
  1. If you are migrating services, will you be issuing a CLEC to CLEC Migration or disconnect/new connect orders via LSR?
  1. What is your desired due date to complete this migration?
  2. What is your desired due date to remove either the impacted accounts from Frontier’s Network?
  3. CLEC Project manager contact name:
  4. CLEC Project manager contact email:
  5. CLEC Project manager phone number:

Connectivity Questions

  1. Are you requesting access to Frontier systemsand applications as a new company that will utilize new industry codes such as ACNA, ECC, OCN, or CIC?

Yes No

If “No”, are you using your own codes?

  1. If you are establishing new access using new industry codes, what will happen to the existing industry codes or current access that you have?
  1. If the acquired company already has access to any of the Frontier systems or applications, what are you planning to do with the existing access? *Please Note: New ACCESS ORDERING ID’s cannot be used to track previously submitted orders. Existing ID’s must be maintained in order to track previously submitted orders.
  1. Ifyou will be sharing industry codes, have you submitted a Letter of Authorization (LOA)and/or authorize a Third Party Vendor?

Yes No NA

  1. If you are sharing access, are you the owner of these existing industry codes: ACNA, ECC, OCN, and CIC?

Yes No

If No, please specify each company code that you own and do not own:

  1. Does the primary or the secondary company currently use a vendor for access into any interface or online applications?

Yes No

If “yes”, please list out vendor names:

  1. Will you continue using a vendor or multiple vendors for access into Frontier systems?

Yes No

  1. What is your expected due date for consolidating any or all of your existing codes?

Note: It is the acquiring company’s responsibility to notify any meet point companies of Merger & Acquisition activity.

Billing Questions

  1. Will any of the acquired company BANS require billing address changes?

Yes No

Provide BANS and new billing address:

  1. BANS:
  2. Billing Name:
  3. Mailing Address:
  4. City, State, Zip:
  1. Do you wish to obtain your existing billing and usage files under an existing connectivity configuration set up?

Yes No

If “yes” are you making changes to your current configuration?

  1. Will you establish a brand new connectivity configuration set up?

Yes No

  1. If you are establishing a new connectivity set up, will you disconnect your current set up?

Yes No

  1. How do you currently obtain Billing Files?
  2. How do you currently obtain Usage Files?
  3. Do you or the merging company currently use a vendor to obtain Billing and Usage files?

Yes No

  1. Are you going to use a vendor or vendors going forward?

Yes No.

If “yes”, an LOAwill be required to reflect the new company name and associated vendor.

  1. Which vendor(s) will you use?
  2. If neither the Primary or Secondary companies have an existing connectivity set up, would you like to establish a connection with Frontier?

Yes No

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