St. Michael Church

Pastoral Council Minutes 11/5/13


Members Present: Fr. Joe, Leo Kaelin, Niki Tincher, Fred Uhl, Gordon Geswein, Dave Martin, Darlene

Cole, Jessica Bishop

Members Absent: Roger Harbeson, John Jacobi, Debbie Goldman, Porter Nash, Dave Martin, Mike


Leo opened with prayer.

Minutes from July meeting were reviewed and approved. Leo motioned to accept the minutes as written and Niki seconded to approve.


·  A report on Faith Formation was presented.

·  Monday morning bible studies continue.

·  Senior Gatherings continue on the last Wednesday of the month with Mass at noon and then a shared meal. There are approximately 40 people in attendance. We have teamed up with the Service Ministry to recognize quarterly those people who are celebrating birthdays and are 80 or older.

·  Men’s group meets the first Sunday of the month.

·  We started a Rosary club that meets each Sunday before Faith Formation and on the first Saturday of the month. We invite children, youth, adults to come make rosaries for the international mission.

·  John attended the Radical Hospitality and Welcoming workshop at St. Anthony’s on August 22. Might discuss how we welcome new parishioners and how we Evangelize.

·  Dave DiNuzzo presented Internet Safety and the dangers of pornography here on September 9. 10 adults were in attendance.

·  8 children are preparing for Reconciliation and Eucharist. They were blessed on October 27.

·  An 8 part series on the virtues entitled “Walking Toward Eternity” will run through Nov. 12. An average of 15 adults attend.

·  4th grade raised 465.29 from their pumpkin/bake sale. This money will be donated to St. Jude.

·  Trunk or Treat was held on Oct. 31.

·  Upcoming events: Christmas Play Practices – Nov.11,18,25, Dec. 2,5,10,16,19; First Reconciliation – Dec. 8; Christmas Play Dec. 24.

·  Youth Ministry has had the following activities: Chili Supper raised $892.89 on 8/25, Youth Mass 9/29, Some youth went to Campton, KY on 10/16 to help them sort through clothing for their Christmas store, Chicken Dinner on 10/20 raised 1,050.63, 15 youth and 4 adults will attend NCYC on Nov. 20-24.

·  Upcoming Youth Ministry Activities: Youth Activities Team Meeting 11/10, Confirmation Gathering 11/17, NCYC Nov. 20-24.


·  Darlene reported on Finance Commission

·  Increase in utilities due to Duke Energy not reading 1 of our meters in the past, extraordinary expenses are a new AC unit and lighting repairs.

·  A picnic report was provided to the committee.


·  Debbie was not present; Spaghetti Dinner 11/10.


·  Mass Schedule for the next quarter was provided.

·  Musicians doing well. The New Albany Deanery Choirs will present an Epiphany concert at St. Mary’s of the Knobs on 1/5/14, John will have servers training on 11/7, Rose is sending out a letter to all Eucharistic Ministers informing them of a few small changes.


·  There are a couple leaks in the church. Someone will be out to inspect the roof.

·  A marker for the 1st cemetery on Hwy 135 is being made and will be installed in the next couple weeks.


Next meeting will be Tuesday, February 4th at 7 PM.

Dave Martin will provide open and closing prayer for the February meeting.

The meeting was closed with prayer.

Minutes submitted November 12th

By: Jessica Bishop

Administrative Assistant