Minutes of Meeting held on 21st November 2017 (unapproved)

Those in attendance: C. Field (Chair), J. Hale, C. Lowe, W. Griffiths, A. Dickson, G. Patient, CC Evans (part), BC Midwood (part), three members of the Public and the Clerk.

  1. Apologies for Absence were received from S. Acey.
  2. There were no Declarations of Interest.
  3. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th October 2017, having been previously circulated, were approved.
  4. Public Forum: a Parishioner raised concerns about a disturbance on 16th August 2017 when at 6am loud fireworks were let off near his property by a group of young people. It was noted that several other Parishioners had complained to the Police at the time. CC Evans was able to enlighten members as to the where the group had originated from and the Chairman agreed to write expressing the Parish Council’s concerns.
  5. Reports:
  • CC Report: Changes to School Transport are proposed where children will be taken to their nearest available School from September 2019 and, in future, Utilities Companies will be chased for compensation when they damage underground pipes etc during their work.
  • BC Report: A grant has been given to the Sports Club towards a new kitchen in the Pavilion. New road signs are available to order. The PC to carry out an audit of all the signs in the village to establish if any need replacing.
  • SALC AGM: A. Dickson had attended and gave areport on what had proved to be a very interesting evening.
  • Haverhill Area Forum 13th November 2017: C. Lowe and A. Dickson had attended. The main topic for discussion was rural crime. C. Lowe gave a report to members. The Clerk was asked to investigate whether members of the Public could join Rural South Watch.
  1. Progress Report:
  • WiFi at the Village Hall had been installed.
  • Monitoring of traffic on Broad Road – still no results received.
  • Warning sign, Church Road – SCC Highways claimed this had been installed; CC Evans to advise them that it has not.
  • Condition of footpath, The Green to Lt Bradley – work on this in the near future had been promised to CC Evans.
  • The defibrillator had been installed at the Village Hall – a Training Seminar is to be held on 7th December 2017.
  • Flooding near the church – a blocked drain had been detected. SCC Highways to be asked to clear this.
  • Flooding opposite The Olde House – a leak had been reported to Anglian Water who were carrying out repairs.
  • Litter Pick 25th/26th November – areas to be covered were agreed; two Parishioners had offered to help members.
  1. Cutting of footpaths in village: it was agreed that the Parish Council should take over the responsibility for this work and reclaim the cost from SCC. C. Field to obtain prices for this work.
  1. Effectiveness of Risk Assessment and Internal Controls: it was agreed that the Parish Council Risk Assessment should be amended to include the following:

“The Council will respond to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation and anticipated UK legislation and National Guidance regarding its management of personal data, to ensure compliance with the legislation”.

  1. Finance:
  1. Cheques notes: 723 to SALC for £26.40 for GDPR training, 724 to STP for £35.19 for stationery, 725 to Royal British Legion for £60 as donation under S137, 726 to SALC for £26.40 for GDPR training, 729 to SALC for £10.00 for supper at AGM, 730 to STP for £35.19 for stationery and 732 to Thurlow Sports Club for £60.00 for half share of PSPO dog exclusion sign.
  1. Cheques approved: 727 to DW Electrical for £300.00 for installation of defibrillator box, 728 to DW Electrical for £266.40 for installation of socket for WiFi at Village Hall and 731 to Thurlow Sports Club for £594.65 for half share of installing sleepers at playground.
  1. Donation to Village Link – it was agreed that this should be deferred until a financial statement was received.
  2. The Budget for 2018/2019 needed to include provision for GDPR and a change to the External Audit arrangements. Members agreed to support the Village Hall and a Commemoration of the End of WW1. Following discussion it was proposed by W. Griffiths, seconded by J. Hale and unanimously agreed that the proposed Budget be accepted, this showing a total requirement of £10,729.00.
  3. An up to date Financial Statement, once all cheques had cleared, showed a balance of £7785.00.
  1. Correspondence: SALC response to Precept Consultation noted; SALC Area Meeting a Brandon on 28th November 2017 – apologies to be sent.
  1. Items for future agendas: Agenda for January 2018 - Councillors to consider using Internet Banking.
  2. Date of next Meeting – 16th January 2018.

The meeting closed at 9.21pm.