John Bishop
Liverpool Echo Arena – Saturday 21st October 2017
Comedy superstar John Bishop is set to return to Liverpool in October 2017,as he announces his long awaited return to stand-up comedy, with a brand new live show, WINGING IT.
On announcing Winging It, John said: "When I start this new tour, it will be three years since my last live show Supersonic, which is the longest break I've ever had. I'm very much looking forward to getting back on the road - there really is nothing like performing stand-up in front of a live audience. The new show is called Winging It, and in some respects having come to comedy relatively late, it sometimes feels like that’s what I'm doing in life! But I'm enjoying every minute of it."
Seats are located in Block 12, Rows KK - PP
Cost: £24.00 per ticketlimited to 2tickets per CSSC member per application
Closing date:Friday 24th March. Applications received after this date cannot be accepted.
If your application is unsuccessful (tickets sell out), you will be contacted via email. Cheques will be safely destroyed and Postal Orders returned.
Please note: Tickets may not be posted out until 2 weeks prior to the performance date.
If you have any queriesplease contact Alan Adams:
Please apply for tickets via the booking form link on the advert.
Booking Form: John Bishop 21/10/17 Closing Date: 24/03/16
Indicate number of tickets required: …………… @ £24.00 per ticket
Strictly limited to 2tickets per CSSC member per application
CSSC Number…………………………………………………......
Telephone Number: Work………………………….….Home/Mobile………………………………..…….
Email address:……………………………………………………………………………………………………….….….
Comments (if applicable): ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Payment Method: Cheque□Postal Order □ Bank Transfer □
Please make cheques or postal orders payable to “Smedley Hydro Social Club”
Cheques or Postal Orders preferred although Bank Transfers can be facilitated for this event if necessary. Please indicate on the form if you wish to pay via this method.
Applications will be taken on a first come, first served basis via post only (no email applications accepted). Members who pay by Bank Transfer will be emailed details on receipt of the postal application.
Please return your completed booking form, payment and a correctly stamped self-addressed envelope to:-
North West CSSC (MCSSC Bishop)
PO Box 772
“Letter” sized envelopes should be used for this event – no more than 24cm (length) x 16.5cm (width) x 5mm (thickness).
If correct postage is not used your application may not be processed. In addition, applications without the correct payment or SAE may not be accepted.
Cheques will be cashed throughout February/March and tickets posted out no later than 2 weeks prior to the event.
- Members and any guests attending / taking part in this event are covered by the CSSC Codes of Conduct which can be read here;
In attending / taking part you and your guest(s) agree to abide by its terms and conditions.
- If your guest(s) regularly attends CSSC activities she/he can save money by becoming a linked member. Ask the event organiser for more information / membership joining form.
- Bookings must be made by CSSC members.
- Members are responsible for the behavior their guests.