Living Waters MC Sunday Service (5th August 2012) – Romans 1:1-17 – The Call of the Gospel : “Shamed” but unashamed

Opening Prayer (which you may want to use – used with permission from Mr Reginald Lim) :

Father, help us never to move away from the gospel that challenged us and changed us. May our song ever be, ‘On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand’. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Prayers for the Christmas Outreach Musical Event (COME) 23rd Dec 2012 :

  1. Pray for the preparation that is going into COME and that the Christmas message will come through clearly.
  1. Pray that the Lord will reveal 3 persons whom we can pray for and invite.
  1. Pray that our guests will experience our warmth and welcome.

Questions for the Small Groups to consider

(I have set many questions this week – you can either choose to concentrate on a few questions, or just 1 or 2 persons share from each question)

  1. The Book of Romans is one of the most important books of the New Testament, if not the Bible, because it teaches us clearly about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  1. What do you think the Gospel mean, biblically ?
  2. What does the Gospel mean to you, experientially ?
  1. God’s 1st calling – we are to Believe, but more than that, to Belong to Jesus Christ.
  1. What is the difference between Believing and Belonging to Jesus Christ ? (in other words, what does it mean to believe, what does it mean to belong ?)
  2. Do you belong to Jesus Christ – if so, when did you start belonging to Christ – what led you to that moment ?
  1. God’s 2nd calling – we are to Behave, but more than that, to Be Holy (Whole).
  2. Wholeness – God’s Spirit and Word filling every aspect of our lives : body, soul (mind, emotions, will), spirit

Spirit / Seek only after God (God should be higher than all other pursuits)
Mind / Godly ideas / thoughts / wisdom
Emotions / Godly emotions / feelings
Will / Godly motives
Body / Godly purposes
  1. To be holy as God is holy – holiness is more than morality, it is modeling after Christ Himself
  1. How can you be holy (whole) in your spirit, mind, emotions, will and body ? Supposing, if we say a godly mind is to be filled with godly thoughts – give example of what are godly thoughts.
  2. How can one model after Christ ? How can we become holy as God is holy ?
  1. God’s 3rd calling – To belong, but more than that, to be Bold for Christ (to proclaim Christ).
  1. Share an experience when you had proclaimed Christ – how did you feel ? Describe what happened.
  2. If you hadn’t pray for the Christmas Outreach, this would be a very good time to pray for the Christmas musical now – use the pointers above if you wish.
  1. “Shamed” when you respond to the call of God to belong to Christ.
  1. Have you ever been “shamed” because you became/are a Christian ? What happened ?
  2. What must be the pre-believer be convicted about so that he/she would not be ashamed of the gospel ?
  1. “Shamed” when you desire to live a holy life.
  1. Have you ever been “shamed” (others make you feel uncomfortable) because you desire to live a holy life for God ? What happened ?
  2. Have you experienced pressure at your work-place or social settings where you feel obliged to conform to ungodly/unbiblical behaviors and mindsets ? If possible, share what some of these pressures are.
  1. “Shamed” for sharing the Gospel.

Have you ever been “shamed” because you were sharing the Gospel ? What happened ?

  1. “1Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God – …”

God has called some to be set apart for the gospel. What would you feel/do if you or someone very close to you believe that you/he/she has been called by God to full-time Christian ministry ? Would you be willing to respond / give your blessing? If not, what are the obstacles preventing you ?

Memory verse

Romans 1:16 “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes : first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.”

Recite the verse a few times together, and then do it without seeing. It should not be difficult.