Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 30th. September 2015 in the Philip Squire Community Centre

Present :- Martyn Jones – Chairman

Councillors :- Derwyn Davies ; Jean Faulkner ; Iris Hill ; June Roberts

15.9.1 Apologies for Absence

Were received from Councillors Judith Morgan and Ann Webber

15.9.2 Declarations of Interest

To be raised as they occur

15.9.3 Police Matters

The PCSO did not attend. Car parking outside Pwllau blocking the pavement was raised by Councillor Derwyn Davies.It was reported that he, Councillor Faulkner and the PCSO had spoken to the owner who had promised that he would leave room to pass.To be monitored.

15.9.4 Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 29th. July 2015

Were read and agreed to be a true record.Proposed by Councillor Jean Faulkner and seconded by Councillor Iris Hill.

15.9.5 Matters Arising

15.7.3 Parking. It was confirmed that this had been addressed in the Newsletter.

15.2.9 Christmas Lighting. Despite continued efforts Councillor Faulkner had failed to elicit a response from Commercial Christmas.It was agreed not to purchase a further light this year and that an email be sent to the firm expressing our disappointment with their service with a copy to OVW.

Action. Clerk

15.2.9(10) Summer Activities. Councillor Roberts reported that a series of successful ’Friday Fun Nights’ had been held in August.The DJ was only employed for one night which will cost the Council£50. She asked if the remainder of the money already guaranteed for these activities could be used to continue the events on a monthly basis. After discussion it was agreed that the remaining £150 promised could be vired to help with running costs, purchase of games /activities etc. The Coytrahen Association will bill the Council. The Chairman thanked Councillor Roberts for her sterling efforts in providing these events for the children of the Community.

15.3.9 Footpath 14 .No reply from BCBC

15.5.10(1c) Joint Meeting with Community Association. The Clerk confirmed he had written to the Association and they had agreed to a meeting on November 25th.

15.5.10(1d) WiFi. Councillor Faulkner reported that a telegraph pole had been erected and WiFi was due to be installed on Friday 2nd. October.

15.5.10 Bus Stop .The Clerk had received a reply from BCBC stating they would look at needed repair to the Bus Stop opposite the Nicholls Arms. This was discussed at length. The Chairman agreed to discuss with BCBC the possibility of this Council undertaking repairs and maintaining Bus stops in Coytrahen.

Action. Councillor Martyn Jones

15.6.9(b) Laptop.The Clerk reported he had purchased a new laptop as instructed and was attempting to master the new software. He confirmed that the current machine would be gifted to the Association where it would be used to maintain accounts.

15.6.10(1b) Gardening Competition. The Clerk confirmed he had sent letter of thanks to all donors of prizes for this competition.

15.6.10(3) Dog Waste Bin. The Clerk confirmed he had purchased a new bin which would be delivered at the end of October.

15.7.10 Pavement between Coytrahen and Tondu. The Clerk reported that he had seen spraying being undertaken. Members felt the barriers were unsightly, the Chairman will include this in his discussion with BCBC over Bus Stop maintenance.

Action. Councillor Martyn Jones

15.7.10(2b) Daffodil Bulbs. Councillor Hill confirmed these had been purchased. The Chairman and Councillor Davies agreed to plant the bulbs.

Action. Councillors Martyn Jones and Derwyn Davies.

15.7.10(3) Newsletter. The Clerk confirmed that this had been written and distributed. The Chairman thanked all those involved in this effort to provide such an informative Community Newsletter.

15.9.6 Correspondence

1. Clerks and Councils Direct. Noted

2.Shelter Cymru. Request for a donation. After discussion it was proposed by CouncillorIris Hill and seconded by Councillor Derwyn Davies that £25 be given.

Resolved.That £25 be donated to Shelter Cymru under Section 136


3.Bridgend Carers Centre information –Noted.

4.Play for Wales Booklet – Noted

5. Audit. Approval of 2014/15 Audit from BDO.

6. External Audit ArrangementsThe Auditor General for Wales will become the Council’s statutory auditor as from the conclusion of the 2014/15 audit. BDOLLP remain responsible for the audit of the Council’s finances.

7. Royal Welsh Comrades Association invitation to the laying up of their standard on the 8th. October.The Chairman took the invite.

8. A request for support from the Coytrahen Bingo Club. After discussion the Chairman proposed that £100 be donated to help the Club survive .this was seconded by Councillor June Roberts and unanimously agreed.

Resolved. That £100 be donated to the Coytrahen Bingo Club under the terms of Section 136.

Action. Clerk

9. Invoices from BCBC re.BLeaf. The Clerk reported that these had been incorrectly addressed to Coytrahen Community Council and had led to some difficulty with payment, however this had been resolved.

10. Email re. Bollards erected on Heol Cefn Ydfa. It was determined that these had been erected by, and were the responsibility of, BCBC.

15.9.7 Planning

Notice of a site Meeting to review a request to erect a dwelling place on land West of Ton Philip Farm. Noted

15.9.8 Finance

The Clerk tabled an up to date Financial Report. This was accepted.

15.9.9 Reports from Members

1. Councillor Jean Faulkner

a) Community Centre Roof. She reported that Councillor Hill had received 3 quotes for the replacement of the flat roof all around £17000.This led to a discussion of how much BCBC were spending annually to repair the roof and was this false economy? Councillor Faulkner had another meeting scheduled with Deb Evans of BAVO to consider grants. This will be a matter for discussion at the November meeting with the Association.

b) She had looked at the provision of a play area which would cost C£8-10000.She will continue to explore possibilities.

c) The Postmaster Phil Jones is retiring in November and she wondered if the Council would contribute to a farewell gift. The Chairman expressed concern at giving such a donation but proposed that this Council pay for a buffet for those villagers attending a farewell party .He proposed a maximum of £150 this was seconded by Councillor Derwyn Davies and unanimously agreed.

Action. Clerk

2. Councillor Iris Hill

a) She expressed again her concern about the state of Nicholls Road. She had collected a petition signed by all the residents of the road. The Chairman agreed to present it to BCBC.

b) She was concerned about the state of the trees at the top of Nicholls Road.The Clerk was asked to write to Merthyr Mawr Estate.

Action. Clerk

c)Trees adjacent to Park Entrance. She expressed concern that branches of trees would obscure the Christmas Light and that the Beech tree in the Park should be removed. It was agreed to monitor the situation.

d) Fence to Park adjacent to Gates. She felt a new chain link fence should be put in place. Councillor Davies reported he had asked the Parks Dept. from BCBC about this.To be monitored.

3. Councillor June Roberts

One of the lights in the Park was not working.

Action. Clerk

4. Councillor Derwyn Davies

a) He reported that concrete had been dumped in the Watercourse.The person responsible was known and Councillor Davies agreed to ask informally that the concrete be removed. If this was not done by the next Council Meeting this will be reported to BCBC for action against the individual.

b) He tabled a brochure showing Planters etc. for the village. Councillor Faulkner took the brochure and this will be discussed further.

5. Councillor Martyn Jones

Remembrance Sunday. He proposed that Mr.W.Edwards be asked to lay the wreath on behalf of the residents of Coytrahen and environs at the ceremony in Aberkenfig. This was unanimously agreed.

15.9.10 Date and Time of Next Meeting

Wednesday 28th. October 2015 at 7pm.

There being no other business the Chairman closed the Meeting at 8.45pm.

Signed______Chairman Date .28th. October 2015