Hazardous Hygiene

Distance Learning Test and Assignment

Due by October 31st, 2017

Name: First and Last
Child Care Name:
STARS Number:
(required for STARS credit)
Email: print clearly

What type of child care: Are you a:

Family/Home Child Care
Center Child Care
School Age Care
Preschool Program
Other: / New Provider
Experienced Provider
Number of years in profession:

True/False(2 pts each)

1. T F A carcinogen is a chemical/substance that causes cancer.

2. T FPersonal care products for babies and children do not contain toxic ingredients.

3. T F Personal care products must meet safer standards in order to call themselves organic or natural.

4. T F The Natural Products Association certifies products that are safer to use.

5. T F Phthalates are linked to early puberty in girls.

6. T F Safety testing is required at all personal care products before they are sold in the U. S.

7. T F Phthalates are a common endocrine disrupting chemical.

8. T F Children are especially susceptible to the health effects of chemicals.

9. T F Chemicals in personal care products typically CAN NOT pass from mom to unborn child through the umbilical cord.

10. T F Personal care products that have a strong scent or smell often times contain more toxic chemicals.

11. T F Personal care product companies must prove the effectiveness of their product before they can make a claim in their advertisements.

Short Answer / Fill in the Blank

12. Name two health issues that endocrine disruption can lead to:

  1. (2 pts)
  1. (2 pts)

13. List three ways that chemicals in personal care products may enter our bodies:

  1. (2 pts)
  1. (2 pts)
  1. ((2 pts)

14. Talc powder used in personal care products is often contaminated with:

.(2 pts)

15. A chemical that interferes with the brain or the nervous system is called a:

.(2 pts)

16. You can visit the Snohomish Health District website for a Authorization Form. (2 pts)

Choose the BEST Answer:(2 pts each)

17. Paraben exposure is linked to what disease?

Heart Disease Diabetes

Breast Cancer Lung Cancer

18. What website contains a data base to help you research your personal care products?

Campaign for Safe Cosmetics Environmental Working Group

Centers for Disease Control Snohomish Health District

Choose ALL That Apply:(2 pts each)

19. How are phthalates typically listed on an ingredient label?

Parfum DEA

Other Fragrance

20. How are parabens typically listed on an ingredient label?

Butylparaben Polyparaben

Ethylparaben Methylparaben

(Assignment on next page)


Complete BOTH Sections (A & B)

Section A – Finding Better Products: (27pts)

Visit the website:

Type “Johnson’s Baby Cream” in the search bar and click search. Click on the product and answer the following questions about this product

  1. On a scale of 1 to 10, what is the overall hazard rating of this product (found in the top left corner)?

2. What is the most toxic ingredient in this product?

3. Are there any parabens in this product?

Now type “baby cream” in the search bar. Find a baby cream or baby lotion with a lower overall hazard rating:


Overall Hazard Rating:

Assignment Section B – Learning About Sunscreen:(27 pts)

Four toxic ingredients that should be avoided in sunscreens include:





Visit the website:

1. Type the following sunscreens in to the search bar:

Coppertone Sunscreen Lotion Kid SPF 50 (NOT the tear free variety)

What is this sunscreen’s overall hazard rating?

Does it contain any ofthese four ingredients?

Octinoxate Oxybenzone

Benzone Homosalate

Tom’s of Maine Baby Sunscreen SPF 30

What is this sunscreen’s overall hazard rating?

Does it contain any of these four ingredients?

Octinoxate Oxybenzone

Benzone Homosalate

2. Next, type “Aveeno Baby Sunscreen”.

What is the best (lowest number) Aveeno baby sunscreen available?

What is the worse (highest number) Aveeno baby sunscreen available?

You Have Completed Your Test & Assignment
