Rock Abrasion Lab Report Checklist
Check When Done / Task / Completed By/
Step 1: Start Typing Your Report:
- Open up Google Classroom and Open the Rock Abrasion Lab Graphic Organizer.
- Using the handout from the first lab we did, edit your report to include background information related to your lab and the variable you chose to change. Make sure you include all sections.
❑Justification of Methods / This was due last week and should already be completed.
Step 2: Add your Qualitative Observations:
- Go to Google Classroom and open your lab report. Go to the Observation section and type in your qualitative observations in this section. These observations should be in full sentences in paragraph form. Include any Quantitative Observations that won’t be in your table and graph.
Step 3: Make Your Data Table:
- Go to Google Classroom. Go to the Rock Abrasion Lab Resources heading. Click on the link to watch the video on making tables in Google Docs.
- Make your data table in the Data and Observations Section of your lab report.
- Use the Tables and Graphs Checklistthat is in the Rock Abrasion Lab Resources section to check over your table.
- Copy and paste the tabele into your Data and Observations section in your Google Doc.
Step 4: Make Your Graph
- Go to Google Classroom. Go to the Rock Abrasion Lab Resources heading. Click on the link to watch the video on adding graphs in Google Sheets.
- Open up the Weathering Graph Template. Make a copy and edit the graph accordingly.
- Use the Tables and Graphs Checklist that is in the Rock Abrasion Lab Resources section to check over your graph.
- Copy and paste the graph into your Data and Observations section in your Google Doc.
Step 5: Write your Analysis and Conclusion
- Use the sentence starters in the Conclusion section of your Lab Report Graphic Organizer to write your explanation of what happened in your lab and why.
- Restate your hypothesis and state whether your data supported or did not support your hypothesis.
- Explain what you think was responsible for your results, referring to your background information.
- Make sure to include any difficulties that you had with the lab and how they may have affected the results.
- Include recommendations for what questions you might research next.
Step 6: Check Over Your Work and Finish Your
❑Use the Lab Report Rubric to check over your report. Make any necessary changes. / 1/26/
Step 6: Submit Your Lab Report to Google
/ 1/27