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INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION / Joint Coordination ActivityOn Conformance and Interoperability Testing
STUDY PERIOD 2013-2016 / JCA-CIT-I-112
English only
Original: English
Geneva, 1 July 2016
(Ref: SG11 - LS 102 -E)
Source: / ITU-T SG11
Title: / LS/i on first meeting of ITU-T CASC and request to update the living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations which are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects [from ITU-T SG11]
For action to: / SG2, SG3, SG5, SG9, SG12, SG13, SG15, SG16, SG17, SG20
For comment to: / -
For information to: / JCA-CIT
Approval: / ITU-T SG11 plenary meeting (Geneva, 11 December 2015)
Deadline: / June 2016
Contact: / Martin Brand
A1 Telekom Austria
Austria / Tel: + 43 664 663 1916
SG11 would like to inform ITU-T SGs about the first meeting of ITU-T Conformity Assessment Steering Committee (CASC), which was successfully held on 3 December 2015. The meeting discussed a possible collaboration with IEC for the joint IEC/ITU certification scheme. In this regard, the ITU-T CASC would like, if possible, to have answers on the following questions for the ITU-T Recommendations
- Which ITU-T Recommendations might become subjects of the future joint IEC/ITU certification scheme
- Where are those ITU-T Recommendations mostly used/adopted (regionally/internationally)
- Who are using them in the market place and what are the reasons? Are they used by regulators, by industry, by certification bodies (type approval), by testing labs, trade and commerce, etc.?
SG11 appreciates all SGs for their support and looks forward to receiving feedback on the above requests which are proposed to be included in the relevant lists which for your convenience are made available on the dedicated web pages, as follows:
-Living list of suitable ITU-T Recommendations on key technologies for C&I testing
-List of Pilot projects for conformity assessment against ITU-T Recs
-Reference table of ITU-T Recommendations under C&I testing in the industry
SG11 would also like to thank all ITU-T SGs for the received updates to the relevant C&I lists which SG11 maintains and looks forward to receiving inputs to the above tables using formats which are available in Annexes of ITU-T SG11 Action planTD70 (GEN11), as follows:
-Annex A. “Living list of suitable ITU-T Recommendations on key technologies for C&I testing”;
-Annex B. “Reference table of ITU-T Recommendations under C&I testing in the industry”;
-Annex C. “List of Pilot projects for conformity assessment against ITU-T Recs”.
Finally, SG11 kindly asks all testing laboratories and other interested parties, who wish to establish a framework of collaboration with ITU-T, to join the discussion in ITU-T CASC. The next meeting of ITU-T CASC is scheduled on 12 April 2016, it will be held using remote capabilities.More information is available at