2011/2012 YEARBOOK
Centre Management Committee 3
Calendar of Events 4
Welcome & Centre Manager’s Report 2011/2012 5
Income and Expenditure for year ended 31 March 2011 6
General Information 7
Little Athletics Code of Ethics 8
Q.L.A.A. Behavioural Codes for Athletes 9
Canteen 11
Registration 12
Coaching 13
Officials 14
Parent Participation 14
Competitions 16
Regional and State Relay Days 16
Regional and State Championships 17
Junior and Senior Carnivals 17
Q.L.A.A State Pentathlon 17
Western Suburbs Games 17
Other carnivals and pentathlons 18
QLD Little Athletics Competition Dates and Fees 18
Participation Awards 18
McDonalds Achievement Awards 18
Centre Champions 19
Lucy Bell Memorial Coaches Award 19
U6 Rebecca Brown Memorial Award 20
U6 Jindalee Jaguars AFC Award 20
2011/2012 Champions 21
Hall of Fame 24
Centre Best Performances 26
Life Members 31
POSITION / NAME / CONTACT (AH)Centre Manager / Christina Parker / 32794247
Secretary / Shelly Lausberg
Treasurer / Selena Hersey
Registrar / Alison Moxley
Coach / Adam Sewell
Coach / Lisa Magro
Girls Recorder / Michelle Leavers
Boys Recorder / Natasha Yates
Officials Officer / Michael Burridge
Nominations / Andrea Rogers
Canteen Manager / Louise Garrioch / 33764793
Webmaster / Brett Travis
Uniforms / Julie Lomax
Fundraising/Grants / Lisa Magro
Parent Participation / Linda Burridge / 32170783
Groundsman / Geoff Shera
* For urgent enquiries, phone the person most suited to your needs. Please remember that all committee are volunteers and may not always be available to take your call. If the matter is not urgent, please speak to the relevant committee member or centre manager on Friday evening.
For general information and updates, please visit our website at www.clac.coolrunning.com.au
For wet weather advice check the website after 5.00pm.
MONTH DAY EVENT VENUE CENTRE NOMS CLOSE 26 August 2011 Friday Registration JAGS 6 – 8pm 2 September 2011 Friday Registration JAGS 6 – 8pm 9 September 2011 Friday Club Meet 1 JAGS 16 September 2011 Friday Club Meet 2 JAGS 23 September 2011 Friday Spring Vacation 30 September 2011 Friday Spring Vacation 7 October 2011 Friday Club Meet 3 JAGS 14 October 2011 Friday Club Meet 4 JAGS 21 October 2011 Friday Club Meet 5 JAGS 28 October 2011 Friday Club Meet 6 JAGS 30 October 2011 Sunday Senior Carn/ SAF Noms close: 21st October, 2011
Jun Pen Cost: $10/athlete
4 November 2011 Friday No Club 6 November 2011 Sunday Regional Relays UQ Noms close: TBC
11 November 2011 Friday Club Meet 7 JAGS Tiny Tots Meet 1 18 November 2011 Friday Club Meet 8 JAGS Tiny Tots Meet 2 25 November 2011 Friday Club Meet 9 JAGS Tiny Tots Meet 3 2 December 2011 Friday Club Meet 10 JAGS Tiny Tots Meet 4 9 December 2011 Friday Club Meet 11 JAGS Tiny Tots Meet 5/Christmas Theme
10 December 2011 Saturday State Relays SAF Noms close: 18th November, 2011
16 December 2011 Friday Holidays 23 December 2011 Friday Holidays 30 December 2011 Friday Holidays 6 January 2012 Friday Holidays 13 January 2012 Friday Holidays 20 January 2012 Friday Club Meet 12 JAGS Tiny Tots Meet 6 27 January 2012 Friday Club Meet 13 JAGS Tiny Tots Meet 7 3 February 2012 Friday No Meet 4 & 5 February 2012 Sat/Sun Regional Champ UQ Noms close: TBC
10 February 2012 Friday Club Meet 14 JAGS Tiny Tots Meet 8 17 February 2012 Friday Club Meet 15 JAGS Tiny Tots Meet 9 24 February 2012 Friday Western Suburbs 2 March 2012 Friday Club Meet 16 JAGS Tiny Tots Meet 10 4 March 2012 Sunday Jun Carn/ SAF Noms close: 24th February, 2011 Sen Pent Cost: $10/athlete 9 March 2012 Friday Club Meet 17 JAGS 16 March 2012 Friday Club Meet 18 JAGS 23 March 2012 Friday No Club 23 March 2012) Friday State Noms close: 17th February, 2011
24 March 2012) Saturday Championships 25 March 2012) Sunday
* The back up day for the regional relays is 13th November, 2011. This date will be used if for any reason competition is unable to take place on 6th November, 2011. .
* The back up day for the regional championships is 11th and 12th February, 2011. This date will be used if for any reason competition is unable to take place on 4th and 5th February, 2011. .
* Date changes may occur due to circumstances beyond our control. Please see noticeboard/newsletters/website for any amendments/updates. Further details & Wet Weather – see General section.
Dear Little Athletes and Parents,
Welcome back to all of last years athletes, and a special welcome to all the new members at Centenary Little Athletics.
I’m hoping for a slightly less dramatic season than the one we had last season. This is my second season as Centre Manager and I look forward to encouraging all our little athletes to be the best that they can be and of course, above all to have fun. We will be starting the season off with the majority of brand new equipment thanks to many, many considerate people and organisations. There are too many to list here but we are grateful to every one of them for allowing us to rebuild as a club.
I would like to thank all the parents and friends who have put up their hands to make up our committee. There is a great deal of work involved in getting each season under way, even more this season, and then running the season but I have a fantastic group of people helping to put it all together.
We are always in need of parents’ assistance in marshalling, recording and guiding the little athletes around to each event on a Friday night. We can not run the competition without the appropriate levels of assistance by parents. Therefore, please for the sake of the club and your child’s enjoyment we need your help. It really is a lot of fun, and as a parent you get to participate in your child’s achievements and enjoyment!!.
We are also looking to build up communication and support between athletes, parents and committee. We are therefore looking for parents to assist with being age group co-ordinators. This parent would be a contact person for the age group and someone to make sure that information gets out in regards to carnivals, regional activities etc. and to generally support the athletes in this age group. If you think that you could do this job please feel free to let us know, we would love to have you on board.
I am looking forward to a great year for Centenary Little Athletics. It is a fabulous way for kids and parents to participate in a variety of athletic events and to build their social network.
Welcome to you all!!
Christina Parker
CLAC - Centre Manager
QLAA Policy. All competition venues are subject to a NO SMOKING and NO ALCOHOL consumption policy. This includes spectator areas. Please abide by these regulations.
Centre Uniforms Boys: Gold T-Shirt with Royal Blue Trim, Royal Blue Shorts
Girls: Gold and Royal Blue two-piece suit OR Gold T-Shirt with royal blue trim, Royal blue shorts/bike pants.
The Uniform must be worn at weekly, zone and championship competitions. T-shirts are available from the centre. The age label is sewn on the left sleeve and the registration label is sewn on the front of the T-Shirt. The IGA badge must also be sewn in the correct place for competitions (you will not be allowed to compete if these items are not in place and in the correct place)
Centre Home Ground Wongaburra Reserve Wongaburra Street. Jindalee Clubhouse Phone: 3279 2470 (Competition times only)
Competition Time Friday nights 6.00pm-9.00pm (approximate finish time)
Wet Weather Advice If the entire oval is deemed unsafe for normal competition, the meeting will be cancelled. Modified programs may be substituted if only some events are deemed unsafe. If unsure, please consult website after 5.00pm.
Safety and Insurance Parents are reminded all children from U6-U9 inclusive must have a parent or guardian in attendance on competition nights and at coaching sessions. No adult or child should enter the competition arena unless they are officiating or a competitor.
Noticeboard/Website Please check each week for important dates, information and outside competitions. Nominations are required for all outside competitions/carnivals with the exception of Western Suburbs meet.
Footwear Footwear is compulsory at all competitions and must be worn when competing in all events at all Little Athletics grounds. Spikes may be worn by U11’s-15’s in jumps and laned events only. They may be worn just prior to the event and MUST be removed immediately after the event. Spike shoes with or without blanks are NOT allowed for any age group up to and including the U10 years.
Water Please remember to send named water bottles with your children each week. Bottles can be refilled at the canteen.
First Aid First aid is administered at the canteen. Any injury must be reported to a senior official on the actual day of the injury.
Lost Property All lost property can be collected from the canteen. All property unclaimed at the end of the month will be disposed of.
The Queensland Little Athletics Association has outlined a Code of Ethics, which it hopes will emphasise more fully its role and involvement in the organisation and participation of parents and children within the Little Athletics Movement.
For the benefit of the Movement, adult officials and coaches should follow an accepted pattern of behaviour based on the code outlined below.
The Code of Ethics is aimed at establishing an ‘across the board’ pattern of behaviour that should be considered of paramount importance to all parents, coaches and officials under the ideals and philosophies outlined in the aims and objectives of the Little Athletics Movement throughout Australia, which we feel will greatly assist in bringing up children in a family environment of FUN, FITNESS and the establishment of FRIENDSHIPS.
Therefore, it could be said that if Little Athletics is to be enjoyed by all for the benefit of FAMILY, FUN and FITNESS, the co-operation and assistance of all parents, coaches and officials is of prime importance.
Parents, coaches and officials, by example of behaviour, hold an enormous influence over the youth of the Community. Participation of children and adults in Little Athletics is regarded as a privilege, and it is essential that their conduct conform with the aims and objectives of the Little Athletics Movement.
· DO NOT criticise children in front of spectators, but reserve constructive criticism for private circumstances.
· ACCEPT decisions of all officials and referees as being fair, and called to the best of their ability.
· DO NOT criticise opposing athletes or supporters by word or gestures.
· MAKE every athletic competition serve as a training ground for life and as the basis for good mental and physical health.
· EMPHASISE that good sports are good students and are both physically and mentally alert.
following infringements would be regarded as detrimental to the individual rights of Centenary Little Athletic members.
Athletics, being an individual sport where one’s own determination and achievements determine success or failure, is a tough sport (when one reaches senior ranks) but most importantly it should be enjoyable, with this being the main motivator. Whether one is a competitor, coach, parent or spectator, the main aim for all concerned should be to promote our sport, and make Athletics an even greater sport than it already is.
PARENTS CODE / ATHLETES CODEWhere does a child learn to be a ‘good sport’? By the time a child joins a centre, a sense of sportsmanship (or lack thereof) is already well established.
Do not force an unwilling child to participate in sports.
Remember children are involved in organised sports for their enjoyment, not yours.
Encourage your child to always play by the rules.
Teach your child that honest effort is as important as victory so that the result of each competition is accepted without undue disappointment.
Turn defeat into victory by helping your child work towards being a good sport and improving techniques.
Remember that children work best by example. Applaud good performances by your centre athletes and by athletes of opposing centres.
Do not publicly question officials’ judgement, and never their honesty.
Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from children’s sporting activities.
Recognise the value and importance of volunteer coaches. They give of their time and resources to produce recreational activities for your child. / It isn’t whether you win, or lose but how you play the game!
Compete and practice for the ‘fun of it’, not just to please your parents or coach.
Play by the rules.
Never argue with the official’s decision. Let your Centre Manager or Coach ask any necessary questions.
Control your temper – no ‘mouthing off’, breaking equipment, and throwing implements or other equipment.
Work equally for yourself and your team in relay and team events; your teams performance will benefit, and so will you.
Be a good sport. Cheer all good performances, whether by your centre mates or your opponents.
Treat all athletes as you would wish to be treated. Don’t interfere with, bully, or take unfair advantage of another athlete.
Remember that the goal of any practice or competition is to have fun, improve your skills and feel good. Don’t be a show-off, or ‘mouth off’ in relation to your own performance.
Co-operate with your coach, centre mates and opponents, for without them you don’t have a competition.
The successful coach invests more in the well-being and interests of the athlete than in their win-loss record.
Be reasonable in your demands on the young athlete’s time, energy and enthusiasm. Remember that they have other interests.
Teach your athletes that the rules of the game are mutual agreements, which no one should evade or break.
When coaching, group athletes according to age, height, skill and physical maturity whenever possible.
Avoid over-attention to talented athletes – the ‘just average’
Remember that children compete for fun and
enjoyment and that winning is only part of it.
Never embarrass a child for a mistake or losing
an event.
Ensure that equipment and facilities meet the
standards and are suited to the age and ability
of the athletes.
The scheduling and length of coaching practice
times and competition should take into
consideration the maturity level of the children.
Develop each athlete’s respect for the ability of
opponents, as well as for the judgement of
officials and opposing coaches.
Follow a sports medicine physician’s advice
when determining when an injured athlete is
ready to compete or practice again.
Remember that children need a coach whom
they can respect. Be generous with your praise
when it is deserved, and set a good example.
Commit yourself to staying informed on sound
coaching principles and the principles of growth
and development of children. / Fans don’t play fair when they mistake
children for professional entertainers.
Remember that children play organised
sports for their own fun. They are not there
to entertain you, and are NOT miniature
pro athletes.
Be on your best behaviour. Don’t use crude
language, or harass athletes, coaches or
Applaud good performances by your own
centre athletes and athletes from other
Show respect for your athletes’ opponents.
Without them, there would be no
Never ridicule or scold a child for making a
mistake during a competition.
Condemn the use of violence in all forms.
Respect the officials’ decisions.
Encourage athletes to compete according
to the rules.
Offer your assistance when required.