Religion 7 2016-2017 Syllabus


Jesus is the way, the truth and the light

Text: Sadlier’s We Live Out Our Faith

Teacher: Mrs. Davis

Quarter 1

Chapters 1-7

Faith Grace, and Relationships


How do we know God exists?

Aristotle, Aquinas, Revelation.

How does he reveal himself to us?

How can we know Truth?

-God Created us in his own image because he LOVED us.

The Blessed Trinity : A unity of love. Marriage reflecting this life-giving union.

-He revealed himself to us because he LOVES us.

-The greatest sign of his love is Jesus.

-Scripture, Tradition, The magisterium, Deposit of Faith

-Covenant Relationships

The Shema

A truly happy life: Live the Beatitudes

-The Ten Commandments encompassed in The NEW COMMANDMENT

7 Saints or Blesseds; full length, The Song of Bernadette

Extracurricular Catholic Culture:

Weekly Liturgy

Saints of the Week


The Rosary

Service to others

Current Events and Social Justice

Quarter 2

Chapters 8-12

Jesus as the fulfillment of God’s promises of Salvation

The Holy Spirit who inspires and emboldens us as he did the Apostles

The Joyful Mysteries: correlating Messianic prophecies from OT to NT

The Immaculate Conception

The Incarnation

“In the beginning was the Word…. The Ark of the Covenant The Ark of the New Covenant (Revisit “Grace upon Grace.”

The Kingdom of God: Grace and freedom from sin are offered to all. Birthright and usurpation.

The Gospels, Infancy Narratives: Correlating Messianic Prophecies



7 Saints; Full length Bakhita

Extracurricular Catholic Culture:

Weekly Liturgy

Saints of the Week


The Rosary

Advent Wreath

Service to others

Current Events and Social Justice

Quarter 3

Chapters 13-18

Revisiting Pentecost

The gifts of the Holy Spirit

The 7 Sacraments: Baptism, Penance, Eucharist, Confirmation, Holy Orders, Marriage, Anointing of the sick.

The beauty of the gift of Absolution. God’s unfathomable Mercy

The Act of Contrition. What is true contrition?

The Parts of the Mass

7 Saints (Faustina Movie)

Extracurricular Catholic Culture:

Dr. Martin Luther King: A Catholic view of Man (Made in the image and likeness of God; made for freedom-freedom to love Him and reflect His image)

PBS Documentary: Citizen King

Weekly Liturgy

Saints of the Week


The Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Advent Wreath

Service to others (Saint Vincent de Paul)

Quarter 4

Chapters 19-24

All members of the Church share in the Priesthood of the Faithful. The Laity.

How we can live lives of service to God and one another.

Exploring Vocations

Matrimony, the Consecrated Life

The evangelical counsels: poverty, chastity, obedience.

The common call to holiness.Misunderstood teachings and the beauty of Catholic teaching on Priestly Celibacy, Purgatory, and the Communion of Saints.

One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic

Almsgiving and the Good Samaritan

Who is my neighbor?

Living out the Works of Mercy

The theological virtues: Faith ,Hope, Charity... in action.

Extracurricular Catholic Culture:

Weekly Liturgy

Saints of the Week


Divine Mercy Chaplet

Service to others

Current Events and Social Justice