
St Paul’s Peel


Vincent Nash / Neighbourhood Manager / / 975 7408
Marie Johnson / Neighbourhood Development Officer / / 975 7412
Cllr Alice Smyth / Cllr Little Hulton (chair) / / 799 3077
Cllr Iain Lindley / Cllr Walkden South / / 07795 976082
Aled Owen / Walkden High / / 01942 896118
Sean Fernando / Urban Vision / / 779 4860
Cath Hamilton / Kenyon Residents Association / 281 2583
Irene Turton / MountSkip Residents Association / 702 8081
Sue Barry / Admin, One Stop Shop (Minutes) / / 975 7413


Neil Ashmall / Urban Vision / / 779 4883
Cllr V Devine / Councillor Walkden North /
Neil Hook / SCC / / 922 8747
Mark Wodrow / Children’s Centre / / 604 7662


1.Apologies for absence.

Apologies received noted above.

2.To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 8th May, 2008.

Minutes from 8.5.08 approved as correct record.

(P1-2) Walkden Roundabout. IL received 2 emails, one from Linda Dakers, Walkden Road Business association and a copy of one from Neil Hook asking why nothing has happened as yet. Initially it was thought that this work had to be completed by the end of the year. IL is extremely unhappy that now it will be Jan – March 2009.

SF distributed plans. He stated that this scheme is to commence in the next 4 – 6 weeks. Work on the signage will take place in the next 2 months. 3 advanced warning signs re: bridge height are being erected, from the Walkden Road and East Lancs Road approaches, as a number of heavy goods vehicles are trying to use this route and having to turn round again.


IL to forward emails to VN.

(p3) Traffic on Eastham Way. NA agreed to look into this at the last meeting. AS indicated that the road is deteriorating by the dayfrom Cleggs Lane to Trafford Drive. Pot holes are so deep it is necessary to avoid them in order to prevent damage to the car. She has been complaining for 2 years. The enormous pot hole has been dealt with, but none of the others. These need to be sorted out properly, not just filled in as the material just comes out again when it rains. SF added that the area needs excavating and a base coat applied. The job needs to be prioritised within the priority system in the city.

(p3) Bollards on High Street ILwill be raising with Inspector Kelly and arranging a walk about with him. Last week Walkden Spice was fined for environmental issues, open sewage, and serving after licensing hours.

(p3) Peel Lane

MJ informed the group that Peel Lane was the first case study for the Road Safety Group. Initially they will be consulting with residents.


VN to meet with Highways Manager to discuss costs and position in priority list.

(p3 – 4) Sharp Street

A portion of this is privately owned. VN indicated that environmental issues will be considered at a meeting scheduled within the next 2 – 3 weeks to work with Sharp Street residents. These residents are now a regular group. SF added that they have had complaints from residents in the area re: speeding. A survey has been carried out and this meets the criteria for driver feedback signs. Proposals have been made to implement these in Sharp Street. A driver feedback sign, which is now functioning, has been installed at Grundy Street. They could also install another 2 at the top ofSharp Street to warn drivers to reduce their speed.

VN notified the meeting that the Highways Devolved budget now stands at £140,000, including the carry over from last year. There is a need to start commissioning jobs now as it will take a few months for these to be implemented.


SF to investigate costs for 2 driver feedback signs for Sharp Street and commission.

Birch Road

IL indicated that speeds on Birch Road were too high just to erect signs; these would not have any effect. This item has remained on the agenda since last year; no progress has been made. SF added that a 20 mph limit was out of the question without physical measures, e.g. speed humps. AO reminded the group that the decision at the last meeting was to consider proposals in September 2008.


SF to consult Neil Ashmall re: possible proposals to progress this.

3.Update on Devolved Highways Schemes Approved in 2006/07/Identified in 2007/08.

SF circulated updated copies of schemes.

Schemes at Memorial Road, Mereside Grove and Meller Drive have all been completed.

SF denoted that the cost for 2 feedback signs from both directions on Sharp Street would be approximately £10,000. VN proposed this was commissioned tonight from the Highways Devolved budget. The group agreed.

SF mentioned that instructions have been given to renew the markings on Sharp Street, but this has not been implemented as yet.


SF to instruct go ahead with driver feedback signs on Sharp Street.

SF to follow up renewal of road markings.

Campbell Way

Work was completed in August.

Hilton Lane

SF stated that investigations have been carried out but they were unable to find common factors re: accidents. They are continuing to monitor the site. VN has been contacted by a resident about a drunken driver who ran into her wall. This has been investigated but it was a one off incident and accident statistics do not reveal a number of incidents. IL notified the meeting that all the speed humps are being renewed on Hilton Lane as they have been worn away. SF added that damaged speed hump cushions are being re-done. 2 junction tables are being implemented and some speed cushions are being changed into humps. It is awaiting order and should be completed within the next couple of months. SF explained that features they can introduce are limited because this is a bus route and also fire brigade, police and ambulances require access.

Mort Lane / Madamswood Road

VN reported that this is a really bad junction, people are speeding and driver feedback signs would be beneficial. VN requested £10,000 be allocated from the Devolved Highways budget. The group agreed.


SF to go ahead with scheme.

Eastham Way.

SF stated that an automated traffic count could be carried out at the cost of £250. The group agreed to this being funded from the Devolved Highways budget.


VN to arrange site visit with highways manager + traffic engineer.

VN to ascertain where job is up to in the priority list.

SF to organise automated traffic count.

4.New Issues.

Bridgewater Road

VN related that the lady involved in the accident with the drunk driver said that traffic was travelling up to 40 – 50 mph. VN monitored traffic in this area for ¾ hour and did not discover anyone speeding. SF mentioned that they were able to conduct speed counts using a vehicle with radar gun to monitor speed.


SF to request speed count.

VN to notify lady involved in accident of continuing monitoring.

Bolton Road pedestrian crossing

This was raised at a public meeting as it is difficult to cross from the Algernon Road side to BlackleachCountryPark. SF indicated that there had been a fatal accident in this area and IL that at least 3 people had been knocked down, indicating the location on the plan. SF suggested an accident check, which would not incur any cost. This survey would need to be done within the exact area. MJ stated that a controlled pelican crossing was requested at the meeting. IL raised the need of a site visit with the residents concerned.


MJ to arrange site visit with residents and report back to SF with the location.

SF to organise accident check and report back at next meeting.

Old Clough Lane

IL received a petition from 91 residents who were unhappy with speeding lorries. VN has contacted highways previously. SF pointed out that speed surveys had been completed and reported back high speeds, 38 mph northbound and 37 southbound. If approved, flashing signs can be erected at £10,000 - £11,000. The group agreed this should be implemented from the Devolved Highways budget.


SF to go ahead with signs.

Memorial Road signage

Residents have complained about traffic speed. AO experienced traffic overtaking him whilst he was travelling at 30 mph. SF indicated that this road does not meet their criteria, which is 35 mph for a one way street. The group agreed to fund from the Devolved Highways budget. SF revealed that there was a price reduction for orders of more than 3 signs.


SF to arrange signage.

Park Road speed humps

This was referred to VN by Cllr L Turner. VN suggested a traffic study is carried out here. SF stated that a speed check survey on the lorries travelling down the road could be carried out for £250.


IL to contact Cllr LT re: exact location on Park Road and report back.

Peel Lane

MJ stated this is a hot spot with issues around speed, state of carriageway and parking. Residents from the Road Safety group are looking at this in detail. AS has received several complaints by residents. SF specified that physical traffic calming would cost around £60,000. They could do an investigation alongside the one by the Road Safety group; this traffic survey would cost £250. The group agreed to fund this from the Devolved Highways budget, with the intention of funding the £60,000 project later.


SF to go ahead with traffic survey.

VN circulated a form re: funding to group members.


VN to circulate form electronically to group.

AS mentioned she had seen a tremendous number of vehicles double parking, dangerous if children run out from between them. She suggested PCSOs could speak to residents. SF considered this was also an issue if emergency vehicles were unable to get through.

  1. Any Other Business.

VN thanked SF for attending at such short notice and for all the preparation he had done.

  1. Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 27th November 2008 – 5.00 pm

Venue tbc