Little Pearl Elementary: Developing Lifelong Learners
March Pearl’s Pages
Spring is almost here - (March 20) and the time changes soon (March 12)! Move your clock ahead one hour. When we return from Mardi Gras break, we will be celebrating Louisiana School Lunch Week and some of our activities include a Read Rash on Monday, prizes given daily to many of those that eat cafeteria meals, a mascot contest, and a blood drive. You may still send in your reading list that day. To finish the week we have Ms. McIntosh’s and Ms. Boushie’s classes performing and hosting a Buddies’ Breakfast on Friday, March 10.
McDonald’s night is March 8th and Rotolo’s is March 9th. The last day of this quarter is March 16. Ms. Smith’s class will host the Buddies’ Breakfast and will perform at Morning Meeting. Teachers and staff will report to school on March 17 but students will not. Be Here Week is the week of March 20. All of those here all day every day that week will have an extra recess. St. Patrick’s Day is March 17. Ms. Stratton’s class will have their Buddies’ Breakfast and performance on March 24. Our March birthday celebration will be Friday, March 31 on the same day Ms. Collins’ class has a Buddies’ Breakfast and a performance.
At the end of the month we will send a note home about our annual spring bonnet/hat parade giving you a schedule of when your child’s class will parade on stage. This will be on April 13 and you are invited. The time is not yet set. You will be asked to help your child make a hat, cap, or bonnet to wear as he or she parades across the stage. During the parade, Ms. Marylou Jordan, principal of Riverside, will come to speak to the kindergartener’s parents about first grade before the kindergarten bonnet parade.
Class pictures are March 9. Students are to wear their uniforms. This is the day of the blood drive. Spring pictures will be in April. St. Patrick’s Day is March 17th!
Please remember to always bring in your driver’s license in order to go anywhere in the school besides the office. Remind your guests to do so also. Thank you for your help with this. We are a better school because of the great people that we have supporting us. We get support from places like Sonic, McDonald’s, Rotolo’s and Jubilee. We have had donations this year from Home Depot in Slidell. The PTA has worked hard with us to make this a successful year. We are looking for PTA officers for next year. If you are interested, please return the form that was sent home this week. We also receive a great deal of support from you. We thank you for all that you do whether it is helping in the class, making donations, sending in labels, reading to students, or just giving us a pat on the back. You are making this school a better place! Have a fun Mardi Gras break! April Whitfield, principal
Spring forward one hour on March 12th!