Annual Meeting Minutes

1)Roll Call: The Board of Directors was represented by Sheila Wotring, John Burtt,Yves Descoteaux., Thomas Noll and Barbara Leclercq

2)Proof of Quorum: Pursuant to the Bylaws of the Association, quorum was established.

3)Review of Robert’s Rules of Order: reviewed the Robert’s Rules of Order pertaining to the Annual Meeting.

4)It was established by acknowledgement of everyone receiving the notice of annual meeting.

5, Proof of Meeting:I, John Burtt, President of the LMW Condo Assoc.

Do hereby certify that notice of the Annual Meeting of Members of the Association was mailed postage pre-paid to each member of record in accordance with the Bylaws of LMW .

(6)2015 Annual Meeting Minutes: Sheila.A motion was made, seconded, to approve as amended.

(7)Motion to Roll over Funds: A motion was made to roll over any available funds from 2016 to 2017. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

(8)Treasurer’s Report: Budget not Finalized – Condo fee for 2017 is $285

(9) Director’s Report. Yves, Barbara, Sheila

President John Burtt gave his report on the pending 2017 Budget, which draft includes reductions in septic, lawn and winter land maintenance costs, and an additional allocation to reserve build-up funds of $25/unit/mo. to plan for future expected expenses. .

Director Barbara Leclercq reported on the septic survey conducted by herself and Director Yves Descoteaux, which revision took into account # of residents per unit, and # of units per tank, which resulted in a revised schedule, saving the association approximately $1300.00. President John Burtt thanked them for their hard work on this project.

Director Yves Descoteaux reported on the conversion of the street- light at the end of the circle by the Community Center to LED lighting, and reported on a project to determine the advisability and cost effectiveness of converting all of our streetlights to this modality. He also reported the successful replacement of the Community Center water heater. He also discussed problems with our trash receptacles, and with residents adhering to the posted speed limits, and took questions and comments from the residents about these issues. The Board will post to the website along with these Annual Meeting minutes the Zero-Sort Recycling guidelines for our Association, and we hope all will heeds these to relieve the congestion in the bins.

President Burtt proposed, and residents agreed by Acclimation vote,

to accept Barbara Leclercq and Kathy Holland as new appointees to the Board, whose members will allocate responsibilities between them at the next Board Meeting or shortly thereafter.

10 President’s Report: Reserve Study was completed and all residents were informed of the results We re-negotiated lawn and winter maintenance contract, reducing overall costs by $3000 expanded re-cycling program ( mulch pile at pump house)) Had 2 unexpected events- partial cave in of storm water catch basin and electrical meter housing on BLDG 8. Replacing of stair pavers on lower Christopher and repair/replacement of deck boards on 6 units Newwater heater is installed in the clubhouse

The Budget for 2017 will be finalized by December, and disseminated to all residents then

11Elections: Two Members were Appointed to the Board: Member at large & Secretary’s position as new appointees to the Board, whose members will allocate responsibilities between them at the next Board Meeting or shortly thereafter.

12. NewBusiness: open the meeting to entertain motions from the floor. Reminded attendees that issues must be made in the form of a motion. If there are problems that residents would like to discuss, they were invited to attend any of the board’s monthly meetings. There was no new business

13. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 a.m.

Members of the Board for 2016-17

(as amended per LMW Board Meeting of Nov 15,2016)

President - John Burtt 603 387 2501

Secretary – Thomas Noll H-603 786 7675 C 714 552 2706

Director -Barbara Leclerecq – H 603 326 6199 C 603 867 4016

Director -Yves Descoteaux – C 603 490 4323

Treasurer – Judy Sheridan , H. 603 887-8298 C603 490-7044


* is the address for our condo association.