Name(s): ______Character: ______
“Fakebook” Assignment for The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
Using you will create an imaginative profile page for one of the characters in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. This is a PARTNER assignment. Select a classmate with whom you think you can work well. (I’d also advise determining a time – directed study presumably – when you can do the work together should you need to finish).
L.F.2.3.1 Explain, interpret, compare, describe, analyze, and/or evaluate character in a variety of fiction (the actions, motives, dialogue, emotions/feelings, traits, and relationships between characters within fictional text; the development of complex characters and their roles within a text)
L.F.2.5.3 Identify and analyze how stage directions, monologue, dialogue, soliloquy, and dialect support dramatic script
- Photos: select an appropriate one for each of the following
- Your profile picture
- Your cover photo
- At least 3 of your friends (they may also be your enemies)
- Posts: you will need a total of 10 posts
- You can divide up your posts however you wish (2 per act is permissible)
- Your posts should adequately/logically reflect how your characters feels
- Each post needs to have at least 2 comments (from you or other characters)
- You are encouraged to use #hashtags, either real ones or those that you create
- You will need to share and/or print out your Fakebook profile for me to assess
Sample Juliet Fakebook:
DUE DATE: ______
Fakebook Assignment -RUBRICStudent name:Character:
10-8 pts. / 7-4 pts. / 3-1 pts. / 0 pts.Accuracy/
comprehension / Student demonstrates full comprehension of entire play. / Student demonstrates partial comprehension of most of the play. / Student demonstrates little understanding of the play. / Student demonstrates no understanding of the play.
conventions / Student utilizes a variety of stylistic approaches (humor, wit, etc.); evidence of proofreading. / Student makes a conscious effort to write with style; minor grammatical errors made. / Student makes very little effort to write with style; many grammatical errors made. / Student makes no effort to write with style; posts are filled with grammatical errors.
Adherence to assignment
guidelines / Student submits:
-at least 10-8 posts
-at least one hashtag per post
-20-18 comments / Student submits:
-7-6 posts
- at least 1 hashtag in 7-5 posts
-15-14 comments / Student submits:
-5-4 posts
-at least one hashtag in 4-2 posts
-13-12 comments / Student submits:
-1-2 posts
-at least one hashtag total
-11-0 comments
Assignment total: ______/30 pts.