Ref.No.F.4-12/JNV (NLBR)/ 2016-17/ Date: 11/04/2016
Tender Document for the Supply materialsof during 2016-17
Terms and conditions of the Tenders
- SealedTendersare invited from authorized registered Dealear/manufactures/Supplier for supply of different stores Viz:, [1]Students’ and office stationary [2] Vegetable [3] Stitching of Uniforms [4] Bedding Items [5] Laboratory Items [6] Electrical, Plumbing & Painting items[7] Non-veg. items [8] Toilet items[9] Games and sports items[10]Dry Ration (Grocery Items)[11] Furniture [12] uniform Material to the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Banekuchi, Nalbari, Assam. The Tender papers can be purchased on payment of Rs. 500/- in cash [Non-refundable] against each set of tender forms from office of the Principal,JNV, Nalbari w.e.f. 11/04/2016 between 10.00 AM to 1.00 P.M on all working days up to 30/04/2016. The last date of submission of tender is 01/05/2016 up to 12.00 hours in the office of the Principal, JNV, Nalbari.
The Tenders will be opened at 2.00pm on 2/05/ 2016in the office of the principal JNV-Nalbari by the VPAC in front of the Tenderers if any.
- The Tender forms and other relevant documents for JNV, Banekuchi, Nalbari [Assam] can be had from the office of thePrincipal, JNV, Banekuchi, Nalbari on and from 11/04/2016 to 30/04/2016 between 10.00 hours 13.00hours as per details given above.
- The Tender should be submitted in accordance to the terms and conditions specified in paragraph 01 to 24unless specified otherwise in the quotation it shall be construed that the terms and conditions stipulated hereunder have been agreed to.
- The Firm should attach the self attested photocopy of the following documents:-
a. Certificate of Registration/Trade License/Permission issued by the competent authority.
b.Valid VAT Registration Certificate with TIN Number/ GRN Number [which ever is applicable as per the financial status of the Firms]
c.Updated VAT Clearance Certificate.
d..PAN Card in the name of the Firm/Proprietor of the Firm.
- Any firm submits the Tender without any of the above mentioned documents from Sl. No. 5 (a) to (d) may be rejected without assigning the reasons thereof.However, the decision of the VPAC will be final on this matter.
- The rates should be F.O.R destination and should include all the taxes/excise duties and on all the payment to the parties. However, the VAT will be deducted at source as per the rules for all the payments made from the Vidyalaya and deposited to the concerned department with the TIN/GRN number of the Firm. Hence, the firm should have the TIN/GRN number allotted by the Govt. as per rules.
- The rate should quoted in both figure and words .Moreover ,there should not be any overwriting or correction in the quotation, if a figure is to be amended, it should be neatly scored out and the reviewed figures written above the same attested with full signature with date. In the absence of the attested signature, the VPAC will be at liberty to accept or reject the Tender[s]. For packed [branded] articles, the rates should not be quoted beyond the M.R.P. If, at the time of receiving the materials found that the rates are mentioned in the bill beyond MRP, the same will be restricted to the MRP only and the excess amount will be deducted from the bill[s] of the firm[s].[ Applicable In case of successful bidders only].
- The committee does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept tender in a whole or part, i.e. with respect to all articles mentioned in the attached statement or in respect of any one or more than one article specified in the attached statement as it may decide. However, a firm getting maximum number of items on the basis of the lowest rate and on good quality may be negotiated to supply the remaining items at the lowest rate of the next renderer.
- The attention of the Tenderers are invited to the fact that just for the sake of obtaining the tender, if any tenderer quoted inferior rate and on the opinion of the VPAC, if the rates quoted are not genuine and is below the reasonable rate, their candidature may be rejected without assigning any reasons and no correspondence will be entertained by this office in this regard.
- The attention of the tenderers are also here by invited to the fact that if any tenderer quoted higher rates beyond the prevailing market rates and on the opinion of the VPAC, if the rates quoted are not genuine, the authority may make a market survey and reduced the quoted rates of the selected bidder under negotiation. Moreover, in no case, rates of the branded/packed items should be more than MRP/printed price. If the Firm[s] submits the bills for any branded/packed items with the rates more than MRP/Printed price,the Vidyalaya authority will have the right to restrict the rate to the MRP with a reasonable discountand no correspondence will be entertained in this respect later on. Moreover, the brand/ name in respect of all items as applicable (including non- veg. items) of the materials mentioned in the tenders and approved by the VPAC will have to be supplied as per the supply orders. No other brand[s] of item including vegetables and non-veg. items except those mentioned in the Tenders and approved by the VPAC will beaccepted in the plea that not available in the market. In such cases, if any, with the written request of the supplier, the Vidyalaya authority will have the right to make a market survey by its representative[s] or by itself and if found that the plea of the supplier is not correct, the materials supplied will be rejected and procure from the open market. The difference in rates will be deducted/adjusted from the EMD\SD or bills of the supplier. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard later on.
- On acceptance of the tender, it will become a contract and shall be bound by the terms and conditions of the tenderers.
- a) The firm should tender the rates in the prescribed application form purchased from the JNV in original and also attach the money receipt issued from the JNV for the tender application form. Moreover, the discount on MRP/ printed price should only be quoted for branded/packed items like milk powder, spices, Oil and all the Toilet items. Free gift if any provided by the company/ dealers along with some items should also be given to the Vidyalaya without fail.
b) The tender application form should be submitted along with the 2% Earnest Money (refundable) on the estimated approximate value given with this form in the form of crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of the principal, JNV, Nalbari payable at SBI, Nalbari [Main branch] at the office and the tender forms submitted without requisite EMD will be rejected.However,The Govt.Agencies/Small Scale Industriesmay be exempted from depositing the EMD/SD on production of appropriate documents.
c) The security deposit [refundable]@ of 10% of the , estimated value is to be deposited through crossed bank draft in favour of the principal, JNV, Nalbari payable at SBI, Nalbari [Main branch] by the successful bidders within 07 [seven] days from the date of finalization of tenders and after receiving the letter from the principal. However, the EMD already deposited along with the tenders may be adjusted with the security deposit if the bidders so wish and the remaining amount is to be deposited further. No request for deduction of security deposit from the bills will be accepted. If any successful bidders fail to deposit the security deposit within the stipulated time, the offer will be given to next lowest bidder without assigning any reasons. However, the decision of the VPAC/Principal will be final on the matter.
- The successful bidder[s]/contractor/tenderers must supply the materials within the stipulated date and time mentioned in the supply order on receipt of the order. If the bidder[s]/contractor/tenderers fails to supply the articles within the stipulated date, time and in good quality as per the Supply Order, the undersigned reserves every right to purchase the articles from the open market or get the rest of the contract completed from other person or firm and the difference of price, if any, shall be deducted from the earnest money / security deposit of the defaulter bidder[s] and in case any amount in excess of the Security money deposit, the contractor shall be liable to pay the amount.
- Prior to acceptance of quotation, it is mandatory on the part of the firm to produce the sample of article as per the specifications to be supplied before the committee at the time of opening the tenders without fail, failing which the tender may be rejected. However, the decision of the VPAC will be final on the matter.[Besides Dry ration, submission of Samples for Stationary, Sports Equips, Bedding materials and Uniforms materials are COMPULSORY]
- In the event of acceptance of the Tender and placing of the order for purchase of the articles ordered for would be subjected to an inspection by the undersigned or his representatives and are liable to be rejected if the article supplied are not according to approved samples or do not confirm to the specifications prescribed.
- The rates quoted by contractor shall hold good up to 30-04-2016 and no amendment in the rate due to increase in the rate of sales tax etc. during the period of execution of the contact will be accepted under any circumstances and it is binding on the part of the contractor to supply the items as per the rates approved by VPACtill the closure of the contract period.
- The amount of security deposit (10% of the estimated purchase) shall be retained by the Vidyalaya for the period of six months from the date of completion of supplies as a safeguard against any defect appearing in the articles supplied within the period.However, The SD of Dry ration, Toilet Items, Non-Veg items will retain upto 30-04-2016.
- Tenderer must have their own firm with proper Postal Address for communication/ correspondences. The Supply Orders / payments may be dispatched to the PostalAddress only. The ordered items should be supplied fully as per the supply order and no part/piece meal supply will be accepted. Further, the items should be delivered in one lot within Seven Days or as per the time period mentioned in the supply order on receipt of Supply Order from this office in the day time [by 15.00 hours]. The supplied materials should be accompanied with the proper serialnumbered Printed delivery Challan.The Challan with Xerox copy will not be accepted. Moreover, the bidders may note that the Firm should have the proper serial numbered Printed bill form and the supply order No must be mentioned in the bill. [Applicable for Successful bidders only].Moreover, the bills should be prepared as per the approved rates and only for the Supplied items.
- Tenderer which don’t comply with the above conditions are liable to be rejected without assigning reasons and no correspondences will be entertained in this regard.
- The above terms and conditions / instructions to tenderers are to be duly signed by the contractors as in Profoma I and II and returned with the tender form.
- Any deviation from terms and conditions / samples / any refusal, the EMD will be forfeited and the firm will be blacklisted.
- Attention of Tenderers are also drawn to the fact that before submitting the Sealed Tenders, they are required to verify the List of documents to be submitted along with the Tender and to satisfy themselves that all the required formalities mentioned from (3) to (23) are fulfilled.
The Tenderers may please NOTE:
- The bills are to be submitted without any discrepancy as per the approved/negotiated rates for the materials mentioned in the delivery challans. If the bill[s] are found with difference in rates, quantities etc. the bills will not be accepted.Further, it may be strictly noted that the materials/brand mentioned in the supply order[s] only are to be supplied. No other/ alternative materials/brand in the plea of not available in the market will be accepted. If any supplier supplies alternative materials not mentioned in the supply order, the material[s] will automatically be stand rejected and the Vidyalaya authority/Management committee will be at liberty to make alternative arrangement as its convenient in the interst of the students]. The materials should be supplied along with Delivery challan in Triplicate. The bills are to be submitted monthly basis in duplicate and the bills should be accompanied with a copy of the delivery challan after the completion of the supply. The supply is to be made in single lot as per the supply order. No piecemeal supply will be accepted. [Applicable for Successful bidders only].Further ,purchasing of Materials mentioned in the this terms and condition will depend upon the requirement of the Vidyalaya . The tenderer can not claim for supply order on the basis of this tender Notice . The decision of the Vidyalaya authority will be final in this regard .
Encl:List of all articles. Principal
I/We certified that the terms and conditions stated above from Para (1) to Para (24) are fully understood and accepted by me/ us as a whole. Further certified and accepted that in the event of rejection of Tender[s] without assigning any reasons and I/ We would abide by the decisions of the VPAC of the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Banekuchi, NALBARI, Assam. I/ We also understood that no further correspondence would be made in the event of rejection of my tender consequent upon my/ our failure in fulfilling any of the terms and conditions of the Tender Document from Para (1) to Para (23).
Station: full Signature______
Date:Name ______
Address of the Firm with Seal ______
Witness I
Name: ______Sign.______
Address: ______
Rates of EMD, Security Deposit and the non-refundable Tender Fee:
Sl. No. / Particulars / Anticipated cost of purchase / @ 2% EMD [To be deposited by all the Tenderers along with the Tenders. / @ 10% security deposit [to be deposited by the successful bidders only] after finalization of Tenders.1 / Dry Ration / Rs.35,00,000.00 / Rs.70,000.00 / Rs.3,50,000.00
2 / Non Veg Items / Rs.9,000,00.00 / Rs.18000.00 / Rs.90,000.00
3 / Sports Equipments / Rs.100,000.00 / Rs.2000.00 / Rs.10,000.00
4 / Toiletries / Rs.4,50,000.00 / Rs. 9000.00 / Rs.45,000.00
5 / Bedding Items / Rs.160000.00 / Rs.8000.00 / Rs.16,000.00
6 / Stitching of Uniforms / Rs.1,50,000.00 / Rs.3000.00 / Rs.15,000.00
7 / Students and Office Stationary / Rs.8,00,000.00 / Rs.16000.00 / Rs.80,000.00
8 / Laboratory Equipments / Rs.10000.00 / Rs.2000.00 / Rs.10000.00
9 / Vegetables / Rs.800000.00 / Rs.16000.00 / Rs.80000.00
10 / Electrical , Plumbing & Painting / Rs. 100000.00 / Rs. 2000.00 / Rs. 10000.00
11 / Furniture / Rs. 100000.00 / Rs. 2000.00 / Rs. 10000.00
12 / Uniform / Rs 300000.00 / Rs.6000.00 / Rs.30000.00
Note: The above estimated amount is tentative only . Their may be increased /decreased of the estimated amount later on
Dist: Nalbari, Assam
Proforma - I
Bidder’ Proposal Reference No. & Date:
Bidder’s Name & Address:
Person to be contacted:
Telephone No .Telex No: Fax No:
The Principal
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Banekuchi
Dist: Nalbari,Assam.
P.O: Banekuchi, Pin: 781340.
Subject: - For supply of ______in Jawahar Navoadaya Vidayalaya,
Nalbari for the year, 2016-17.
Dear Sir,
I/we, the undersigned Bidders,having read and examined in detail the specifications and all bidding documents in respect of supply of ______do hereby propose to provide the same as specified in the bidding document.
All the prices mentioned in our proposal are in accordance with the terms as specified in bidding documents. All the prices and other terms and conditions of this proposal are valid upto 30th April 2017.
I/We do hereby confirm that our bid prices include all taxes and cess including Income Tax.
I/We have Studied the Clauses relating to valid Indian Income Tax and hereby declare that if any Income Tax Surcharge on Income Tax and any other Corporate Tax is altered under the law, we shall pay the same.
I/we have enclosed the EMD and Tender Processing Fee amounting to Rs. …………(Rupees…………………………………………………… only in the form of Crossed Demand Draft No ………………….. Dated ………………….. drawn in Bank ……………………..
To qualify the pre-Qualification bid.
I/we Further declare that the stated in our proposal are in accordance with your terms & conditions in the bidding document.
I/we confirm having submitted in qualifying data as required by you in your bid document. In case you require any further information /documentary proof in this regard before evaluation of our bid,we agree to furnish the same in the time to your satisfaction.
I/We hereby declare that in case the contract is awarded to us, we shall submit the performance Guarantee/Security Deposits in the form of Demand Draft as per terms of bid document.
I/we hereby declare that our proposal is made in good faith, without collusion of fraud and the information contained in the proposal is true and correct to the best of our knowledge & belief.
Bid submitted by us properly sealed and prepared so as to prevent any subsequent alternation and replacement.
I/we understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid you may receive.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Business Address along with Name :
Telephone Nos.& Fax No. if any Designation
Dist : Nalbari,Assam.
For Supply of ______in Jawahar Navodaya
TENDER FORM(Technical Bid)
Subject : Tender for supply of
PART –‘A’ (To be filled by the Office)
- Tender Notice Number(The Telegraph Dated 10/4/2016) : F. 17-1/NVS[SHR}/ADMN/34 Dated:07.04.2016
- Tender Form No :
- Issued to
M/S ______