Liturgy Meeting Minutes – 16 November 2015
Next Meeting: Tuesday 15 December 2015 @ 7:30pm
Attendees: Estelle Armstrong, Shauna Barrett, Nicole Bernier, Fran Bowen, Dottie Moon , Roberta Murphy, Lois Roy
Summary of Meeting:
Introductions and welcome to Fran Bowen and thanks for volunteering to help with environment
- Music ministry – The new director for The Choir, Anna, began last Sunday
- Update on the Barn
- Dennis and Lois have been pushing for a solution to the stairs and developed a plan to find that the town is blocking it – Richard Potticary is trying to help push the issue with the town
- Liturgy will no longer have to climb to the second floor as we will keep all but a few seldom used items downstairs
- A parishioner who is a carpenter has volunteered his skills and will fence off the liturgy materials and space with two entry points
- Once we have space we will reorganize again, clean up and have the best solution we’ve had in recent memory – yeah!!!
- Don Masters will also be improving the lighting in the barn – downstairs & up
- As of Advent, the Eucharistic Ministers begin a new procedure to speed up the time it takes for them to receive communion before distribution to the assembly
- Just as a Deacon would do, an EM will follow Father Michael down the line to distribute the Blood of Christ
- Thanks to Praise Band member for making the suggestion after observing the practice of a visiting priest
- The parish will be having a holiday potluck dinner on December 5th after the 5pm Mass
- Organizers are seeking ministries to make a table centerpiece
- Carolyn Davis volunteered to make one for the Liturgy Team
- Kathy Butler has made amazing progress creating a slide show of our parish ministries to show prior to the Masses on Christmas Eve
- She plans to share a draft of the show at our next meeting
- She would like to incorporate a few pictures of this year’s Christmas setup and can do so if we have things in place by 12/23
Review of Remembrance Mass
- It was beautiful and a moving experience – many loving comments from parishioners
- Suggestions for the future – when it falls on the weekend
- Ask people to come up center aisle
- Ask the Assembly to be seated during the time people came forward
- Improve coordination with St Columba
- ACTION: Dottie will cover with Kathy during our next coordination meeting
- Some confusion about the bulletin item
- Calls from SC parishioners came to us as we didn’t have a SC name to put in the bulletin item
- Roberta agreed that St Columba could keep the bowls they borrowed
- She also helped them ready the floating candles and we will check that they add it to their procedures prior to the service
- After hearing the poem that was read, Nicole said she could have better coordinated the music, so give her the script with enough time to select the music
- Plan for the screen in future
- Slides of pictures
- Potentially the names of all who were lost that year or design way to show names as they are being called out
End of this Liturgical Year: Christ the King
- Thanks to Nicole for volunteering to take the lead on setting up
- Thanks to Lois for stripping away the plants, as requested, and dealing with the clean-up
- Plan for the metal stand with the pillow and crown centered in front of sanctuary
- Tall glass vases with gold wiry branches placed in back of sanctuary
- The simple design will be great lead-in to Advent
Advent/Christmas Décor Planning
- Planning Team met last Friday to come up with plan for the seasons
- Overall plan is for simplicity and harmony to complement the season and the introduction of the Year of Mercy
- Design overall is listed in a separate attachment
- Additional thoughts/points
- Be sure to place Advent Wreath on plexiglass if we use wax candles
- ACTION: Lois will check the sockets to see if our advent candle set fit properly
- Change to location of advent wreath
- To allow for flowers to continue to be placed for Mary we will move the baptismal font under the screen to make room for the wreath
- ACTION:We will ask Father if we could remove the American flag for this season only so that we can place the paschal candle in that corner
- While font base is in use under the screen, we will use a small table with white cover for any baptisms that take place
- We will use the quiet time before Mass, while people are still seated, to have family come forward and light the candles
- aby Jesus brought in elevated at all Masses to soft instrumental music with the assembly seated and wait to have them
- Altar will continue to be covered with simple white cloth
- ACTION: Alert Lois/altar servers on what lights need to be turned on, etc
- ACTION: Fran will work with Linda Boothroyd and contact Woodland Gardens to set up the poinsettia order
- Once we have delivery time, we will set the final setup time
- Lois is handling the outside décor and will add in branches with lights in pots to tie to the interior décor
- Swags of twigs tied with purple ribbons will be placed on the doors
- Roberta is making Mary banner to use in time for the Immaculate Conception
- Baby Jesus will be brought forward at all the Christmas Eve Masses
- Prior to beginning of Mass, assembly seated and quiet instrumental music playing
- ACTION: Dottie will check with Ashley for her plans at the Masses
Year of Mercy Planning
- We will place something for Year of Mercy on its inception December 8th and the following weekend
- Handout on Year of Mercy
- Social Justice banners and or reference to the spiritual/corporal works of mercy
- Liturgy will keep Year of Mercy alive for parishioners with weekly actions:
- Quote, written item or highlighting a ministry each week
- Parish Council is supporting by holding coffee/donuts on the weekends highlighting ministry – when possible
- Lenten challenge will support a yet to be determined social action
- 5th Anniversary of the Installation of the African Wells
- Commemorate at Masses the weekend of 1/25-26
- Décor, Sanctuary Light, slides for screen and bulletin item
- Use it as launch for this year’s Lenten challenge
Beginning Thoughts on Lent
- Lenten Mission has been confirmed
- To be held Monday. February 22; Tuesday the 23rd and Thursday the 24th
- St Columba – 9am to 10:30am
- Prayer service or liturgy included within the Thursday session
- Holy Family – 7pm to 8:20pm
- Tuesday and Thursday sessions will begin with evening liturgy
- Topic: Social Justice
- Leader: Sister Patty Cook, RSM, PhD.
- Sr. Patty will also offer two afternoon Group Spiritual Direction sessions
- Time not yet firm, but to be held in early afternoon
- Sr. Patty will be at all the Masses the weekend leading into the missions to address the parishes and invite all to participate
- Lenten Booklet
- Matthew Kelly’s Rediscover Jesus
- Good follow-on to this year’s Rediscover Catholicism
- Sections will work well for daily devotions
- Already ordered to take advantage of special pricing in October
1 Church of the Holy Family / Liturgy Team 17 November 2015