General Business Meeting
Monday, may 18, 2015
Call to Order: 7:46pm by President, Jared Hahn. Combined meeting with Brunnerville Fire Company. Meeting was held at the Lititz Fire Company.
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: The membership was led in an invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of the meeting the Diane Brandt, chaplain of the Lititz Fire Company.
Sergeant at Arms: Steve Sweigert was appointed by President Jared Hahn.
Roll Call of Officers: 8 of 10 executive officers were present.
Acceptance of Prior Month’s Minutes: On a motion by Doug Stoner and seconded by Matt Stevenson, the previous month’s minutes were approved.
Reports of Officers:
Fire Chief, Ron Oettel:
1. Calls 21calls month to date, 146 Calls year to date.
2. Radio switchover is complete.
3. Sauder Egg run check was presented by Sauders and total amount was for $18,000.00. Thanks to everyone who helped out with that event and also big thank you to Sauders for choosing the fire company.
Borough Councilman, Kevin Zartmann:
Absent from the meeting.
LCFA Delegates:
No LCFA delegates
Reports of Committees:
None at this time. After the meeting there will be a Consolidation Information presentation.
Presentation of Receipts: Receipts for the preceding month. Total receipts are $18,193.18.
Presentation of Bills: Bills totaling $7149.94. On a motion made by Don Rodgers to pay the bills, a second by Devin Learn payment of the bills was approved. Motion by Ron Oettel to pay bills as necessary before month end, due to the meeting being one week early than usual because of the Memorial Day Holiday. Second by Devin Learn. The motion carried.
Unfinished Business:
§ No unfinished business to report.
Balloting for Membership:
§ Membership committee reported there were no new applications to present.
New Business:
§ Chief Oettel made a motion to sell the Tri-Max Foam system from squad 25-1 for $7500. Doug Stoner seconded the motion. The motion carried.
good and Welfare:
§ No good and welfare to report.
Adjournment: There being no further business, on a motion by Chief Oettel, seconded by Doug Stoner the meeting was adjourned at 8:03pm.