CCG2 Project Scope_Section 01_General_IR Draft2.docxCCG2 Project Scope_Section 01_General_IR Draft.docx


This document describes the requirements for the Project, which is a critical component of the City of Cleveland’s infrastructure and one of Ohio’s most essential transportation corridors. In accordance with the Project’s importance, the Department has undertaken significant efforts to define Project expectations such that this Project can serve as a model for future project delivery statewide.

In partnership with the City of Cleveland, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and various local agencies, neighborhood groups, and private entities, the Department has introduced numerous initiatives into this Project with the goal of maximizing opportunities for positive impact. The Department, the City, and Cleveland residents expect the Developer to bring an innovative financing approach, along with superior design and construction expertise, focus on outstanding aesthetics, creative ideas for sustainability, and excellent community relations.

The Department and the City anticipate that this Project will set a standard of excellence for the implementation of sustainable design principles. Among the required sustainability initiatives are:

  1. Enhanced structural durability for longer service life
  2. A progressive approach to stormwater management and best management practices (BMPs)
  3. Requirements for salvage and re-use of materials
  4. Focus on energy efficiency, including LED architectural lighting for the I-90 Viaduct Structure
  5. Cuyahoga River improvements
  6. Multi-modal enhancements, including accommodations for the Towpath Trail
  7. Extensive introduction of vegetation into the urban environment

The Department and the City expect the Developer to embrace these initiatives and demonstrate a commitment to further introducing additional sustainable practices in all aspects of the Project.

The Project will impact mobility near Cleveland’s central business district and neighborhoods for several years. Accordingly, the Department expects the Developer to place emphasis on providing excellent community relations for the entire Project duration. The Developer will be expected to work in partnership with the Department to disseminate information to the public in a timely fashion, facilitate frequent dialogue with key stakeholders, and enhance the public’s ability to stay informed and provide input.

In addition to the requirements outlined in this document, the Developer is encouraged to become closely familiar with all previous project development. The Project website ( contains a significant amount of information relevant to previous project efforts, including all public outreach and partnering by the Department with the City of Cleveland and local organizations and agencies.



This Project is a result of the completed Innerbelt Planning Study, Environmental Impact Statement, and Record of Decision, which describe a program of projects for the reconstruction of the existing interstate highways in and around the Central Business District of Cleveland, Ohio. The overall CUY-90-14.90 project includes multiple construction contracts. This Project, referred to as Construction Contract Group 2 (CCG2 or “the Project”), is the second major project to be constructed from these planning efforts. The Project primarily involves the demolition of the existing I-90 Central Viaduct and design and construction of a new eastbound I-90 Bridge. Construction Contract Group 1 (CCG1) primarily involves the construction of a new westbound I-90 Bridge over the Cuyahoga River Valley, currently being constructed under PID 85531. Implicit in the goals of CCG1 is to enable the construction of this Project. The new structure built in the Project will carry five lanes of I-90 eastbound traffic. The Bi-Directional Condition, which consists of four westbound lanes and two eastbound lanes, must be achieved before the existing I-90 Central Viaduct can be removed. The Bi-Directional Condition is a key component of the Project maintenance of traffic scheme.

The Project also includes:

  1. Reconstruction of Ontario Street and Orange Avenue
  2. Removal and replacement of the I-90 eastbound bridge over Ontario Street
  3. Construction of a new Ramp B3/B4 bridge over Ontario Street
  4. Removal and replacement of the I-90 eastbound and Ramp B5 bridges over East 9th Street
  5. Widening of one span of the existing I-90 westbound bridge over I-77 ramps
  6. Replacing and widening the superstructure and widening the substructure of the existing I-90 eastbound bridge over Starkweather Avenue
  7. Replacing and widening the superstructure and widening the substructure of the existing I-90 eastbound bridge over Kenilworth Avenue
  8. Construction of a new I-90 eastbound bridge over Fairfield Avenue
  9. Reconstruction of Ramp B1 from IR-90 eastbound to IR-90 eastbound
  10. Construction of a new East 9th Street, Ontario Street, and Orange Avenue
  11. Grading of the West Slope region between Abbey Avenue and the Cuyahoga River
  12. Construction of the Towpath Trail
  13. Reconstruction of the West 14th/Fairfield Avenue entrance (Ramp B2) to I-90 eastbound and construction of the West 14th Street extension intersection
  14. Realignment of the West 14th Street extension southbound
  15. Reconstruction of West 14th Street northbound
  16. Straightening of Canal Road
  17. Reconstruction of bulkheads along both banks of the Cuyahoga River
  18. Removal of I-90 eastbound ramp to Broadway
  19. Reconstruction of I-90 eastbound exit ramps to Ontario Street and East 9th Street
  20. Removal of Ontario Street entrance ramp to I-77 southbound and E. 9th Street entrance ramp to I-77 southbound
  21. Removal of the abandoned railroad bridge that formerly carried Norfolk Southern (NS) over the Greater Cleveland Rapid Transit Authority (GCRTA)
  22. Reconstruction of portions of I-71, including replacement of the bridge deck on the I-71 bridge over I-490
  23. All associated items, including demolitions, removals, earthwork, pavements, landscaping, sidewalks, drainage facilities, utilities, walls, traffic control, signalization, lighting, and aesthetic enhancements for the completion of a facility that can be opened to traffic. All Work shall be compatible with the Future Condition, as described in Section 1.3.2

The Developer shall not rely solely on the physical description contained in this Section 1.1 to identify all Project components. The Developer shall determine the full scope of the Project through thorough examination of the RFP and the Project Site, or as may be reasonably inferred from such examination.


The Department’s goals for the Project are:

  1. Initiate demolition of existing Central Viaduct Structure and construction of new eastbound bridge as soon as possible.
  2. Deliver the Project at or below budget.
  3. Maximize quality, meeting or exceeding applicable standards in all areas.
  4. Minimize duration of bi-directional travel and open all roadways to traffic no later than September 30, 2016.
  5. Provide a sister I-90 Viaduct Structure that aesthetically resembles and is a companion to the CCG1 Viaduct Structure.
  6. Meet or exceed aesthetics and sustainability guidelines.
  7. Deliver the Project with zero lost-time incidents.


1.3.1  Compatibility Requirement

This Project is the second of multiple contracts to reconstruct the Cleveland Innerbelt. Remaining Innerbelt Construction Contract Groups will follow this contract and are not scheduled to commence until CCG2 is complete. CCG3 will follow this Project and will reconstruct the Central Interchange, where I-77 terminates into I-90 and associated ramps and streets.

The Developer shall design and construct CCG2 such that the construction of CCG3, as shown in Appendix LD-08 (CCG3 Roadway Engineering Conceptual Plans), will require no reconstruction of facilities built in CCG2, except as indicated in 1.3.2(B).

1.3.2  Design Conditions

Conditions referenced in the Contract Documents shall have the following definitions:

  1. Bi-Directional Condition. This will be the condition at Notice to Proceed for CCG2. This condition will serve as the key component of the maintenance of traffic scheme for the construction of CCG2. This condition will accommodate six lanes of bi-directional traffic on the new I-90 Viaduct Structure. Bi-directional traffic will consist of four westbound lanes and two eastbound lanes.
  2. Interim Condition. This is the required condition at Final Acceptance of the Project. This condition will accommodate five lanes of westbound traffic on the I-90 Viaduct Structure constructed in CCG1 and five lanes of eastbound traffic on the I-90 Viaduct Structure constructed in this Project. In order to implement the Future Condition, it is required that the only rework of items constructed under the Project shall be:

·  Removal of I-90 pavement markings and placement of new pavement markings at the east end crossover

·  Removal of portable concrete barrier at the east end crossover

·  Removal of Type D single slope barrier at the east end crossover

·  Reconstruct cast-in-place barrier transitions at east end crossover

·  Removal and reconstruction of guardrail at east end crossover and tie-in locations

·  Removal and reconstruction of eastbound and westbound I-90 pavement east of the approach slabs for Bridges CUY-90-1628R and CUY-90-1628L (I-90 eastbound and westbound over East 9th Street)

·  Removal and reconstruction of drainage in the east end crossover area

·  Removal of west end crossover and related items

·  Removal and reconstruction of I-90 eastbound ramp to northbound East 9th Street (Ramp B-5) including signing, pavement marking, and high mast lighting

·  Restoration of East 14th Street southbound ramp to I-90 westbound (Ramp A3)

·  Removal of the interim ramp from East 14th Street southbound to I-77 southbound.

  1. Future Condition. This will be the condition at the conclusion of CCG3 and will be the ultimate condition. This condition will shift the I-90 traffic in the Central Interchange area onto new roadway constructed in CCG3 and onto bridges over East 9th Street and Ontario Street constructed in CCG1 and CCG2.


The Work shall be in compliance with the following Cleveland Innerbelt Documents:

  1. Conceptual Alternatives Study
  2. Draft Environmental Impact Study/Draft Section 4(f) Evaluation
  3. Final Environmental Impact Study/Section 4(f) Evaluation
  4. Record of Decision
  5. Documentation for Environmental Consultation
  6. Interchange Justification Study


Certain appendices of the Project Scope are indicated as Basic Configuration documents. Only those elements of the appendices indicated below are considered part of the Basic Configuration. All other elements shown in the appendices indicated as Basic Configuration shall be considered Reference Documents. All Work shall be consistent with the Basic Configuration.

The following elements shall be considered part of the Basic Configuration:

  1. Number, type, and location of ramps (including ramp terminal spacing), overpasses, underpasses, and interchanges as indicated in Appendix LD-01 (Preliminary Design Plans) and Appendix LD-02 (Preliminary Approach Structures Plans).
  2. Number of Interstate, Ramp, and Local Road lanes as indicated in Appendix LD-01 (Preliminary Design Plans).
  3. Typical section dimensions as indicated in Appendix LD-01 (Preliminary Design Plans). Indicated dimensions are minimums.
  4. Environmental Commitments applicable to the Project in the Record of Decision (ROD), Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) in Appendix ED.
  5. Number, type, and general location of overhead signs as indicated in the EB and WB Signing Conceptual Plans in Appendix TC-01 (Signing Conceptual Plans)
  6. Bulkhead horizontal and vertical alignment as shown in Appendix LD-01 (Preliminary Design Plans).
  7. Horizontal and vertical alignments as indicated in Appendix LD-01 (Preliminary Roadway Plans), with the following allowable adjustments: Horizontal Alignments may be adjusted by up to 10 feet, and Vertical Alignments may be adjusted at the discretion of the Developer in any direction, providing that all of the following conditions are met:

1.  The adjustments do not result in the need to acquire additional Right-of-Way.

2.  The adjustments meet the approved permitting requirements.

3.  The adjustments do not impact the West Slope grading scheme for the replacement of the existing I-90 Central Viaduct. Adjustments reducing the proposed distance of 175 feet between the existing centerline of the Central Viaduct and the outside parapet face of the new I-90 Viaduct Structure will not be allowed within the limits between Abbey Avenue and University Road crossing.

4.  At least 30 feet of clear space is maintained between the eastbound I-90 Viaduct Structure and the westbound I-90 Viaduct Structure.

5.  The vertical alignment of the I-90 Viaduct Structure is no lower than the vertical alignment on the westbound I-90 Viaduct Structure and no more than 1.5 feet higher than the vertical alignment on the westbound I-90 Viaduct Structure.

6.  The adjustments do not require a new design exception or revision to approved design exceptions.

7.  All other requirements are met or exceeded as described in the Contract Documents.

  1. Number, type, and configuration of architectural relief grooves for parapets and barriers, as identified in Appendix LD-02 (Preliminary Approach Structures Plans)
  2. General retaining wall configuration and the following aesthetic criteria as identified in Appendix LD-02 (Preliminary Approach Structures Plans):

1.  Wall 1 – The following details from Aesthetic Elevation, Retaining Wall No. 1: panel and pilaster layout, and cross-sections for concrete coping, panels, and pilasters.

2.  Wall B – The following from MSE Wall Details, MSE Retaining Wall B, Retaining Wall B Details, and Miscellaneous Retaining Wall Details: panel layout, enhanced panel dimensions, sidewalk dimensions, planting bed dimensions, and concrete coping cross-section.

3.  Wall C and C1 – The following from MSE Wall Details, MSE Retaining Wall C1, Retaining Wall C and C1 Details, and Miscellaneous Retaining Wall Details: setback from curb and walk, keyed stone slope configuration, panel layout, enhanced panel dimensions, sidewalk dimensions, and concrete coping cross-section.

4.  Walls F and G – For segments parallel with Ontario Street, follow aesthetics details for Wall 1. Segments parallel with Ontario Street shall have 5-foot by 5-foot MSE panels and pilaster and panel configurations consistent with and in logical continuation of existing Walls F and G, respectively. All other portions of Wall F and G shall be smooth panel, 5-foot-high x 10-foot-wide MSE wallspanels.

5.  Wall H – For segment parallel with 9th Street, follow Aesthetics Plan Details, Retaining Wall H for panel and pilaster layout; follow cross-sections for concrete coping, panels, and pilasters; and provide 5-foot by 5-foot MSE panels. All other portions of Wall H parallel shall comply with Section 14 (Structures) and Section 16 (Aesthetics and Enhancements).

6.  Wall I – For segment parallel with 9th Street, follow Aesthetic Elevation, Retaining Wall No. 1. The segment parallel with 9th Street shall have 5-foot by 5-foot MSE panels; and pilaster and panel configuration consistent with and a logical continuation of existing Wall I. All other portions of Wall I shall comply with Section 14 (Structures) Sectionand Section 16 (Aesthetics and Enhancements).


Table 11 below indicates the functional classification, design speeds, legal speeds, and maintaining agencies of roadways and trails that are designed and constructed as part of this Contract or will be crossed by a new bridge or other structure as part of this Contract. Work shall be done in accordance with the standards of the designated maintaining agency.