An Order for the Christian Worship of God

May 3, 2015

Enter to Worship, Depart to Serve

5th Sunday of Easter Liturgical Color: White

Welcome and Announcements

The Prelude

*Call to Worship

Leader: Thou has made us for thyself, O Lord,

People: and our hearts are restless until they find rest in thee.

All: Come, let us worship God together.

Adapted from Augustine of Hippo, North Africa, 4th century

*Processional Hymn “Swing Low” UMH # 703

Passing of the Peace

Time with the Children

(All children under 12 years are invited to the front. Afterwards, during second service only, children ages 3 thru kindergarten are invited to children’s church and will be escorted to room #113. Parents may pick them up there after the service.)

Sacrament of Holy Baptism (11:00 only) Kimbrell Anne Smith

Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

*Hymn of Preparation (8:30 only) “My Jesus, I Love Thee” UMH # 172

The Anthem “The Word Was God” The Chancel Choir

Offertory Prayer The Giving of Our Tithes & Offerings

*The Doxology “Praise God, from who all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below:

Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ,

whose power up lifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!”

*Prayer of Illumination (in unison)

Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of Your Holy Spirit, that as the Scriptures are read and Your Word proclaimed, we may hear with joy what You say to us this day. Amen.

Scripture Acts 8: 26-40 # 955

Sermon “101 Reasons” Rev. Wilkes

The Prayer of Confession and Pardon

Sacrament of Holy Communion UMH # 12

Money left on the altar during communion this morning will go toward UMCOR Disaster Relief

response to the devastating earthquake in Nepal. See more information inside bulletin.

*The Benediction

*The Recessional “Irish Blessing” (8:30 only)

May the road rise to meet you; May the wind blow at your back;

May the sun shine warmly on your face; May the rain fall softly on your field.

And until we meet again, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of His hand. Amen

*The Chiming of the Trinity

*The Postlude

*indicates worshippers are invited to stand, if able

Invitation: Those desiring to unite with our congregation through Baptism, Profession of Faith or Transfer of Membership are encouraged to signify this on the attendance pads and/or contact one of our Pastors. We are thankful to have newcomers among us.


The flowers on the altar today are given to the Glory of God and in

honor of MacKenzie and Billy Gallien and their graduations.


Next Sunday is Mother’s Day. We invite the congregation to come to worship with their mother (if possible) as we celebrate the Gift of Motherhood and God’s Love. Special recognition for the oldest mother, newest mother and the mother with the most children present will be given.

Attendance Last Week

Sunday School – 146

8:30am – 72 10:50am – 66 11:00am – 76 UMM Retreat -- 9 Total – 223

Opportunities for service & fellowship this week

To Schedule a Date on our Church Calendar: Contact Christine Payseur @ 222-3496 x 15

Those Who Serve Today

8:30am 11:00am

Acolytes: Devin Pierzinski, Logan Pierzinski

Crucifer: Mel Smith

Lay Reader: N/A Tim Lyda

Greeters: Delores Killian, Carolyn Grigg, David Wray, Sherry Adams,

Robin Payton Starr Wray

Ushers: Ted Bartee (Head), Whicker Alsobrooks, Johnny Adams (Head), Chris Whitley,

Mark Jackson, Mike Adams Mike Allen, Alan Robinson

Tellers: Whicker Alsobrooks, Mike Adams Johnny Adams, Chris Whitley

Children’s Church: N/A Jenny Player, Sarah Robinson

Nursery: Hope Long, Sarah Robinson Tommy Burton, Evelyn Cameron,

Jackie Abernathy

Altar Guild: Becky Lyda Becky Lyda

Lost & Found: A pair of Ray Ban sunglasses were found after the Easter Egg Hunt. Please come by the church office to claim them.

Rx Advantage Prescription Card: We have been given these discount cards to help folks with the prescription costs. You can find them at the window at Shirley’s office.

Stewardship at FUMC: Most of you give through the Sunday morning offerings but below are some other ways to give if you so choose.

Direct Draft Giving is now available for free: We are now offering the opportunity for automatic draft from your bank to our bank, Clover Community Bank. Please pick up and/or hand in your authorization for Direct Draft form from Shirley in the office, or put in the offering plate. This method has proven to be an effective and timely way to regularly give to the church. "I am an electronic giver" cards are in the pews for your use if you choose to use this method of giving.

Electronic Debit Giving: The new reader is now available in the lobby. Please follow the posted directions. Be sure to leave a receipt with your name printed on it in the locked black receptacle. This is the only way your offering can be posted to your contribution records.

Giving On-Line: Giving to FUMC is now available online through our .

Thanks for your support of the mission and ministry of FUMC.


Reverend Tommy Wilkes, Senior Pastor –

Reverend Brandon Lazarus, Associate Pastor –

Reverend J. Richard Gibson, Pastor Emeritus

Reverend Meg Wilkes, Minister of Christian Educ. & Spiritual Formation –

Josh Wall, Director of Music Ministries –

Tim Gunn, Director of Youth Ministries –

Christine Payseur, Church Business / Technical Coordinator –

Shirley M. Davis, Administrative Assistant / Financial Secretary –

Natasha Bilousova, Pianist

Tracie Kite, Sexton -

Hope Long, Nursery Care Worker / Coordinator

Sue Gover, Lay Leader

Merilyn Cain, Wade Shores, Suzanne Thompson, Conference Lay Members


Family Fellowship Meal

Please tear off & drop in offering plate

or sign up downstairs for the meal.

Wednesday, May 6 Baked chicken breasts, rice, green beans,

Dinner rolls, brownies, sponsored by Young at Heart Class


Adults Children


Contact pastors or Shirley Davis @ 222-3496 or to add to joy and prayer concerns.

Recent Concerns: Margaret Bowman, Mathis Family, Steve Bolin (Naurice Smith’s son-in-law) Margarete Karle (friend of Judy Payne), Erica McCarter (friend of Cecil Settlemyre), Estelle Camp, Katie Curtin (Cathy & Doc’s niece), David Blanton, Ned Bartee, Barbara Hartness (Janet Love’s friend), Sandy Chapman, Rolfe Sukkert; Baron Yerby (great nephew of Bob & Charlotte Dowd), Allen Boyd, Naurice Smith, Frances Funderburk, Katherine Brumble, Maude Crawford, Dave Jones.

Military: Lt. Col. John E Gossett, III, Maj. Nicholas S. Hare, Senior Chief Martin Johnson, Major Blair Preston, 2nd Lt. Rion Cartin, LCPL Chris Propst, M.Gy. Sgt. Terry Kenneth Lowman, Jr..

We welcome you all to FUMC! We are thankful for new folks among us and we encourage each of you to consider making FUMC your church home. If is always a joy to add new persons to the family of FUMC. Those desiring to join the church family, please signify on the pew pad or contact Rev. Tommy Wilkes in person, by email at or at the church-222-3496, ext.13.

BAPTISM: At the 11:00 worship service Kimbrell Anne Smith, daughter of Jeremy and Alex Smith will be baptized. We will anoint Kimbrell by making the mark of the cross on her forehead, signifying that the Holy Spirit seals her as Christ’s own forever. Kimbrell will receive her light from the Paschal or Christ Candle to remember her Baptism and be thankful that Christ, the true light, has given her as a light to the world. The third gift to Kimbrell will be a baptismal stole to show that through baptism in Christ, Kimbrell is changed and has become a new creation clothed in the garment of Christ.

Welcome New Members: Last week we welcomed Richard and Lois Schriefer into the fellowship of First UMC. Richard and Lois come to us by letter of transfer from St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Hicksville, New York. They reside at 108 Bellwood Drive, Clover. Welcome Richard and Lois into your new family of faith.

The UMW General Meeting has been rescheduled for June 7th at 3:00pm in the Steve Camp Room.

You are invited to the Nurture Spring Drop-In on Tuesday, May 19th, 2:00—4:00. We hope you come and enjoy seeing old friends and neighbors. We will have some pound cake and punch for refreshments. The best part will be your chance to see some folk you might have missed recently. The lobby will be our meeting place. Thank you for coming.

Windy Bartee & Maude Crawford (222-7533)

Free Viewing & Discussion of “Selma”: The movie “Selma” will be shown at the historic Sylvia Theatre in downtown York on Sunday, May 17th at 5:00pm. After the movie there will be a discussion led by United Methodist pastor Rev. Dr. Sheila Elliott and Presbyterian (USA) pastor Rev. Dr. Sam McGregor, Jr. This free event is being hosted by the Western York County Christian Ministerial Association. If you would like more information contact Brandon at .

Magnetic Name Tags: If you ordered a magnetic name tag please pick it up across from the elevator today. You may pay the $ 5.00 fee to Shirley. We are compiling another order for magnetic name tags. If you would like to order one please contact the church office.


A2J Youth Ministry – Addicted to Jesus (Jeremiah 20:9)

Today - Jr. High Youth – 5:00; Dinner – 6:00; Sr. High Youth – 6:30.

May 17th – Knights Baseball, downtown Charlotte. Cost $ 10. Sign up at youth room TODAY.

May 31st – Meeting for Camp Longridge at 5:00 in youth room followed by cookout, water gun fight, and many more games. Families welcome to come and stay.

Camps, June 5-7 & July 5-9. Deposit is due now but there is still room to go. Please sign up at youth room.

Don’t miss out on service on Sunday and Wednesday nights. Join us and bring a friend.

If you have any questions about these or any youth events please contact FUMC Youth Director Tim Gunn, 803-322-1113.

All youth wishing to participate in any youth events need to have a completed permission slip on file.

The Food Project Ministry: Next week’s 2nd Sunday donations are: cereal-1 box, or grits-1bag/box, or oatmeal-1 box, or pancake mix-1 box. Thank you for your continued support!

The Festival of Tables is just around the corner – June 6, 2015 – sponsored by United Methodist Women: Currently, we have 15 tables reserved for decorating. Tables can be reserved to decorate for $ 5.00. Tickets, which include a delicious lunch served by our Methodist Men, are $ 7.00. Come join us for a day of fellowship, fun and lunch. Arrive at 11:15 to preview the different table scapes, and lunch will be served at 12:00 Noon. We will have special music as entertainment. For further information or to purchase a ticket, contact Grace White – 222-7528 or Linda Abernathy – 222-7591.

Old Devotionals: God’s Kitchen is in need of old devotionals (such as The Upper Room). They tear out a page and put it with each meal they deliver. What a great use for these! There will be a collection basket in the foyer for these

The Annual Spring Yard Sale

May 10 – May 15 ~Please bring donations to the church for the Yard Sale.

Wednesday, May 13 ~ We will be selling items at the Wednesday Morning Men’s Prayer Breakfast and Wednesday Night Dinner.

Friday, May 15 from 9:00am – 6:00pm ~ YARD SALE! Hot dog lunch with all the trimmings will be on sale from 11:00am until 1:00pm or until we run out.

Saturday, May 16 from 7:00am – 12:00 noon ~ YARD SALE. We will be selling sausage biscuits starting at 7:00am until they are gone.

If you have any questions about the yard sale, please call Suzanne Thompson

(803) 222-7334 or (704) 860-3025

B.I.G for Children ages preschool -5th grade

WEDNESDAYS 6:30-7:30pm

April 22 I AM the Resurrection!

April 29 Love Joy Peace

May 6 PRAY and PLAY

May 13 Patience Kindness, Generosity

May 20 Faithfulness Gentleness, Self Control

TWEENS for 4th and 5th graders

Sundays 5:00-6:30

April 19 Love Joy Peace

April 26 Mission Roadtrip – Deliver SunCatchers to

our Nurture Friends

May 3 Patience Kindness, Generosity

May 10 Faithfulness, Gentleness & Self Control

May 17th Knights Baseball Game with the Youth


July 19 - 23!!


On the web: (Thailand Trek link) or Direct link:

By phone: 803-222-3496 ext.16 Rev. Meg Wilkes

By email: Contact Rev. Meg Wilkes

In Person @ FUMC: Registration forms available in the Church office, and on the children’s bulletin board in the lobby.



Forever Young and Friends

We will meet on Thursday, May 14 at 10:00am in room 104 to discuss upcoming events and other items of business. Anyone who plans to help with the yard sale pricing and arranging, please note that we will take a break for this meeting and lunch. We will be ordering individual pizzas (one of our favorites!) for lunch after the meeting. Cost is around

$ 5.00 See you there!

Our Newberry Opera House day trip on June 20th is SOLDOUT!

We have 34 Forever Youngers and Friends going to see “9 to 5” and enjoy window shopping and lunch in downtown Newberry. Look for more details in the weeks to come. Meanwhile, ticket money of $20.00 per person is due by June 1. (Give a check or cash to Shirley Davis in the church office or drop in the offering plate in an envelope properly labeled.)

CONTACT Rev. Meg Wilkes to get your name on the reservation list for the following event. . 803-222-3496 ext.16 J